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Susana Assunção Susana Assunção Susana Assunção Susana Assunção 1111

Aurora A. C. Teixeira Aurora A. C. Teixeira Aurora A. C. Teixeira Aurora A. C. Teixeira 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Rosa Forte Rosa Forte Rosa Forte Rosa Forte 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

1 1 1 1 Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do PortoFaculdade de Economia, Universidade do PortoFaculdade de Economia, Universidade do PortoFaculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto2 2 2 2 CEFUPCEFUPCEFUPCEFUP


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Susana Assunção*, Aurora A. C. Teixeira† and Rosa Forte‡


The vast existing empirical literature on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) puts forward an

extensive list of determinants that may explain the investment of multinational firms in a

particular location. However, only a small fraction of these studies concerns the importance of

natural resources in attracting FDI. Despite their valuable scientific contribution, the few

studies that deal with these two themes are limited in two regards: their focus on specific

geographical regions (e.g., Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa,

Middle East and North African countries); and their neglect of Non-Renewable Energy

Resources (NRER). In this context, this paper intends to add empirical evidence to this

research area. Specifically, it analyzes the impact of countries’ endowments of NRER

(introducing here a new measure - proven reserves of coal, gas and oil) in attracting FDI in a

wide set of countries, controlling for other factors that are traditionally considered as

influencing FDI (e.g., market size, human capital, openness of the economy, political

stability). Examining 125 host countries (75 of which have proven reserves of NRER), the

empirical results show that a country’s endowment of NRER does not matter for FDI

attraction whereas some ‘traditional’ factors, most notably, human capital and openness of the

economy emerge as critical determinants of FDI. These results have important and

encouraging policy implications for countries’ development, in particular for less developed

countries that are not endowed by nature with NRER. Indeed, our results firmly indicate that

development, through FDI attraction, is possible as long as countries intentionally devote

resources to the enhancement of their human capital and convincing efforts are made to open

up their economies to international trade.

Keywords: FDI, Eclectic Paradigm, determinants of FDI, Non-Renewable Energy Resources

JEL-Codes: F21, F23, C4, O13

* Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto † CEF.UP, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto; INESC Porto; OBEGEF ‡ CEF.UP, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto. Correspondence: [emailprotected]; Faculdade de Economia do Porto, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, 4200-464 Porto, Portugal.

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1. Introduction

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is regarded as a driving force behind economic growth

(Wang, 2009). Many governments from developed and developing countries see FDI as a way

of dealing with stagnation and even the poverty trap (Brooks et al., 2010). In this context the

detailed analysis of the determinants of FDI has provided invaluable information. But, as

Faeth (2009) notes, this analysis should not be based simply on a single theoretical model, but

on a combination of models that include factors intrinsic to the firm (ownership advantages,

cost reduction and economies of scale), and market specific factors, such as barriers to entry,

availability of resources, political stability, and market size.

Notwithstanding the quantity and quality of studies on the determinants of FDI, few of them

include a country’s supply of non-renewable energy resources (NRERs) such as coal, oil or

natural gas (e.g., Mina, 2007; Ledyaeva, 2009). Some studies (e.g., Velthuijsen, 1999) suggest

that these resources are closely linked with economic growth since their scarcity, measured by

proven reserves,1 can limit growth.

In an age when energy security is a global concern, and when countries such as China are

attempting to take positions in mining companies around the world to ensure future supply

and thereby continued economic growth (Moran, 2010), it is important to understand how far

the endowment in non-renewable energy resources is, or is not, a factor that attracts inward


Despite the enormous amount of literature on FDI (e.g., Faeth, 2009; Mohamed et al., 2010)

and non-renewable energy resources (e.g., Crawford et al, 1984; Mitchell, 2009), considered

separately, not many studies have looked at the two topics together, that is, establishing and

appraising a (possible) correlation and causality between these two variables. The few studies

there are in this domain focus on a limited number of regions and countries including Sub-

Saharan Africa (SSA) (Asiedu, 2006), the Middle East and North African countries2

(Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010), China (Cheung and Qian., 2009), India (Kumar and

Chadha, 2009), Eurasia (Poland, Hungary and the Baltic states) (Deichmann et al., 2003), the

Southern African Development Community3 (Mhlanga et al., 2010) and the nations from the

ex-Soviet Union (Ledyaeva, 2009). Furthermore, these studies do not tend to look specifically 1 Proven reserves are the economically extractable fraction of a resource using current technology (Grafton et al, 2004). 2 MENA countries – Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Syria, Palestinian Territories. 3 SADC countries: South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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at the possible correlation and causality between FDI and NRER, not at the particular

relevance of the latter as determining the former.

This study sets out to add evidence to this research area by analysing the role of NRERs in

attracting FDI, controlling for a set of factors that are traditionally regarded as influencing this

last macroeconomic variable (e.g. human capital, market size, political stability, openness of

the economy) (Faeth, 2009). For this we have used multivariate econometric techniques

involving a wide group of countries that receive FDI, including some with NRER

endowments, to assess which countries perform best in terms of attracting FDI and what role

is played by the NRERs in their performance.

The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 gives a brief overview of the literature on

endowments of natural resources and FDI. The methods employed are described in Section 3,

with details on the econometric model, the proxy variables and relevant data sources and a

short account of the model’s variables. The empirical results of the model are presented in

Section 4. The last section sets out the main results of the study, their limitations and future

lines of research.

2. FDI and natural resource endowments: literature review

Theoretical approaches to FDI (see Faeth (2009) for a summary of them) include the

following among such relevant factors relevant to attracting FDI: infrastructure; human

capital; economic stability; production costs; corruption; political instability; institutional

quality; financial and tax incentives; market size; market growth, and openness of the

economy.4 Several studies on the propensity of a country to attract FDI which examine the

determinants that explain the direct investment by multinationals in a particular location tend

to confirm the importance of some factors mentioned in the theoretical approaches, including

infrastructure (e.g., Biswas, 2002; Asiedu, 2006), human capital (e.g. Cleeve, 2008; Asiedu,

2006), market size (e.g. Mohamed e Sidiropoulos, 2010; Vijayakumar et al., 2010), political

instability (e.g. Asiedu, 2006; Mohamed e Sidiropoulos, 2010), and openness of the economy

(e.g. Asiedu, 2006; Botrić e Škuflić, 2006).

With respect to the part natural resources play in attracting FDI, Dunning and Lundan (2008)

believe that companies can improve competitiveness by investing in certain places that will

4 A detailed discussion of FDI theories is beyond the scope of this work. A review of these can be found in Faeth (2009).

