Orland Unit-Register from Orland, California (2024)

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Orland Unit-Registeri

Orland, California

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1 BUILDING MATERIAL UEL NEW TODAY AUTOS ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT ARM PRODUCE TODAY'S MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO RENT HOUSEHOLD GOODS USED CARS OR RESIDENTIAL 1395 YOUNG MEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY IE You Are Interested In ALRED BAKER DAIRY SALE HOSKING if INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Domestic Wells Test Holes WEED BURNING TELEPHONE new HELP WANTED 16 Professional Cards NOTICE HAY GRAIN PASTURE Dentists SALES STARK armers Ranchers REAL ESTATE UNderhill 5 4534 Veterinarians GAS GOES LOANS EVERYWHERE URNITURE Auctioneers AUTO Lassen Tractor Co SALARY or Sale Lease or Rental Morticians 710 ourth Street Garden Section Sets Date Of Annual lower Show AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR OK OK OK OK OK Greg Bar 5 5 3 17 7 TOWING and EMERGENCY SERVICE Harris to 4:30 PM 27 at East Wood St Willows Capay Club Honors ounders Past Presidents OUTDOOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK THIS IS AN EXCELLENT CHANCE TO START A CA REER AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY Watch Hap Hafer and his arm and amily pro gram on KHSL TV Channel 12 every Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 pm 1 you to investigate the ECONOMICAL WAY '36 620 470 530 295 295 175 295 395 250 340 195 195 95 45 OK OK OK OLTZ LOWER SHOP 926 East Street Near Yolo Chev Sedan Chev 2 door Sedan Buick ord Convertible Chev Sedan Dodge Sedan Pontiac 2 door DeSoto Sedan Chev 2 dr Sedan Chev Sedan Dodge Coupe WILLOWS LYING SERVICE THOSE WONDERUL oranges are still available Bring containers Mrs Reynolds 70 Mill St 3 56 Orland Willowp Twin BceCh and Cessna 170 avail able for Charter Service Mrs Keith Baugher of Hamil ton City was the honored guest at a surprise birthday party last night at the Dixon home following church services Hosts were Mrs Dixon and the Baptist Youth ellowship Mrs Baugher was presented with a gift from the group and cake and punch were served to the following: Jim my Chris and Wesley Dixon Meta Varnor Rathy and Patricia KKirphy' Victor Jones Arthalyn Noble? Roxanne erry Walter Strong Joan Schuster Verncil and Emily Gamble and Mr and Mrs Arthur Noble Mr and Mrs Wes Wilson Mrs Russell Caldwell Amil Herman Dixon Keith Baugher Mr and Mrs Strong and Ken Grove of Colusa and Lillian Haldorson of Los Angeles OR SALE: redwood posts grape stakes lumber Lutner Wonacott of Stony creek on 99W pnoneUN 5 2765 3 84 8 tf OR RENT: furnished apartments Also sleeping rooms Ridgway Apartments 902 ifth St Orland Pnone UN 5 9935 a 3 74 5 tf Gravel Packed Irrigation Wells Phone UNderhill 5 1545 Orland OR SALE: Case tractor or will taite smaller engine in trade Call Hollis UN 5 2614 3 186 19 3 LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED preconditioned both hand and powered Keys made Hob by Shop 506 4th St Orland Calif Phone UN 5 4408 3 15 1 tf WE TELEGRAPH LOWERS ANYWHERE Western Turbine Pumps Western Rain Sprinkler System Agricultural Operations SPRAYING SEEDING ERTILIZING Special Agent New York Life Insurance Co 459 Plumas St Willows Cudf Phone 76 Located 3 miles east of Willows on Glenn Road and 1 mile north Watch for arrows DR RICHARD PREUSSER Large and Smail Animals 99W 2 miles south of Walker St "At the Palm Trees Phone UN 5 2168 The Orland 'Garden has set Saturday April 28 aS the date for the annual spring flower show with Open Gardens Week to be held from Saturday April 21 through Sunday May 6 Mrs John Rucke section chairman announc ed committees for the non com petitive events at the meeting ri day afternoon at the ederated Church Beautiful colored slides of dahl ias were shown Mrs Schroeder Glenn county garden chairman She named the varie ties and