Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (2024)

Katie Martinelli

January 7, 2019

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (1) 7 min read

To complete the first step in any workplace risk assessment, you must identify the hazards in your workplace.Every workplace has hazards and, although there will be a nominated person for conducting formal risk assessments, it is still everyone’s responsibility to be mindful of hazards in the workplace and minimise risk of harm.

Not all hazards are obvious and they will be unique to your workplace. Thiscan make it difficult to immediately identify and protect your employees from them.Therefore, we have created this guide to help you understand the different categories of hazards and where they might be present.

What Are the Most Common Hazards in a Workplace?

The words ‘risk’ and ‘hazard’ are often used interchangeably. However, if you are responsible for managing the health and safety in your workplace, it’s important that you understand the difference between them. The rest of this article focuses on hazards, including where they might be found in different workplaces. We also provide you with a range of further resources to make your risk assessment process as smooth as possible.

The six main categories of hazards are:

  • Biological.Biological hazards include viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc., that can cause adverse health impacts. For example, mould, blood and other bodily fluids, harmful plants, sewage, dust and vermin.
  • Chemical. Chemical hazards are hazardous substances that can cause harm. These hazards can result in both health and physical impacts, such as skin irritation, respiratory system irritation, blindness, corrosion and explosions.
  • Physical.Physical hazards are environmental factors that can harm an employee without necessarily touching them, including heights, noise, radiation and pressure.
  • Safety.These are hazards that create unsafe working conditions. For example, exposed wires or a damaged carpet might result in a tripping hazard. These are sometimes included under the category of physical hazards.
  • Ergonomic.Ergonomic hazards are a result of physical factors that can result in musculoskeletal injuries. For example, a poor workstation setup in an office, poor posture and manual handling.
  • Psychosocial.Psychosocial hazards include those that can have an adverse effect on an employee’s mental health or wellbeing. For example, sexual harassment, victimisation, stress and workplace violence.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (2)

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Examples of Workplace Hazards

Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of hazards that can be found in a range of work environments. The aim of this guide is to help you understand the different categories of hazards, so you can confidently identify them in your workplace.

Biological HazardsHazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (3)

Biological hazards include viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc., that can cause adverse health impacts. These health impacts can range from skin and respiratory system irritation, to the transmission of infections.

Some biological hazards include:

Blood-borne diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B and C, and malaria

Blood-borne diseases are viruses or bacteria that can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids. Those most at risk from blood-borne diseases are those working in the healthcare sector, for example, doctors, nurses and dentists. However, many other professions can be at risk, such as cleaners, waste and refuse collectors, street cleaners, park keepers and tattoo artists. Simply put, anyone who might encounter sharps at work is at risk. Incidents that pose a risk for blood-borne disease transmission can have serious health and psychological impacts. Our may help you take steps to reduce the risk of an injury in your workplace.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (4)

Bacteria, moulds and fungi

Improperly managed work environments can make your work premises the ideal environment for bacteria, moulds and fungi to thrive, such as Legionella bacteria. Exposure to bacteria,moulds and fungi can result in severe health impacts, such as Legionnaire’s disease and respiratory disorders, and could exacerbate allergies.Workplaces most at risk include spa pools, textile and print industries, and paper manufacturing, however any humid work environment can be at risk.

Flour, milk powder or grain dusts

Exposure to organicdusts can result in severe health impacts, including respiratory irritation and occupational asthma. Those at risk include individuals working in food manufacturing and preparation, such as in a bakery.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (5)

Other organic dusts

The deterioration of building materials, as well as building, construction and agricultural activities, can expose workers to a range of organic dusts, moulds and bacteria – including clay and straw dust. Exposure to these can result in exacerbation of allergies, respiratory and skin irritation, among other health impacts.

Exposure to animals and vegetation

For example, those working in agriculture or horticulture, people working in zoos or as dog handlers, are at risk of encountering bacteria, fungi, viruses and mites off the animals and vegetation they work around. If not properly controlled, this exposure can result in a range of health impacts, including allergic diseases such as farmer’s lung.