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give them access to particular natural resources of better quality and at a lower real cost than

in the country of origin. This motivation is especially important for industrial firms since this

policy could ensure the minimisation of production costs and security of sources of supply

(Dunning and Lundan, 2008). So a significant statistically positive relation was expected

between the natural resources endowments and FDI (cf. Table 1). This outcome was

confirmed by most empirical studies (Deichmann et al., 2003; Asiedu, 2006; Cheung and

Qian, 2009; Ledyaeva, 2009; Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010), apart from Mhlanga et al.

(2010), who used a dummy variable to measure the natural resources endowments in the

SADC countries, and whose results were inconclusive.

Table 1: Factor endowments in natural resources and FDI – summary of empirical studies FDI target a Proxy Method Effect Author(s) (year)

22 SSA countries X fuels+minerals/total X

Multivariate regression

+ Asiedu (2006)

12 MENA; 24 PVD X fuels/total X + Mohamed &

Sidiropoulos (2010)

14 SADC Investment in mining industry (dummy) 0 Mhlanga et al. (2010)

50 largest host countries X fuels+ores+minerais/total X + Cheung & Qian (2009)

Eurasia Variable =0 – poor endowment RN;

=1 - moderate; =2 - high + Deichmann et al. (2003)

Ex-USSR Production index oil+gas Panel data + Ledyaeva (2009)

n/a n/a Descriptive n/a Kumar & Chadha (2009) Legend: + positive effect & statistically significant; - negative effect & statistically significant; 0 effect not statistically significant. Notes: a Country is the analysis unit for all studies cited. Source: Compiled by the authors.

Asiedu (2006), Cheung and Qian (2009) and Mohamed and Sidiropoulos (2010) used very

similar proxies to measure the natural resources endowments and the differences are due to

the type of natural resources found in the countries they studied. Thus, Asiedu (2006) used the

weight of fuel and mineral exports in overall exports since their sample was based on Sub-

Saharan African countries that have huge endowments of fuels and minerals. Mohamed and

Sidiropoulos (2010), however, only used fuels since these are the natural resources most

important to the MENA countries. Analysing FDI from the investor’s point of view, Cheung

and Qian (2009), used a wider proxy (including ores, too) which represents the demand for

sundry raw materials in the various countries.

Controlling for a huge set of factors that may influence the inflow of FDI to these countries in

the period 1989-1998 (e.g., reform measures; importance of private sector in the economy,

GDP and per capita GNP, inflation rate, number of years the economy is (was) under central

planning, rule of law, investment climate; human and social capital) and focusing on countries

in Eurasia, Deichmann et al. (2003) concluded that the endowment of natural resources is a

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necessary condition for FDI. The authors specifically mention the countries of Central Asia,

rich in oil and natural gas, that would not be attractive were it not for these resources.

Ledyaeva (2009) looked at the nations from the ex-USSR in the period 1995-2005 and noted

that the regions richer in natural resources, measured by the oil and natural gas production

index, attract higher amounts of FDI.

All the empirical studies mentioned above use econometric models to gauge the relevance of

natural resources in attracting FDI in various countries. Only Kumar and Chadha (2009) opted

for a comparative descriptive study of India and China to find the main differences in the FDI

determinants that motivate each country in the steel sector. Even though Indian FDI in the

mining industry rose nearly 10% between 2000 and 2004 (there was virtually none in 2000),

the authors concluded that natural resources are not the main determinant of Indian FDI, since

the goal of those firms was to achieve a global dimension. Chinese FDI, on the other hand, is

clearly designed to acquire resources so as to secure the country’s supply of natural resources.

It can be seen that, even though the studies that examine the relevance of natural resources to

attracting FDI are unanimous as to the importance of this determinant (e.g., Asiedu, 2006;

Cheung and Qian, 2009; Kumar and Chadha, 2009; Mhlanga et al., 2010), most of them do

not look specifically at NRERs. Those that do, i.e., Deichmann et al. (2003), Ledyaeva (2009)

and Mohamed and Sidiropoulos (2010), who tried to see if the regions with the largest oil and

natural gas endowments tend to attract more FDI, focus on very specific regions of the world

(Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the MENA countries).

Thus our study is intended to add empirical evidence on the special relevance of NRERs and

their (possible) correlation with FDI. We use multivariate econometric techniques and look at

a large group of countries, including countries having NRER endowments, with the aim of

establishing a relation between a country’s endowment of such resources and its performance

in terms of FDI attraction.

3. FDI and non-renewable energy resources: methodological approaches

3.1. Econometric model and its variables

Multivariate estimation techniques are used to estimate to what extent the endowment of

NRER affects inward FDI, controlling for the set of factors relevant to attracting FDI.

Theoretical approaches to FDI (see Faeth (2009) for a summary of them) include the

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following among such relevant factors: infrastructure; human capital; economic instability;5

production costs; corruption; political stability6; institutional quality; financial and tax

incentives; market size; market growth, and openness of the economy. Equation below

expresses the econometric model adopted:

(((( ))))NRER;XfGDP/FDI ====

where FDI/GDP measures the importance of foreign investment flow in GDP for a country in

a certain period, on average, and X is the other variables capable of influencing FDI flows.

The econometric analysis focuses on a large group (125) of countries (analysis unit) over the

most recent quinquennium for which data are available (2004-2008), with 75 having NRER

endowments of NRERs and 50 not having proven reserves of these resources.7

The dependent variable was measured in average terms so as to take in its variation over the

period analysed. The data relating to the initial period of the analysis (1998-2005) were used

for the independent variables, to create the context of the basic economic situation of the

countries in the sample and establish a causality relation. The independent variables, the

respective proxies, source and expected effect are summarised in Table 2.

According to existing empirical literature, several indicators can be used as a proxy for FDI.

While some authors (e.g., Cleeve, 2008; Vijayakumar et al, 2010) use FDI flows, others (e.g.,

Schneider and Frey, 1985) opt for per capita FDI, or even for the weight of FDI in GDP (e.g.,

Biswas, 2002; Asiedu, 2006; Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010). Given that the FDI data

reflect the total absolute sum of inflows and outflows included in the balance of payments

(Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010), and our theoretical model was based on FDI flows in the

host country’s economy, it was decided to define the dependent variable as the percentage net

flow of GDP (FDI/GDP), so as to relativize the FDI flows of the host country in terms of its

economic size (Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010). The required information was taken from

the World Bank database.