gave information about their culture and habits During the discussion part of the meeting members were warn ed of a new blight that is attack ing camellias and azaleas in Cali fornia They were also told of a scale on Meyer lemon trees Mrs Delvin Sweet reported on the prog ress being made at Spence Park by Dr Kermit Brooks and his committee Mrs John Louderback Mrs red Whipple and Mrs Ed Berk land wore elected to the nominat ing committee The program ended with a plant sale arranged by Mrs Chris Rasmus sen Mrs Ernest Eddy and Mrs William Reimers Hostesses for the tea hour included Mrs Masterson Mr Melvin Barceloux and Mrs Olga Lindquist OR RENT: 1 or 2 bedroom house partly furnished Electricity wat er garbage service included Very reasonable Inquire at 604 7th St Dalton 3 26 1 tf INCOME TAX RETURNS prepar ed in my home Mrs I Jacobs turn on 1st road of Sun set 2 story house where road turns Phone UN 5 2017 45 3 3m DR IIYMAS DR SMITH Veterinarians Large and Small Animals 1137 8th St Phone UN 5 3213 405 Colusa St Phone UN 5 2166 Orland Calif SATURDAY MARCH 31st Starting at 1 sharp rain or shine on the EARL ROLEN RANCH EVERYONE welcome to the Evan gelistic service being held each evening this week at the Chris tian church at 7:30 3 229 26 1 or All Repairs "Bring Your ord Home" To the ord Garage We stock genuine ord Parts Work done by factory trained mechanics Complete paint and body ret air department Call for repair estimates Body Shop UN 5 2270 WANTED TO LEASE: dairy large enough to run 100 head Will op erate on a share or cash rent basis Daniel Victorino Rt 1 Box 457 Glenn Phone Willows 40 5 3 176 19 3 1 a limited suoniv of Webster's New Collegiate diction ary otticial source tor True Maga sports car puzzle The Or land Unit 3 218 22 2 WANTED: woman to help in small Chico boarding house room and board and wages Call mornings 420 Hazel St Chico Phone I 2 2829 3 236 26 1 Phone Willows 181 A LOYD DALE NOLTA Ph 368 Willows Ph 328 POULTRY GLENN COUNTY AIR board of directors (42nd Agricultural Dis trict Association) regular meet ing first Tuesday of each month 8 pm fair grounds office Or land 3 23 1 tf SWEET SON uneral Directors riendly Efficient Service Phone UN 5 3349 Orland Calif OR SALE: several used television sets priced from $30 up New sets from $12995 for and $16995 for Al Hinz Appliance 3 178 19 3 LOCKERS for rent as low as $10 a year or 2 boxes for $15 Our rates lor meat etc are lower and Lockers Phone 2321 ord Colusa St 99W UN 5 4401 DR II BROOKS Dentist Hours by Appointment 316 4th St Phone UN 5 2280 OR RENT: 2 bcdroom home fur nished up town Phone UN 5 2249 Lu Sine 3 165 19 3 VALLEY GAS SERVICE Home Owned and Operated Hwv 99W at Walker St Orland Phone UN 5414 1 OR SALE: fryers and roasters live 29c lb dressed 45c Also hens live 20c lb dressed 30c De livered to Orland on ridays Reimer close to Capay store phone UN 5 2779 3 260 26 1 Stark ord Sales Largest Used Car Lot Hwy 99W at Colusa UN 5 4404 Used Car Lot UN 5 2161 3 4 1 tf 40 ACRE dairy ranch in pasture Large hay barn milk House pit silo and chicken house Good 6 room home garage 826000 20 ACRES: pasture project water hay and milk barn with 27 stanch ions Concrete block milk house 6 room stucco home garage The price is $13500 or down pay ment and terms see HOWARD GREEN Realtor Highway 99W at the Arch Orland Cali! Phone UN 5 3395 3 230 32 tf OR SALE: 9 Holstein springing heifers 1 fresh heifer 1 open heifer Vaccinated TB tested and dehorned $125 each Holmes 7th arid Post Ave Capay 3 232 26 1 STORE SURPLUS Headquarters for and Work Clothes 3 172 19 tf REPAIR On All Types and Makes of Pumps WOULD YOU like an exceptionally nice 2 bedroom plus home? This one is a real pleasure to show be cause of its excellent location and condition Detached garage fenc ed yard central heating etc This one will be easy to finance and priced right VERY WELL located 100 ft lot No fillrcquired Priced to sell quickly at $1000 391 ACRES of town with small 2 