Chemical HazardsHazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (6)

Chemical hazards are hazardous substances that can cause harm. They can be very dangerous but might not always be immediately identifiable in the workplace. For example, when considering who may be at risk, you might not immediately think of hairdressers, florists, cleaners, waiters, bartenders, or nail technicians.

Examples of substances that pose a chemical hazard include:

Cleaning chemicals

Cleaning chemicals are used in almost every workplace to maintain good hygiene standards. Incorrect use of cleaning chemicals can have serious impacts, including allergic reactions, asthma and respiratory irritation, dermatitis and skin or eye burns.

Hair dye, shampoos, conditioners and henna products

These are all substances that we safely use at home without considering the risks. However, hair dye, shampoos, conditioners and henna products, among other substances regularly found in hair and beauty salons, can have serious health impacts if you don’t take the proper precautions. For more information on hazards in a hair salon, have a look at our article:Hairdresser’s Guide to COSHH in the Salon.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (7)

Nail glue, nail polish remover, primers and artificial nails, etc

Incorrect use and storage of these substances can result in a range of serious health and safety risks. For example, skin and respiratoryirritation, headaches, dizziness, sickness, occupational asthma, cancer and fire hazards.

Welding fumes

Welding activitiespose many hazards, including exposure to invisible gaseous fumes. These fumes include ozone, nitrogen oxides, chromium and nickel oxides, and carbon monoxide. Exposure to these gases can cause serious health impacts, including Pneumonia, occupational asthma, cancer, metal fume fever and respiratory irritation. If not properly controlled, the fumes can impact the welder and anyone working in the vicinity.

Physical HazardsHazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (8)

Physical hazards are environmental factors that can harm an employee without necessarily touching them.

Examples of physical hazards include:


Exposure to electrical live parts can result in serious injuries and fatalities, including electric shocks, burns, explosions and falls from height. The risk is increased in wet conditions, where a worker’s equipment and surroundings can also become live.


Every workplace is at risk of fire. However, some workplaces are at an increased risk – either due to the work activities or types or employees/residents. For example, care homes, schools, hotels, organisations that carry out hot work, food manufacturers and restaurants. Fires can be devastating, both to the organisation and to the people impacted, they can cause serious injuries, such as burns, asphyxiation and fatalities. A risk assessment is an essential precaution in fire safety procedures; our free template will help you complete one for your premises.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (9)

Confined spaces

Working in confined spaces poses serious hazards to employees. They can be especially dangerous because of the reduced oxygen levels and potential build-up of gases, which can result in fires, explosions, asphyxiation and loss of consciousness. Further risks include collapse and flooding. Examples of people at risk include anyone working in mines, cold storage, tunnels, wells, ship holds, air ducts and manholes.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (10)

Extreme temperatures

Exposure to freezing or extreme cold conditions can result in serious health impacts, including hypothermia, reduced mental alertness, chilblains, trench foot and reduced dexterity. Those at risk include anyone required to work outdoors in colder months, or in refrigerated warehouses, including construction workers, emergency response staff, fishermen, and food manufacturers. Conversely, exposure to extreme heat can result in health impacts such as dehydration, heat exhaustion and dizziness. Workers at risk include restaurant staff, launderers, smelters, welders and bakers.

Safety HazardsHazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (11)

These are hazards that create unsafe working conditions. For example, safety hazards include:

  • Trailing power cords, loose or frayed carpets and rugs, spills, ice, etc.These could all cause a slip, trip or fall in the workplace, and result in physical and mental impacts on an injured employee.
  • Unguarded machinery. Unguarded moving machinery parts pose a safety hazard as employees can sustain serious injury and fatalities if they were to accidentally come into contact with them. For example, clothes, lanyards, hair or body parts could become entangled in unguarded machinery and can result in bruising, broken bones, loss of limbs, head injuries and death.
  • Frayed and faulty cords, wiring or cables. These could pose a risk of electric shock, burns and fires. Exposure to live electricity can also result in a fall from height. For example, if an employee sustained an electric shock while using a ladder.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (12)

Ergonomic HazardsHazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (13)

Ergonomic hazards are a result of physical factors that can result in musculoskeletal injuries. They can be found in every workplace and, if not managed correctly, can have significant long and short term impacts on your employees health and wellbeing. Musculoskeletal injuries are those that affect the musculoskeletal system, including damage to muscles, tendons, bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. Types of ergonomic hazards include:

  • Manual handling. Manual handling occurs every time you lift, put down, push, pull, carry or move a load using your hands or bodily force. Poor manual handling techniques can have serious consequences unless employees areappropriately trainedin their duties. These includelong term damage to the individual’s musculoskeletal system and mental health.
  • Use of display screen equipment.Most jobs in this current, technological age, will require the use of some form of display screen equipment. Prolonged use of poorly designed workstations can result in a range of ill-health effects, including musculoskeletal injuries, repetitive strain injury, fatigue and eye strain. You can find our DSE training, here.
  • Vibration. Long term use of vibrating tools can have serious health impacts including vibration white finger, sensory nerve damage, carpel tunnel syndrome and muscle and joint injuries. For more information on the impact of vibration exposure, have a look at our article: Effects of Vibration on the Body: HAVS Guidance.

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (14)

Ergonomic hazards can have severely disabling impacts if they are not managed correctly. Therefore, it’s important that you understandhow to identify ergonomic hazards at workand take steps to ensure that your employees can carry out their workplace activities safely.

Psychosocial HazardsHazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (15)

Psychosocial hazards include hazards that can have an adverse effect on an employee’s mental health or wellbeing, and are closely linked with all the other categories of hazards. For example:

  • Health impacts. Health impacts as a result of biological, chemical, physical, safety and ergonomic hazards can have significant impacts on an individual’s wellbeing. For example, exposure to ablood-borne virus as a result of a sharps injury can result in months of stress and anxiety for the individual involved and their family. Therefore, almost all of the hazards outlined in this article could also result in psychosocial impacts.
  • Harassment.Harassment is a result of someone acting in a way that makes you feel intimated, humiliated, offended or otherwise distressed, and can have serious impacts on a person’s health and wellbeing. For example, bullying in the workplaceis surprisingly common and can pose a serious psychosocial hazard. Bullying behaviour can result in the bullied individual experiencing severalpsychosocial symptoms, including stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation, loss of appetite and a sense of vulnerability.
  • Workplace aggression and abuse. Whether it’s from a colleague, client or someone else, workplace aggression and abuse can have serious effects on someone’s mental and physical health, resulting in symptoms such as stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation. Managers can take steps to reduce sexual harassment in the workplace and encourage employees to speak out if they witness or experience it.

How to Manage Hazards in Your Workplace

If you neglect your responsibility to protect your employees, you could face financial and/or custodial penalties. Therefore, it’svital that you properly manage all your workplace hazards. This article should have helped you to identify and consider more obscure hazards, but it’s important that you take further steps to protect you employees. For example, you should:

  • Carry out an appropriate risk assessment for the nature of the work and hazards.We have provided some downloadable templates for you to use throughout this article. You can find more, including those that are relevant to your industry, by searching on the Hub.
  • Introduce appropriate control measures. Once you have completed your risk assessment, you must introduce controls to reduce or eliminate the identified hazards. For example, you may be able to avoid work at height completely when windowcleaning by using extension poles or, if those are inappropriate, you could reduce the risks by installing fall prevention equipment.
  • Appropriately train all your employees in their duties. All employees should have appropriateHealth and Safety Training or Office Safety Training, in addition to training for any specific workplace hazards.

What to Read Next:

  • 15 Workshop Hazards and How to Avoid Them
  • Managing Occupational Health in Construction
  • Health and Safety When Working with Computers: An Office Guide
  • Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture: A Guide for Managers
  • Warehouse Safety Quiz
  • Health and Safety Signs Quiz
  • A Guide on Hazards in a Beauty Salon: Free Risk Assessment Template
  • How to Avoid Electrical Hazards at Work
  • What is a Dynamic Risk Assessment?
  • Working in Hot Weather: Legal Requirements, Guidance, and Tips
  • Plumbing Risk Assessment: Free Template
  • Workplace Health and Safety Quiz for Employees
  • What is the Difference Between Hazard and Risk?