5 Even though the theoretical approaches and empirical studies alike cite economic stability, when building the model the term ‘economic instability’ was employed since the proxy used / inflation rate (and the consequent expected effect) – is a measure of instability. 6 Similar to the previous note, where the literature refers to ‘political instability’ the term ‘political stability’ was used to build the model, since the proxy used is the political stability index (so in our case a positive effect is expected of this determinant). 7 Note that, even though the United Arab Emirates and Qatar had the highest proven reserves (18 612 and 10 985 Giga TOE, respectively) they are not part of the sample. This is because they are not FDI receiver countries as the legal framework for foreign investment is very restrictive (AICEP, 2011).

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With respect to the independent variables, starting with infrastructure, two proxies were used

to measure their quality: the number of phone lines per 100 inhabitants and net installed

electricity generation capacity per capita. As the sample includes a range of countries with

widely divergent degrees of development – developed countries and developing countries –

from all over the world, the first proxy should fit the development level of the developing

countries better and the second should identify the different degrees of development among

the developed countries. Bearing in mind the relevant literature, it is expected that good

infrastructure (expressed by the high number of phone lines and/or a large net installed

electricity generation capacity per capita) would be attractive to foreign investors (Biswas,

2002; Asiedu, 2006).

Table 2: Model to be estimated – summary of variables and their proxies Determinant Proxy Source Expected effect on FDI

Dependent variable FDI FDI/GDP World Bank

Infrastructure No. phone lines per 100 inhabitants UNStatsa

Positive Net installed electricity generation capacity per capita

CIA (world factbook)

Human capital Rate of adult literacy CIA (world factbook) Positive

Economic instability Inflation rate CIA (world factbook) Negative

Production costs Labour regulation index

Doing Business Negative

Cost of imports Negative

Corruption Transparency index (CPIb) Transparency International Positivec

Political stability Political stability index World Bank Positive

Institutional quality Effectiveness of rule of law World Bank Positive

Financial and tax incentives Total tax rate (% profits) World Bank Negatived

Market size Per capita GDP World Bank Positive

Market growth Rate of real GDP growth UNCTADe Positive

Openness of economy (X+M)/GDP World Bank Positive

Factor endowments X fuels/total X International Trade Centre

Positive Proven reserves BPf / world energy

Notes: a United Nations Statistics; b Corruption Perceptions Index; c The positive effect expected due to proxy used being the transparency index; d The negative effect expected due to proxy used being the total tax rate; e United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; f BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Source: Compiled by the authors.

With respect to human capital, we decided to measure this determinant through the adult

literacy rate since it reflects the accumulated stock of human capital (Cleeve, 2008),

indicating the education and skills level of the population. The average number of years of

schooling of the working-age population would be a more robust choice (Teixeira, 2005), but

availability of this indicator for such a broad group of countries constrains its use. In either

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case, it is expected that human capital plays an important part in attracting FDI (Teixeira and

Tavares, 2007).

Since high or volatile rates of inflation are a clear sign of economic instability (Botrić and

Škuflić, 2006), the rate of inflation was chosen as a proxy for measuring each country’s

economic instability. High inflation rates distort economic activity and reduce investment in

productive industries, leading to lower economic growth (Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010).

So it is expected that high inflation is a disincentive to foreign investment.

Issues of cost reduction and increasing competitiveness often tempt firms to relocate their

production facilities in places where such costs are lower (Dunning and Lundan, 2008),

specifically labour costs, with worker’s wage being the proxy most often referenced in the

literature (e.g., Schneider and Frey, 1985; Biswas, 2002). It may therefore be expected that

low production costs tend to attract larger FDI inflows. In our study, the large size of the

sample, on the one hand, and the inclusion of countries with scanty statistical information on

the other mean that this indicator could not be used.8 Two other indicators were chosen

instead. The first is the global index of labour regulation, which measures the rigidity of the

labour market and includes such indicators as the flexibility of employment contracts,

duration of employment, compensation payable to workers, among others, and that can take

values between 0 and 100. The higher the index the more rigid the regulation and the less

attractive it will be for investors. The second indicator relates to the cost of imports (measured

in USD by container). This includes all import costs - administrative charges, the cost of

keeping customs facilities, transport, customs clearance, and other expenses - that can be a

determinant in the choice of location, since this can be a significant cost in raw materials or

machinery that has to be imported.

In line with the empirical literature (e.g., Asiedu, 2006; Cleeve, 2008), we chose the

Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), calculated by Transparency International, as a proxy for

a country’s level of corruption.9 The higher the CPI (maximum 10), the greater the

transparency (lower the corruption level). Low CPI scores are thus linked to lower foreign

8 Among the sources used were the World Bank, UNCTAD, the IMF (International Monetary Fund), OECD, ILO (International Labour Organisation), to try and find the labour cost per employee; some organisations (e.g., World Bank and IMF) do not provide this indicator and in others it is only available for a very small number of countries, rendering it useless for the model. 9 The diversity of countries in the sample caused some problems in obtaining certain data. So the CPI score for the Central African Republic, Guinea and Togo relate to 2006, since that was the first year for which Transparency International published this indicator for them.

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investment, given the poor transparency in trading relations (Transparency International,


Some authors, such as Mhlanga et al. (2010), use the risk rating of a country to measure

political stability. But given the difficulty in obtaining this indicator, an alternative was

chosen: the political stability and absence of violence and terrorism index, calculated by the

World Bank. This index measures the perceived likelihood of a government being toppled by

unconstitutional or violent means, expressing the country's political risk. It can take values

from 0 to 100 and the higher the score the greater the stability. It is expected that high indexes

of political stability, which reflect low political risk, tend to attract more FDI.

With respect to institutional quality, we followed Asiedu (2006) and took the degree of

effectiveness of the rule of law as a proxy. This index measures the impartiality of the legal

system and the degree of compliance with the law. The closer to 100% (maximum) the greater

the impartiality. It is thus expected that a high degree of effectiveness of the rule of law

should attract investors, since it offers them greater security.

Even though the empirical literature suggests temporary tax exemptions, tax concessions and

ease of repatriation of profits as indicators of financial and tax incentives (Cleeve, 2008), the

large size of the sample meant that none of these data could be obtained for all the countries.

So the total tax rate (as percentage of profits) was chosen instead, since this indicator

expresses all the taxes payable by a firm. According to the literature it is expected that

countries with lower tax rates will tend to attract greater inward flows of FDI.