bedroom house Only $1975 II HOSKING Broker 405 Colusa St Phone UN 5 2166 3 228 22 3 cutting curing Grocery Hamilton City 3 24 1 tf Charter members and past pres jdents of Capay Rancho club were honored guests when they met in the social hall of the riends church last Tuesday af ternoon Only two charter members were present for the occasion Mrs Giles and Mrs Henry Day The club was organized in Jan uary 1919 Past presidents honored were Mrs A Smith Mrs Guy Boone Mrs loyd Williams Mrs Lawrence Hadley Mrs Beatrice Carpenter Mrs II Lower Mrs Schroeder Mrs Neal Butler and Mrs Henry Day Corsages made of nylon and yel low jonquils were presented to each i i The business meeting was pre sided over by President Mrs Ed win I Hobbs Election was had and the nom inating committee presented the names of Mrs Denny Wood wird for president Mrs Eyitt for vice president Mrs Nellie Bambauer secretary and Mrs Vincent Doyle treasurer for the coming year i Gifts were brought to be sent to an adopted flood victim of Yuba City Mrs orrest Gelbke more will be brought and sent from time to time She was presi dent of the Wilson club of Yuba City which has now disbanded for the time being The next meeting will be the annual plant sale and all mem bers are requested to bring plants and participate in the sale At the close of 1he meeting Mrs Schroeder chairman of the garden committee of the Glenn County ederation of clubs was introduced and showed colored slides of the collection of dahlias grown in her garden and spoke on their culture and care She was presented with a gift from the club of which she is a member Other guests present were Mrs Chris Rasmussen of Orland Mrs Jones and Mrs Bag shaw Refreshments were served by Mrs Tom itzerald and Mrs Evitt BRIGGS STRATTON WISCONSIN ENGINES Repairing and Parts Power Lawn Mower Repairing HOLT 423 Colusa St Phone UN 5 4568 ALMOND WOOD for sale: fireplace and stove lengths Will deliver Joe Pelizzari 3 mi from 99W on West Walker St Phone UN 5 2013 12 209 29 3m BUILDING CONTRACTOR New Construction Renovation Repair Stucco Work Etc Estimates Gladly urnished RICHARD SPADING Phone Willows 1032M Willows DISC SHARPENING On Your Ranch With oley Machine Phone UNderhill 5 3024 TALLMON BROTHERS you are a high school graduate apply to March 26 irst 64 Holstein Cattle 10 Cows fresh in last 90 days Cows milking 90 days and over Cows close Springers Springer 1st Calf Heifers Bred Heifers Open Heifers Heifer Calves Mendocino Bull EQUIPMENT MISC Single DeLaval Milking Ma chines also 1 Pump Motor One Horse Trailer 3 year old green broke Pack Mule REE: each week a 17 jewel Ben rus wrist watch to the lucky tic ket holder Tickets free no pur chase necessary SURE SAVE SERVICE 3 233 26 1 OR RENT: clean unfurnished 2 bedroom house large glass en closed service porch shade fruit and nut trees Ideal for elderly couple $45 mo 3K mi on 99W Inquire Mrs Eva Bywater 434 East St phone UN 5 3105 3 219 26 1 BOB HOWARD Best in Auction Box 35 Phone UiN 5 4581 ORLAND Grand Master Visits Orland IOO Lodge Arthur Tibert of Los Angeles grand master of the Independent Order of Odd ellows made his official visit to the Orland lodge Thursday night There were more than 50 present at the din ner served at the IOO hall Visi tors came from Willows Red ding Red Bluff Corning and Artderson Ernest Eddy of the local lodge was presented with a 40 year jewel He has long been active in the oftler here rank Ondricck and Ben Kra nig were in charge of the food committee which put on the din ner OR SALE: uncertified common alfalfa seed John Zimmerman Rt 1 Box 7 Coining Calif Phone TAylor 4 3369 2 200 27 tf HOUSE for rent: 4 rooms close in modern partly furnished Phone Lambert Chevrolet UN 5 2307 3 208 22 2 jocLeu (Continued on Page 4) RAMSEY WELL DRILLING CO 825 Tehafha St Willows Phone 932 WANTED: salesman No experience necessary Good pay 40 hour week hospitalization group life insurance vacation with pay and many other company benefits