Safety ManagementWorkplace Safety

Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards (2024)


Hazards in the Workplace | 6 Categories of Hazards? ›

Health hazards include chemical hazards (solvents, adhesives, paints, toxic dusts, etc.), physical hazards (noise, radiation, heat, etc.), biological hazards (infectious diseases), and ergonomic risk factors (heavy lifting, repetitive motions, vibration).

What are the 4 categories of workplace hazards? ›

4 Types of Workplace Hazards
  • Physical Hazards. Physical hazards are the most common type of workplace hazards. ...
  • Biological Hazards. ...
  • Ergonomic Hazards. ...
  • Chemical Hazards.
Jan 22, 2018

What are the types of workplace hazards OSHA? ›

Health hazards include chemical hazards (solvents, adhesives, paints, toxic dusts, etc.), physical hazards (noise, radiation, heat, etc.), biological hazards (infectious diseases), and ergonomic risk factors (heavy lifting, repetitive motions, vibration).

What are the big 4 hazards? ›

The top four causes of construction fatalities are: Falls, Struck-By, Caught-In/Between and Electrocutions.

What is a Type 4 hazard? ›

Subsets of class 4 are:

These include: Flammable solids. Self reactive substances. Solid desensitized explosives.

What are the four hazards? ›

There are four types of hazards: chemical, biological, ergonomic, and physical hazards. Collect and review information about hazards and potential hazards in the workplace. Conduct initial and periodic workplace assessments to identify hazards.

What are the three main types of hazards? ›

All hazards are assessed and categorized into three groups: biological, chemical and physical hazards.

What are 5 ways to identify workplace hazards? ›

Methods of Hazard Identification
  • Inspecting the Workplace. Walking around the workplace and observing how work is carried out can help you predict what could go wrong. ...
  • Designing Safe Processes and Spaces. ...
  • Consulting Your Workers. ...
  • Consulting Your Supply Chains and Consultants. ...
  • Reviewing All Available Information.

What are the 3 main hazard classification categories? ›

GHS consists of three major hazard groups :
  • Physical hazards.
  • Health hazards.
  • Environmental hazards.

What is an example of a hazard category? ›

The hazard categories are assigned a number (e.g., 1, 2, etc.) Categories may also be called "types". Some hazard classes have only one category (e.g., corrosive to metals), others may have two categories (e.g., carcinogenicity (cancer)) or three categories (e.g., oxidizing liquids).

What are the 4 high hazard areas in OSHA? ›

The “Construction Focus Four: Fall Hazards” lesson is part of the 4-hour block consisting of segments on each of the Focus Four Hazards: Falls, Caught-In or -Between, Struck-By and Electrocution. Because most construction fatalities are caused by fall hazards, falls must be covered for at least one hour and 15 minutes.

What are the 5 workplace hazards? ›

In many types of workplaces they can include spills on floors, walkways blocked by cords or boxes, falls from heights, machinery with moving parts, confined spaces and electrical hazards such as frayed cords.

What are the 4 main groups of work hazards? ›

Below are are the four common types of hazards you should be aware of at work.
  • Physical Hazards. This is the most common type of workplace hazards. ...
  • Ergonomic Hazards. Every occupation places certain strains on a worker's body. ...
  • Chemical Hazards. ...
  • Biological Hazards. ...
Jun 10, 2016

What are 5 examples of physical hazards? ›

Physical hazards
  • body stressing.
  • confined spaces.
  • electricity.
  • heat.
  • heights.
  • noise.
  • vibration.

What are the 4 hazard groups? ›

Human pathogens are classified by COSHH into four hazard groups (HG 1 - 4) according to these criteria.
  • Ability to cause infection.
  • Severity of the disease that may result.
  • Risk that infection will spread to the population.
  • Availability of vaccines and effective treatment.

What are the four 4 main ways hazards are typically controlled? ›

What Is the Hierarchy of Controls? The hierarchy of controls is a method of identifying and ranking safeguards to protect workers from hazards. They are arranged from the most to least effective and include elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment.

What are 4 ways to identify hazards in the workplace? ›

Hazards can be identified through one or more of the following activities:
  • routine hazard and housekeeping inspections and audit activities.
  • study of information provided by manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and substances.
  • investigation of incidents and accidents.

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