Market size is seen by the empirical literature as being crucial to attracting FDI (e.g.,

Schneider and Frey, 1985; Mhlanga et al., 2010), such that countries with a bigger domestic

market will be more attractive to investors because of the greater number of potential

consumers. Some authors (e.g., Botrić and Škuflić, 2006; Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010)

use the number of inhabitants as a proxy of this determinant. But it is felt that this indicator

does not give a true picture of the attractiveness of the market, especially in a broad sample of

countries which includes underdeveloped, developing and developed nations, as a large

population need not translated into a large number of consumers if they lack purchasing

power (Ietto-Gillies, 2005). Based on the empirical literature, therefore, per capita GDP was

deemed a more suitable indicator to measure the influence of market size.

When it comes to potential for market growth, the literature (e.g., Mhlanga et al., 2010;

Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010) generally suggest using the GDP or GNP growth rate as a

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proxy for this determinant. A high growth rate for the market should attract more FDI since a

growing economy offers more opportunities for higher profits. So the real GDP growth rate is

used as a proxy as it is corrected for the effect of price variation, thereby giving more credible

information on GDP growth.

Openness of the economy is seen in the literature as one of the key determinants of FDI

(Vijayakumar et al., 2010). A country can increase its attractiveness by adopting a policy that

favours foreign trade, encouraging domestic producers to export, increasing their profitability

and attracting foreign investors (Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010). Based on the empirical

literature (e.g., Botrić and Škuflić, 2006; Cleeve, 2008), it was decided to use the weight of

foreign trade in GDP to measure the degree of openness, such that the greater the ratio the

more open the country and the more FDI it would attract (Cleeve, 2008). A positive relation

of this determinant with FDI is thus expected.

According to some authors (e.g., Velthuijsen, 1999), natural energy resources, especially non-

renewable (NRERs) such as oil, coal and natural gas, have been playing a key role in

economic development. The NRERs are currently at the centre of the discussion about energy

security (Moran, 2010) which is why our study focuses on them, to estimate their impact on

inward flows of FDI. In this context, and following the scarce literature available (e.g.,

Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010), one of the proxies used to measure NRER endowments is

the weight of fuel exports in total exports. However, a number of countries, such as Cameroon

and Chad, although they do not have ‘proven reserves’ of NRERs nonetheless register a high

ratio of fuel exports in their total exports, which may distort the analysis of the impact of

these resources on attracting FDI.

Most non-renewable resources are not wholly available for extraction, since only a small

fraction of minerals overcomes the mineralogical barrier, with 'proven reserves' being the

economically extractable part of a resource (Grafton et al., 2004). Although it is technically

possible to extract resources from beyond the mineralogical barrier, the cost is excessively

high and so extraction takes place only up to the barrier. Proven reserves are thus confined to

a small part of existing resources (Grafton et al, 2004), which affects the scarcity of resources

and stresses the importance of such reserves to economic development (Cleveland and Stern,

1999). It is therefore pertinent to use a proxy based on proven reserves in addition to the more

traditional proxy. To the best of our knowledge no empirical study has yet been published that

examines the effect of holding oil, coal and natural gas reserves on FDI attraction.

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Given that the proven reserves of each of the three resources are expressed in different units

(oil in barrels, coal in tonnes and natural gas in m3),10 for comparability purposes they have

been converted to TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent),11 taking barrels of oil to be American

barrels (42 US gallons being approximately 158.9873 litres).

3.2. Short descriptive analysis of the model’s variables

The descriptive analysis of the model’s variables (cf. Table 3), shows a considerable

discrepancy between the various countries with respect to FDI attraction.

Table 3: Descriptive analysis of the variables

Determinant Proxy Minimum Maximum Mean Standard deviation

FDI (dependent variable) Mean FDI/GDP 2004-2008 -0.0361 0.2438 0.046150 0.0441270


No. phone lines per 100 inhabitants 0.02 70.84 18.9228 20.65772

Net installed electricity generation capacity per capita 0.00 25893.50 2996.3093 4139.77505

Human capital Rate of adult literacy 21.80 100.00 82.3480 20.46665

Economic instability Inflation rate -6.80 295.00 14.8946 39.09334

Production costs Labour regulation index 20 79 52.70 13.270

Cost of imports 1.00 994.00 269.0614 370.35192

Corruption Transparency index (CPI) 0.04 10.00 4.0640 2.20419

Political stability Political stability index 0.96 99.52 42.4578 26.67397

Institutional quality Effectiveness of rule of law 2.38 100.00 47.2038 28.63549 Financial and tax incentives Total tax rate (% profits) 14.40 287.10 52.7704 36.43058

Market size Per capita GDP 93.34 36543.8 6074.247 9180.3941

Market growth Rate of real GDP growth -12.2 84.9 3.570 8.28533

Openness of economy (X+M)/GDP 19 369 79.32 47.602

Factor endowments X fuels/total X 0.00 98.40 17.9845 27.27390

Proven reserves 0.00 183.04 7.2211 24.35383 Note: The number of observation/countries is 125; the independent variables relate to the 1998-2005 period, to create the context of the basic

economic situation of the countries in the sample and establish a causality relation between the former and the variable to be explained (FDI in GDP).

The dependent variable (FDI/GDP) mean is 0.046 for all countries in the sample. Hungary has

the highest value (0.2438) and Ireland has a negative mean (around 0.361) in the period

studied, since it suffered disinvestment with FDI outflows exceeding inflows, making a

negative flow. In the period analysed the FDI for Hungary rose significantly due to its joining

the European Union (World Finance, 2008).

10 Natural gas reserves are expressed in trillions of m3, so the scientific scale is used to convert them into TOE. Note that there are two scales for large numbers: a short scale or scientific/American scale, where on trillion has 12 zeros, and a long scale, where one trillion has 18 zeros. 11 BOE (barrel of oil equivalent) = 0.14 TOE; TCE (tonne of coal equivalent) = 0.7 TOE (Soares, 2010); 103 m3 = 0.82 TOE (Heitor et al., 2000).

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In terms of total proven reserves, the mean is around 7.22 Giga TOE, with the USA standing

out (183.04 Giga TOE), along with Russia (153 Giga TOE), China (83.39 Giga TOE) and

India (60.31 Giga TOE) as the nations with the largest NRER endowments. Note that, apart

from Russia, where the reserves amount to around 72%, coal represents over 95% of proven

reserves in these countries. The country with the largest proven oil reserves (Saudi Arabia)

ranks 7th, with this resource accounting for about 88% of total reserves.