Ap ply in person SEARS ROEBUCK AND COMPANY Willows 2 225 22 2 PASSENGER ord Station Wagon 1425 ord 2 dr Sedan ord 2 Dr Olds 88 4 Dr WE ARE now back in business rolling and grinding grain Or land eed and Grain 605 Walker St Phone UN 5 2435 3 88 8 NOTICE Printing Shop has moved to the Capay Electric Shop Building on Cutting in Capay Save on letterheads envelopes cards etc Write to Rt 2 Box 146 or phone UN 5 3039 for prices 3 146 15 RADIO and TV service: I am able to take care of your radio re pairs and also television tube checking and adjusting Leave orders with Home urnishings Stanley Kayser 3 181 19 3 Before cleaning your ditches it will pay Service and Installations or Every Purpose SEE US PUMPS Repairs and Installations Well Testing Sprinkling Systems Irrigation Pump Electric Co 19th Park Ave Phone I 2 5624 Chico An informative agricultural program sponsored by Lassen Tractor Co and the University of Cali fornia at Berkeley ODDS AND ENDS Lamps tables Samson chairs and tables As much as 50 discount 3 231 26 1 OR BUTANE PROPANE Cubs Get Advancement Awards at Meeting An educational skit based on the theme of the was presented by Cub Scouts of Den 3 at the March Pack meeting held riday night at the ed erated church Approximately 180 parents and children took part in the activities led by Till Schmidt Bob ranzen and Rev Richard Walsh Den 4 won the good conduct banner and Den 7 won the attendance flag The latter deri was organ ized in March under' the leader ship of Mrs Clayton Wolf and Mrs Gene Kuntz Awards were presented as fol lows: Bobcat pins: Larry Taylor William Wolf Gene Kuntz Carl Holm Arthur Tharpe and Ste phen Lewis Wolf badges Jim Cu faude Gene Donnelly Mike Hughes Roger Erickson Greg Ponci Eric Nielsen Dennis Rose Brent Schenck and David Lon don Bear badges: Richard Jo hansen and Jim Westaby Den ner stripes: Brent Schenck Greg Ponci Dennis Rose Jeff Baugher assistant Denner stripes to Kenny Davis Pvichard Johansen and Oz zie Garton 2 year service pin Robert ranzen 1 ycar service pin Charles Hassard Arrow Points were given to Richard Johansen Arthur Susee Ken Dalton John Skinner Gene Schonaucr Bill Hackier Reimers Jeff Baugher and ry Winter MARINES PLAN REUNION The 1956 reunion of the Third Marine Division association will be held at the Congress hotel Chicago June 29 through July 1 The association is comprised of veterans who fought at Bougain ville Guam and Iwo Jima and men now serving with the Third Division overseas ormer Ma rines Navy personnel and mem bers of the 25th Seabee Battalion who served with the Third Ma rine division are for membership Artificial Breeding Service PROVEN BULLS AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES Holstein Jersey Guernsey Swiss Angus Hereford Dean Bartlem Ted Pietsch Local Representatives Phone UN 5 2920 Phone 21 2 BABY CHICKS New Hampshire straight 'run 17c Leghorn straight run 17c Leghorn sexed pullets 36c Leghorn sexed co*ckerels 5c HATCHERY Clara and Seventh Aves Capay district Rhone UN 5 3056 3 54 1 tf Chevrolet ton new tires canopy $1225 Chev 4 dr clean 195 Chev 4 spd 1295 ord V8 Cus 2 door 595 Pontiac 195 Olds Club Coupe 195 ord 75 High School shop training helpful but not required GLASS MIRROR GIT Glass Work of All Kinds ree Estimates Steel Aluminum Windows Steel Aluminum Doors Shower Doors Dutch Boy Paints I 2 9457 1378 Longfellow Chico CARD THANKS We would like to express our thanks to the many friends and relatives for their acts of kind ness sypipathy cards and flowers at the time of our bereavement II Burks Lloyd Burks and amily Aileen Mitchell and amily GRINDING GRAIN We are back in business at the for mer Lee ry mill rolling and grinding grain Orland Seed andGrain rank Siemens 605 Walk er St Orland Phone UN 5 2435 3 150 15 2m is one of Glenn coun outstanding Holstein herds and has been in the same hands 23 years Breeding dates and individ ual records will be given day of sale The bull in this sale is the last