Within the factor endowments, and analysing the weight of fuel exports in total exports,

which averages around 17.9%, the stand out countries are Nigeria (96.5%) and Angola

(96.4%), with a weight of more than 95%, and Kuwait (93.6%).

Briefly examining the other variables of the model, starting with infrastructure, it was found

that for the number of phone lines per 100 inhabitants, the mean is around 18.92, with

Switzerland having the highest figure of 70.84 and the Democratic Republic of the Congo the

lowest, 0.02. In terms of installed electricity generation capacity, meanwhile, the mean is

2996.31 kwh, the stand out countries being Norway with an installed capacity of 25893.50

kwh, Canada (18061.20 kwh) and Sweden (17699.55 kwh).

In terms of (rate of) adult literacy, the mean is 82.4%, with Burkina Faso having the lowest

figure: 21.8%. At the other end of the scale are Finland, Georgia and Norway with 100%

literacy rates.

Looking at inflation, it was found that this variable, despite averaging around 14.9%, reached

very high levels in Belarus (295%), Angola (270%) and Laos (140%), which denotes high

economic instability in those countries. Countries such as Lithuania, however, with 0.3%,

Sweden and Singapore (both with 0.4%) have the lowest inflation rates, thus showing low

economic instability.

With respect to the labour regulation index (with a mean of 52.7), the most inflexible regimes

are in Portugal and Panama, both with an index of 79.0, as opposed to Singapore, which is the

most flexible and has an index of 20.0. When it comes to import costs, the mean for this

variable is 269.06 USD per container, with Portugal being the most expensive (994.00 USD)

and Spain the cheapest (1.00 USD).

Corruption, as measured by the transparency index, has a mean of 4.06, with the least corrupt

nations being Denmark (10.0), Finland (9.8), Sweden and New Zealand (both with a CPI of

9.4). As for political stability, with an average of 42.46, the most stable is Finland (99.52)

while Ivory Coast has the lowest index (0.96) of the sample. Finland is also the country with

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the highest effectiveness of the rule of law (100%), much higher than the mean for the

variable (47.2%), while Angola whose legal system shows least impartiality (2.4%).

The mean total tax rate is 52.8%, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (287.1%), Sierra

Leone (272.4%) and Yemen (195.3%) are the countries with the highest tax rates. At the other

end of the scale, with the lowest taxes, we have Kuwait (14.4%), Saudi Arabia (14.5%) and

Zambia (16.5%).

Regarding GDP per capita, Norway (USD 36543.88), Japan (USD 35828.38) and the USA

(USD 34053.31) are well above the mean, which is USD 6074.25. The countries with the

lowest figures for GDP per capita are the Democratic Republic of the Congo (USD 93.34),

Ethiopia (USD 120.89) and Sierra Leone (USD 148.52). The stand out countries with respect

to real GDP growth (the average being 3.6%) are Australia (84.9%), Albania (13.5%) and

Ireland (10.7%), which have the highest growth rates. Negative growth rates were posted by

Serbia (12.4%), Sierra Leone (8.1%) and Ecuador (6.3%).

The average figure for openness of the economy is 79.3%, and the three countries with the

highest figure are Singapore (369%), Hong Kong (291%) and Malaysia (199%), while those

with the lowest level of openness are Zimbabwe (19%), Japan (21%) and the USA (23%).

4. FDI and non-renewable energy resources. Empirical results

4.1. Descriptive results

Before we turn to the multivariate analysis, it is important to carry out an exploratory analysis

which will allow us to ‘get to know’ the data.

Given the importance of the flows of Foreign Direct Investment in the Gross Domestic

Product (FDI/GDP) and country endowments of Non-Renewable Energy Resources (NRER)

for the analysis, we defined two groups of countries: 1) countries with a below average

FDI/GDP versus countries with an above average FDI/GDP; and 2) countries with NRER

endowments versus countries without NRER endowments.

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For our descriptive analysis we used the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test,12 which allows

us to assess whether there are statistically significant differences between the means for

countries in each of the groups, for the various determinants analysed.

Based on the Kruskal-Wallis test for differences in the means between countries that are

above and below the FDI/GDP average (cf. Table 4), we find statistically significant

differences only for human capital, openness of the economy and factor endowments (using,

in the case of the latter, proven resources as a proxy).

Table 4: Average differences between countries whose FDI/GDP is below average and those with FDI/GDP above average – Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test

Determinant Proxy All countries

FDI/GDP below ave.

FDI/GDP above ave.

K-W (p-value)


No. phone lines per 100 inhabitants 18.923 17.925 20.636 0.162

Net installed electricity generation capacity per capita 2996 3077 2857 0.173

Human capital Rate of adult literacy 82.348 78.573 88.830 0.017

Economic instability Inflation rate 14.895 17.905 9.724 0.973

Production costs Labour regulation index 52.700 53.090 52.040 0.852

Cost of imports 269.061 257.795 288.410 0.951

Corruption Transparency index (CPI) 4.064 4.090 4.020 0.794

Political stability Political stability index 42.458 40.458 45.893 0.229

Institutional quality Effectiveness of rule of law 47.204 46.709 48.054 0.751

Financial and tax incentives Total tax rate (% profits) 52.770 51.360 55.194 0.765

Market size Per capita GDP 6074 6364 5575 0.914

Market growth Rate of real GDP growth 3.357 3.887 2.447 0.519

Openness of economy (X+M)/GDP 79.320 67.680 99.300 0.000

Factor endowments X fuels/total X 17.985 21.437 12.055 0.218

Proven reserves 7.221 9.853 2.701 0.014

In terms of human capital, using the adult literacy rate as a proxy, the mean for countries that

have a below average FDI/GDP is around 79%, while for the remainder it is around 89%,

which suggests that this determinant may be a relevant factor in attracting FDI.

The analysis also suggests that market openness (measured by the ratio of exports plus

imports to GDP) may play a potentially important role in attracting FDI, given that for the

first group of countries (below average FDI/GDP) the mean is 68%, compared with 99% for

the second group (above average FDI/GDP).

With respect to factor endowments (i.e. proven reserves), the effect is the opposite to what

would be expected, with the average in the case of countries with below average FDI/GDP

being 10 Giga TOE, whereas it is only 3 Giga TOE for countries with above average

12 The Kruskal-Wallis test tests the null hypothesis that the means of two different samples from the same population are equal (Maroco, 2007).

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FDI/GDP. This suggests that the endowment of proven reserves may not be a key determinant

for FDI attraction.