son of the old Star Bull from the Mendocino State Hospital herd The ranch has been leased and Mr Rolen is going into other busi ness Everything must be sold so if you need top cows attend this sale Your inspection of this herd is invited anytime prior to sale EARL ROLEN OWNER WILLOWS LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO 1 AUCTIONEERS Bob Howard Robinson Phones: Orland UN 5 4581 Willows 390 TYPEWRITER RENTALS: newly rebuilt Underwoods and month $3 minimum up to 15days Orland Unit Stationery Store Phone UN 5 1433 3 20 1 tt COMMERCIALS Chev ton Pickup Chev ton Pickup 950 Chevrolet ton I 700 '41 International 250 PACIIC a good place to Work 3 235 264 ORD TRACTOR SALES SERVICE 1505 Park Ave CHICO Ph 2 01 12 PLYMOUTH for sale: excellent condition only 32000 miles Terms Alfred Johnson 3 Chapman St phone UN 5 2415 3 250 26 tf STRAYED 2 dogs: last seen of Greenwood Switch 1 white bobtail with black spots 1 brown arid white Eeagle with harness Doth vaccinated Reward Mrs Albert Mehrens phone Willows 2 3 i 3 244 26 2 STEADY ULL TIME WORK REGULAR RAISES OPPOR TUNITIES TO ADVANCE YOU CAN EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Call or Write HUSKISSON Route 2 Box 291 Orland Phone UN 5 3027 If No Answer Call UN 5 1141 3 213 22 2 ARTHRITIS VICTIMS: sufferers now getting positive relief with DAMALIN Contains new drug OK recently released lor Tneumatic symptoms Pharm acy 3 7 1 tf WANTED: cows with Mastitis Not really but if you are having trouble with mastitis TARGOT Mastitis Ointment is your answer Contains four powerful antibiotics Aureomycin Chlortetracyclinc plus Neomycin Penicillin and Dihydrostreptomycin HARRING PHARMACY 718 4th St Phone UN 5 4436 3 206 22 6 LOCKER beet special: young healthy inspected beef Half or whole 26c per lb up Can be fi nanced Nothing down 6 months to pay May be seen: Lockers 1221 North Cedar Chico Phone I 2 5760 3 9 1 tf LOCKER AND HOME REEZER BEE Young tender sides or from 30c lb up Bank terms available No money down 6 months to pav LOCK ER SERVICE Highway 32 1 mi of Orland Phone UN 5 2491 3 10 1 tf Youll find it in the CYLINDER HEAD surfacing? See Thomas Auto Parts 4th Co lusa Orland 3 175 19 3 ENGINE BORING? See Thomas Auto Parts 4th Colusa Orland 3 174 19 3 WHY NOT get your Auxiliary or Harvester in order now See Thomas Auto Parts 4th and Co lusa Orland 3 173 19 3 OR SALE: 26 gal Butane tank and regulator $20 Peets Phone UN 5 2729 4th Post Ca pay 3 205 22 2 EET HURT? coming soon Dr mobile unit with factory representative Have free foot test made Make appointments at amily Shoe Store 3 60 5 lm Lambert Chevrolet Phone UN 5 2307 3 5 1 tf ORLAND (Calif) 5 Monday March 26 1956 MEETING NOTICES OR SALE: good used practice trombone $20 rame Logan phone UN 5 2114 3 215 22 3 OR SALE: Easter bunnies and rabbits of all kinds fryers and does witn young etc Also 1 year old gander Nellie Cole phone UN 5 2847 3 224 22 3 I WE HAVE Wuhefof'o OR SALE: good clean oats straw under cover would be suitable for dry feed $15 per ton Call Newby Ranch phone Hamilton City 2887 3 242 26 tf REE 5 piece Dinette Set with the purchase of a Hotpoint re frigerator or Amana fieezer 3 230 26 1 HEALTHY HOGS HEALTHY PROITS keep your hog profits safe from erysipelas losses Sick or dead pigs are money right out of your pocket See us about Duo vax Erysipelas Bacterin next time yuu 4ire uver our wav mvr PHARMACY 71 8 4th HWy 99W St Phone UN 5 4436 3 207 22 6 OR RENT: 2 room furnished house completely insulated all electric private yard Mrs Overholtzcr 320 Chapman St Or land phone UN 5 2273 3 221 22 4 OR RENT: large 2 bedroom house partly furnished Plenty of shade Ansel Sanford Phone UN 5 3579 1 mi and mi of Orland 3 227 22 2 Buy Sell or Trade with a Unit Classified Ad OR SALE: Spinnet piano Story and Clark Original cost $864 Will sacrifice for half price Mrs Eu gene Kuntz 252 Plumas Phone UN 5 3028 3 223 22 2 OR SALE: 'painted open corner book case also bassinet with stand and