Regarding the differences in the means for countries with and without endowments of proven

reserves, the Kruskal-Wallis test points to statistically significant differences for several of the

determinants analysed (cf. Table 5).

Table 5: Average differences between countries with and without proven reserves – Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test

Determinant Proxy All countries

No proven reserves

With proven reserves

K-W (p-value)

Dependent variable FDI FDI/GDP 0.046 0.057 0.039 0.033


No. phone lines per 100 inhabitants 18.923 13.142 22.777 0,003

Net installed electricity generation capacity per capita 2996 1857 3755 0,000

Human capital Rate of adult literacy 82.348 75.826 86.696 0,019

Economic instability Inflation rate 14.895 14.716 15.014 0,793

Production costs Labour regulation index 52.700 53.120 52.430 0,858

Cost of imports 269.061 235.854 291.200 0,980

Corruption Transparency index (CPI) 4.064 3.574 4.391 0,055

Political stability Political stability index 42.458 38.692 44.968 0,183

Institutional quality Effectiveness of rule of law 47.204 41.457 51.035 0,096

Financial and tax incentives Total tax rate (% profits) 52.770 52.056 53.247 0,689

Market size Per capita GDP 6074 3918 7510 0,002

Market growth Rate of real GDP growth 3.357 3.321 3.381 0,263

Openness of economy (X+M)/GDP 79.320 90.380 71.950 0,063

Factor endowments X fuels/total X 17.985 8.602 24.240 0,000

In the case of the dependent variable, we find that countries without NRER endowments have

higher average FDI/GDP (0.057) when compared with countries with proven reserves (0.039),

which supports the conclusion arrived at in the test for the first group of countries (countries

with a below average FDI/GDP versus countries with an above average FDI/GDP), that is,

that the endowment of proven reserves might not be a key determinant for attracting FDI.

The analysis suggests that countries with NRER endowments have better infrastructure (for

both the proxies used) and a higher level of human capital, reflected by the higher literacy

rates. Regarding infrastructure, the average for countries without NRER endowments, for

both proxies, is below the global average, and above for countries with proven reserves. In

terms of human capital, the average for countries without reserves is around 76%, compared

with 87% for countries with reserves.

The differences in the means are also statistically significant for corruption, where the group

that has NRER is more transparent (4.4 CPI against 3.6 for the group without reserves); this is

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also the case for institutional quality, where the average for the first group of countries is

41%, compared with 51% for the second group, suggesting a higher degree of impartiality in

the legal system in countries with proven reserves. The analysis therefore suggests that

countries that have NRER have a lower level of corruption (they are more transparent – the

higher the CPI, the higher the degree of transparency, that is, the lower the level of

corruption) and a better institutional quality.

We also find that countries with proven reserves have, on average, a larger market size, with

an average GDP per capita of 7511 USD, against 3918 USD for the remaining countries. In

terms of the openness of the economy, countries without reserves tend to have a higher degree

of openness (90%) than countries with NRER endowments (72%). Lastly, regarding the other

indicator of factor endowments, the weight of fuel exports, this is higher in countries with

reserves (24%) than in the remainder (9%).

To complement the statistical tests (Kruskal-Wallis), we carried out an analysis of the

correlation matrix between the relevant variables (cf. Table 6).

Based on the Pearson coefficient estimates, we find a significant positive correlation between

the dependent variable (FDI/GDP) and the adult literacy rate (0.240), the political stability

index (0.183) and the degree of openness of the economy (0.510). This analysis suggests that,

on average and from a bivariate perspective, countries with higher literacy rates (human

capital), a higher level of political stability and that are more open tend to attract larger flows

of FDI, which supports the conclusions drawn from the Kruskal-Wallis test regarding human

capital and the openness of the economy.

Looking at the independent variables, we find there are several cases where they are strongly

correlated, which may lead to multicollinearity problems in the estimation. There are two

possible interpretations for this: either the variables are measuring the same determinants, or

they jointly depend on another variable that has not been included in the model (Maroco,

2007). We find, for example, that the variable ‘number of phone lines per 100 inhabitants’ is

strongly correlated with the transparency index (0.837), the effectiveness of the rule of law

(0.814) and per capita GDP (0.887). There are other correlations that, although they are not as

problematic as the former, may also raise problems in the estimation. This is the case, for

example, with the adult literacy rate, which is highly correlated with all of the variables in the

‘institutional’ dimension, with GDP per capita (0.445), the cost of imports (0.277) and the

degree of openness (0.231).

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Table 6: Correlation matrix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1. Mean FDI/GDP 2004-2008

Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.135 -0.007 0.240*** -0.102 0.064 0.183** 0.128 -0.007 0.002 -0.055 -0.067 0.120 0.510*** -0.173* -0.116

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.132 0.941 0.007 0.257 0.480 0.041 0.156 0.938 0.984 0.541 0.456 0.183 0.000 0.054 0.199

2. No. phone lines per 100 inhabitants

Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.776*** 0.616*** -0.135 0.837*** 0.732*** 0.814*** -0.128 0.887*** 0.145 -0.324*** 0.270*** 0.209** -0.169* 0.169*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.134 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.156 0.000 0.106 0.000 0.002 0.020 0.060 0.059 3. Installed electricity generation capacity per capita

Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.493*** -0.132 0.733*** 0.594*** 0.654*** -0.128 0.809*** 0.122 -0.329*** 0.276*** 0.085 0.044 0.225**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.143 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.155 0.000 0.174 0.000 0.002 0.344 0.625 0.012

4. Adult literacy rate

Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.004 0.449*** 0.457*** 0.476*** -0.178** 0.445*** 0.032 -0.096 0.277*** 0.231*** -0.068 0.143

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.961 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.000 0.721 0.288 0.002 0.009 0.453 0.111

5. Inflation rate Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.195** -0.137 -0.308*** 0.201** -0.190** -0.067 0.257*** -0.175* 0.069 0.210** 0.038

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.030 0.127 0.000 0.024 0.034 0.455 0.004 0.051 0.446 0.018 0.675

6. CPI Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.784*** 0.847*** -0.192** 0.852*** 0.229** -0.443*** 0.349*** 0.235*** -0.181** 0.098

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.032 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.043 0.277

7. Political stability index

Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.837*** 0.166* -0.811*** -0.200** 0.412*** -0.419*** -0.185** 0.185** -0.159*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.065 0.000 0.026 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.038 0.076

8. Effectiveness of rule of law

Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.257*** 0.795*** 0.204** -0.363*** 0.344*** 0.230*** -0.217** 0.061

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.004 0.000 0.022 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.015 0.501