mattress Mrs Lyle Sabin phone UN 5 3111 3 222 2Z 2 OR SALE: a 4 qt Presto and a 12 qt National pressure cooker also a new Rototillcr Backeberg phone UN 5 4891 3 166 19 3 Many good buys oft used AUTO MATIC WASHERS AND DRY ERS Hills Appliance 412 Walker St Phone UN 5 4175 3 191 19 6 OR SALE electric refrigerator $35 gas stove with trash burner $35 Both in good condition Mrs Ruth Peets phone UN 5 3431 3 240 26 2 POWER IAWN MOWERS for rent Have also received new power mowers for sale Macy and Co Orland UN 5 2227 3 239 26 tf OR SALE: white Easter rabbits 8 weeks old Karl and Kristie Phone UN 5 3573 3 238 26 2 OR SALE: Maytag automatic washer nearly new condition Joe Louis phone UN 5 3677 3 237 26 2 TRACTOR WORK wanted: plow ing discing broadcasting seed 4 commercial fertilizer and post hole digging and border ridging Ail new equipment 2nd house of Kite Motel on 99W Rt 3 Box 174 Phone UN 5 2786 George Crane 3 18 1 tf 4aST HOLE digging chiseling scraping check ridging harrow ing Harold Peterson let 2 Box 22 A Phone UN 5 3263 before 7:36 or after 5:30 pm 3 19 1 tf ELECTRICAL SERVICE: wiring and other electrical work wanted Satisfaction guaranteed Ixiwis Lavcy phone UN 5 3152 3 21 1 tf Wall Counter loor COVERINGS or every budget every purpose CHICO LINOLEUM CO 123 2nd St Downtown Chico 3 22 1 tf OR SALE: arm Master milking machine 6 gal pocket double with pump Used 3 years (Price $50 Cnristine ox Box 101 (Maxwell Phone 2676 3 138 15 6 OR SALE: 1 clover wheel type rake 3 rabbit hutches 5 sections spike tooth harrow 1 clover blower for John Deere '55 harvester Ray Bolinger Wyo Rd and 3rd Ave Capay 3 198 22 4 SERVICES OERED A Aftoirr rj I A 1 US Il I 1 2 1 i I 4 OR SALE: 6 months to 6 year baby crib Carl Tanner Rt 3 Box 121 Orland Phone UN 5 4652 3 258 26 1 PICKUP for sale: 1956 GMC ton pickup Take over contract Phone UN 5 2852 3 257 26 2 OR SALE: hp Berkeley press ure system for shallow well near ly new Also nearly new adult's Schwinn bicycle Orville Smith Greenwood Switch Rd mi of 99W 3 256 26 3 20 ACRES for rent: ladino perma nent pasture fenced Phillipy phone UN 5 2245 days 2027 nights 3 255 26 2 HEIER for sale: large heavy Hol stein springer George Baker 3rd and Walch Capay district phone UN 5 2615 3 251 26 1 OR SALE: Palestine oats for seed or feed McCord Phone UN 5 2584 3 253 26 2 WANTED: reliable man to work on a Grade A dairy John Gilmore Phone UN 5 2854 or UN 5 3098 I 3 252 26 1 OR SALE: Philco chest type deep freeze about 3 years old $175 or will consider best offer Gordon Conlee mi on De tour Rd Phone UN 5 3085 3 245 26 2 THREE BEDROOM house for rent 710 irst St Mrs Gundry phone UN 5 3570 3 247 26 tf OR SALE Domestic sewing ma chine walnut finish desk model with buttonhole attachment used very little $150 Call Mrs Joe Sousa UN 5 2818 3 246 26 2 PONTIAC 4 door sedan for sale: new seat covers almost new bat tery fine condition good looking car A Nickel nhone UN 5 3006 3 248 26 1 WANTED: good ranch man for steady work one who can drive tractor do general farm work and irrigate Call Newby Ranch phone Hamilton City 2887 3 243 26 tf OR RENT: unfurnished duplex apartment some furniture three large rooms and bath wash house Ranch Apartments Phone UN 5 2076 3 234 26 1 GLENN COUNTY SPRING LAMB AN TREAT AT MARKET I i THIS WEEK 3 254 26 1 179 ACRES near Orland 89 acres irrigated balance unimproved 3 bedroom home 3 barns 3 metal grain bins 23 acres in alfalfa Balance has been grain farmed Price only $53000 Terms 40 ACRES with new modern home milking parlor feed barn pump irrigation seeded to alfalfa and pasture Has carried 50 head of cattle Owner sick and must sell $30000 Terms HOSKING REALTY 405 Colusa St Orland Phone UN 5 2166 3 259 26 2 Buy Sell or Trade with a Unit Classified Ad 4.

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Orland Unit-Register from Orland, California (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Views: 5698

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.