9. Total tax rate (% profits)

Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.128 -0.107 0.225** -0.176** -0.148 0.067 -0.017

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.155 0.235 0.012 0.049 0.100 0.458 0.847

10. Per capita GDP Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.156 -0.436*** 0.234*** 0.147 -0.079 0.181**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.083 0.000 0.009 0.103 0.383 0.043

11. Rate of real GDP growth

Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.163 0.146 -0.012 -0.077 0.209**

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.070 0.104 0.894 0.392 0.019

12. Employment laws index

Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.173* -0.170* 0.046 -0.163*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.053 0.058 0.612 0.070

13. Cost of imports Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.100 -0.058 -0.024

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.269 0.522 0.789

14. (X+M)/GDP Pearson Correlation 1.000 -0.015 -0.174*

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.865 0.052

15. X fuels/total X Pearson Correlation 1.000 0.136

Sig. (2-tailed) 0.131

16. Proven reserves (Giga TOE)

Pearson Correlation 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed)

Legend: *** (** )[*] statistically significant at 1%(5%)[10%]. Greyed parts show all the statistically significant correlations.

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4.2. Econometric estimation

Following our exploratory analysis of the data, in this section we carry out an analysis of

causality using multivariate econometric techniques, in particular logistic models.

Specifically, we want to test whether a country’s NRER endowment plays a role in attracting

FDI, controlling for a collection of factors that are likely to explain the attraction of FDI

(infrastructure, human capital, economic instability, production costs, corruption, political

stability, institutional quality, financial and fiscal incentives, market size, market growth and

openness of the economy).

In order to ensure the robustness of the results, we estimated the theoretical model using

ordinary least squares linear regression methods (using the natural logarithm of the FDI/GDP

ratio as a proxy for the dependent variable), and logistic regression methods, estimated by

maximum likelihood, where the proxy for the dependent variable is a dummy (binary)

variable that takes on the value 1 for countries that have an above average FDI/GDP ratio

(and 0 otherwise). The estimation results from using these two estimation methods are

broadly identical. We can therefore argue that these results are robust. We therefore decided

to present and interpret the estimation results from the logistic regression here, which are

given in Table 7.

Given that we have two alternative proxies for the variables ‘infrastructure’ (number of phone

lines per 100 inhabitants and net installed electricity generation capacity per capita) and

‘factor endowments’ (fuel exports/total exports and proven reserves), four models were

estimated (cf. Table 7). In models I and II, the proxy used for infrastructure is the number of

phone lines per 100 inhabitants, and model I uses proven reserves to measure factor

endowments, while model II uses the weight of fuel exports in total exports. In models III and

IV, the variables used to measure factor endowments vary as above, while infrastructure is

captured by the net installed electricity generation capacity per capita.

The goodness of fit tests (Hosmer-Lemeshow test, and the percent correctly predicted)

suggest that the models fit the data quite well. In fact, for the Hosmer-Lemeshow test, the p-

value above 0.10 means we accept the null hypothesis of the test, that is, that the models are

an accurate depiction of reality. Moreover, around 80% of the estimated values for the

dependent variable are correctly predicted by the models.

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Table 7: Empirical results of FDI attraction determinants based on logistic regression (dependent variable – dummy variable that takes value 1 if the country has an above average FDI/GDP ratio and 0 otherwise)

Determinant Proxy Model I Model II Model III Model IV


No. phone lines per 100 inhabitants 0.218 0.131

Net installed electricity generation capacity per capita 0.314 0.239

Human capital Rate of adult literacy 5.896*** 4.417** 5.309** 3.779*

Economic instability Inflation rate -2.075* -2.274 -2.153* -2.513

Production costs Labour regulation index -0.940 -1.107 -0.854 -1.082

Cost of imports -0.021 -0.016 -0.025 -0.018

Corruption Transparency index (CPI) 1.245 0.471 1.298 0.471

Political stability Political stability index 0.677 0.920 0.753 0.972

Institutional quality Effectiveness of rule of law 0.043 -0.067 0.144 0.002

Financial and tax incentives Total tax rate (% profits) 1.351** 1.253* 1.301* 1.225*

Market size Per capita GDP -0.702 -0.376 -0.762* -0.444

Market growth Rate of real GDP growth -5.554 -5.355 -5.147 -5.321

Openness of economy (X+M)/GDP 1.436** 1.746*** 1.447** 1.757***

Factor endowments X fuels/total X -1.904* -2.042*

Proven reserves -1.239** -1.341**

Constant -5.727 -6.583 -7.372 -7.339

N 125 125 125 125

FDI above average 46 46 46 46

Other 79 79 79 79

Adjustment quality

Hosmer and Lemeshow (p-value) 7.672 (0,466) 4.468 (0.813) 8.030 (0.431) 4.780 (0.781)

% correct 80.8 80.0 79.2 80.8

Legend: *** (** )[*] statistically significant at 1%(5%)[10%].

Overall, for all four models the results suggest that on average, ceteris paribus and controlling

for all other variables, factor endowments are not a key determinant in attracting FDI.

Whatever the proxy used – weight of fuel exports in total exports or proven reserves – the

negative and statistically significant signs on the estimated coefficients imply that countries

with higher ratios of fuel exports in total exports and/or that have greater proven reserves of

NRER tend, on average, to attract a lower amount of FDI as a proportion of GDP. This result

may be explained by the fact that countries with NRER endowments are fairly productive

mainly in the mining sector, neglecting other economic sectors (Anyanwu and Obasi, 2010).16

Countries less endowed with NRER tend to be more diversified in terms of economic

activities, which allow them to attract more FDI (which is spread across the various economic


In contrast, human capital, economic stability and the openness of the economy appear to play

a crucial role in attracting FDI. Regardless of the model used (as the coefficient estimates of 16 This argument is related to the Dutch Disease phenomenon, widely studied in the literature on the economic development of countries (see, for example, Gylfason, 2001; Torvik, 2002).

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the variables in Table 7 show), the adult literacy rate (a proxy for human capital) and the

weight of exports and imports in GDP (a proxy for the degree of openness of the economy)

have a statistically significant positive impact on attracting FDI. This means that, on average,

ceteris paribus, countries with higher literacy rates and more open economies will tend to

have higher FDI to GDP ratios. In addition, and in the case of the models that use proven

reserves as a proxy for factor endowments, we find that countries with higher levels of

economic instability, as measured by the rate of inflation, tend to attract lower flows of FDI

on average.

In terms of the total tax rate (a proxy for financial and fiscal incentives), and contrary to what

would be expected, the results suggest a significant positive effect, that is, countries with

higher tax rates attract more FDI. It is important, however, to emphasise that tax rates are not

the only aspect which should be taken into account when measuring a country’s tax burden

(UNCTAD, 2000). Tax incentives and deductions, such as tax exemptions on imports for

specific goods (raw materials and equipment) or for specific economic sectors, partial tax

refunds when profits are reinvested, accelerated depreciation of tangible fixed assets,

extension of the period for tax loss relief or beneficial conditions for the repatriation of

profits, play an equally important role in the decision of companies to invest in a specific

location (UNCTAD, 2000). As an alternative to tax exemptions, many countries (mainly

developed countries) prefer to offer financial incentives, by subsidising investment in training

or in research and development (UNCTAD, 2000). The fact that our model does not include

these variables, combined with the possible strong correlation between them, may explain the

results for this proxy.17 Additionally, as Bellack et al. (2009) pointed out, a country with

higher taxes can also attract FDI if the country compensates for it by offering better


It is also noteworthy that some traditional determinants that have been identified in the

literature as playing a crucial role in attracting FDI, such as infrastructure (e.g., Mhlanga et

al., 2010), market size (e.g., Cleeve, 2008), market growth (e.g., Mohamed and Sidiropoulos,

2010), corruption and/or political instability (e.g., Asiedu, 2006), and production costs (e.g.,

Schneider and Frey, 1985), did not stand out in the sample analysed here.

17 We should point out that some countries in our sample that have the highest tax rates, such as Yemen (195.3%) or Algeria (76.9%), offer incentives such as accelerated depreciations, which are not reflected in this proxy, and which imply a reduction in the effective tax rate (UNCTAD, 2000).

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5. Conclusions

Over the last twenty years, economic development policies have tended to neglect investment

in the mining sector (UNCTAD, 2007). However, the growing search for natural resources, in

particular for non-renewable energy resources, by economies that are growing rapidly, has led

to an increase in commodity prices, resulting in a renewed interest by countries in exploiting

energy resources and a redirectioning of FDI towards this sector (UNCTAD, 2007).

Therefore, it is important to understand to what extent a country’s endowment of Non-

Renewable Energy Resources (NRERs) does (or does not) play a role in attracting FDI. In this

study we have analysed the impact of a country’s NRER endowment in attracting FDI, based

on a wide range of countries, controlling for a number of factors traditionally believed to

influence FDI (e.g., market size, human capital, openness of the economy, and political

stability) and resorting to multivariate estimation techniques.

The proxy traditionally used to measure a country’s NRER endowment is the weight of fuel

exports in the country’s total exports. However, it has been found that various countries, such

as the Cameroon or Chad, although they do not have ‘proven resources’ of NRERs, have a

high fuel export ratio. This nonconformity could distort the analysis of the importance of

NRER endowments in attracting FDI. We therefore decided to use the variable ‘proven

reserves’, as well as the traditional proxy; to the best of our knowledge no other empirical

study has been published to date that analyses the effect of a country’s effective endowments

(i.e. proven reserves) of oil, coal and natural gas in attracting FDI. The few studies that exist

in this field cover a relatively small and hom*ogenous number of countries and focus on

specific geographical regions (e.g., Sub-Saharan Africa - Asiedu, 2006; MENA countries -

Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010).

Based on a total of 125 countries from various regions across the globe, including 75 with

proven reserves of NRERs, we find that, regardless of the proxy used, factor endowments

have an opposite effect to the one found in the more recent literature in the field (e.g., Asiedu,

2006; Ledyaeva, 2009; Mohamed and Sidiropoulos, 2010), according to which a country’s

natural resource endowments foster FDI. We have argued that this result may be related to the

extremely high reliance of many of the countries with NRER endowments on the mining

sector, and the related neglect of other sectors, limiting the attraction of FDI due to the lack of

diversity in the opportunities/activities in which to invest. This result – that NRER

endowments are not a key determinant in attracting FDI – is nevertheless an encouraging

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factor in terms of economic development, highlighting the importance of policy measures, in

particular the importance of investing in human capital and the openness of the economy, in

other words, people’s action, against the discretionary character of Nature.

Supporting the conclusions of earlier studies, the results confirm that human capital (e.g.,

Asiedu, 2006; Cleeve, 2008), economic stability (e.g., Schneider and Frey, 1985; Mohamed

and Sidiropoulos, 2010) and the openness of the economy (e.g., Botrić and Škuflić, 2006;

Mhlanga et al., 2010) play an important role in attracting FDI. Although it was found to be a

(statistically) significant factor, the amount of the taxes, as measured by the total tax rate, was

the opposite of what was expected (Cleeve, 2008). Specifically, the results show that this

determinant has a (significant) positive impact, suggesting that, on average, higher tax rates

attract more FDI. However, as mentioned before, the tax rate is just one of the factors that

should be taken into account when analysing a country’s tax burden, since the tax deductions

and financial and fiscal incentives granted by countries may result in a reduction of the

effective tax rate. Additionally, countries can compensate for high tax rates with better

infrastructure, as Bellack et al. (2009) report.

We can draw three important policy implications from our main empirical results:

The first implication is related to human capital. As stated above, the availability of qualified

workers influences a company’s decision to enter new markets, which is why government

education and professional qualifications policies are crucial.

The second implication is related to the openness of the economy and follows from the result

that countries that receive less FDI can become more attractive by implementing reforms that

promote the liberalisation of their economies, specifically by adopting export-oriented

policies, eliminating import duties and capital taxes.

The third and final implication suggests that development based on FDI does not depend on

natural/exogenous factors, given that NRER endowments do not play a decisive role in

attracting FDI. While these conclusions are encouraging for countries that do not have

endowments, for those that do have proven reserves and rely on the know-how of foreign

companies to extract the resources they are a warning, highlighting the need for governments

in these countries to implement public policies that foster other factors, such as human capital

or the openness of the economy, which will help attract companies to engage in other tradable

goods activities.

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While this study has included an aspect which has so far received little attention in the

literature on FDI – the importance of proven NRER in attracting FDI – it is important to

highlight a limitation of our analysis: the fact that we did not consider the different final uses

of the three types of resource – oil, coal and natural gas – which may lead to interesting

conclusions on the targeting of FDI based on the type of fuel. Future research could explore

this issue. Another interesting topic for future research would be to investigate to what extent

FDI can influence the productivity of the mining sector in countries with NRER endowments.


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