SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”' wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (2024)

SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”' wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (1)

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AYSBAOl DAILY 0IB017LAT10M for ttie BlODtb of Blaroh, 19S8

5,268Member of tbe Audit Bureau

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HieVOL. L ll., NO. 158. (Claaaillod Advertlslog on Page 8). MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 4,1988. TEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS

u . s .SEVENTY-

«■ • t- '.. .


IN BANK PROBEFletcher BiH Adopted Which

Will Allow Committee Tot

Mahe Inqohy Into Doings of Wall Street Concerns.

Waohlngton, April 4.—(AP)— Tbe flenate today granted tbo broadoot power In Iti poiaoMlon for an InveitlgatloD of private bank- eri, including J. ?. Morgan and Co., by tbo banking company.

Without dobate, the Senate adopted tbe Fletcher bill extending wide power to tbe banking com mittea to make tbe inquiry into private banking which President nooaevelt bee epoueored.

Chairman Fletcher of tbe bank* committee called up tbe reeo*

ion which be filed and aeked for unanlmoue coneent for iti coneld- eratlen. There wae no objection and the authority wae quickly granted.

Tbe reeolutlon wae drafted by Ferdinand Peeora, committee coun* •el, with a view to obtaining tbe ■epate'e oonetltutlonal power ever iBtimtate commerce, banking and tax mattere for tbe eommlttee.

Queetlone SubmittedPeeora told tbe committee be

had aubmltted 38 queotioni to tbe Morgan firm and tnet on edvlce of John W, Davie, ite oouneel, tbe banking bouee had refueed to an- ewer one and taken eeveral wthese under coneideration,

Davie, in a public etatement, hae announced Morgan and Company ii willing to. co'operate with tbe committee in anewering “pertl nent” queetione.

Tbe committee bae about 816,000 left from ite appropriation to car­ry on tbe inquiry into private buking, which Fletcher announced will Include moet of the big private bankerc of Wall etreet.

Peeora le ready to reeUme tbe in* qulry immediately under tbe broad authority granted by the commit* tee.



.4# '


Here le the Navy'e new eky giant, the Macon, elate r ebip of tbe ill-fated Akron, which eraabed early thla©“ ‘o* • Swaa planned to launch the

vri^take^e'eSr^ tragedy ot tbe Akron baa cb anged tbe plana and it la not known when tbo Macon


Between 80 and 90 Dele­gates Out of 100 Elected Are For Repeal of Law.

Detroit, Aprl 4.—(AP)—Michi­gan next Monday will caat the first formal state vote Ip favor of re­pealing the 18th Amendment to the FedersU Constitution.

Wet strength that surprised even tbe organizations sponsoring re­peal, swept through aU *.ut a vei few of the state districts yerterday to elect between 80 and 90 of the 100 delegates to the convention that will act un the repeal propos al. Only 51 votes are required to control the convention.

It was the first opportunity the electors of any state have had to vote on repeal of the National pro­hibition law and the convention next week will be the first assem­bly of its kind aver held.

Catles MosUy Wet Among the centers that voted

for repeal delegates were such dtlea as Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Mar­quette, Muskegon. Saginaw, Port Huron, Battle Creek and Lansing On incomplete returns the only dis­tricts showing dry strength were In Barry county (Hastings), and Ing­ham county’s Second District, lying outside the dty of Lansing.

In Detroit. 17 delegates pledged to repeal were named by a margin

Aearly 10 to 1. When figures had been tabulated from 700 dty pre­cincts, the vote was: For repeal 1M.088, against repeal 22,202. Al­though repeal forces had claimed thqy would carry Wayne county, •xslly, the wet majority surprised «v«J them.

The Totgl Vote aggregate vote from 1,757 etate’s 3,417 prednets was

489,071 for repeal and 142,289 ftSfusft. The election wae entirely by legislative districts.

Governor WUHam A. Comstock, xrdant supporter of repeal, had raedy for Introduction in the Legle- lattire today a meaaure to pe- me'manufacture and sale ot 8J beer -in Michigan, By me quickest pxrllXipeatary procedure the meas-


Tables BOI H ut WonU Make Sale TemporarO; lUegal; Meaiore Delayed After Pateing Home. .

Skfe TkTM).

Hartford, April 4.—(AP) — An emergency bill making Illegal the sals of beer In this state until the adoption of regulatory legislation was tabled in the Senate today after having been adopted in tbe House under suspension of the rules.

In the House the measure was supported by leaders of both parties. In the Senate, Senator Joseph P. Cooney, Democrat, moved to table tbe bill, although Senator Frank S. Bergin, majority leader and Cooney’s party assodate, indicated support of the measure and agreed to having it tabled only after Senator Cooney agreed to call It up the first thing tomorrow.

The measure would definitely ban sales on April 7 as members of the judldary committee said It would be Impossible to pass the necessary regulatory legislation by that date. During, the brief , consideration of the measure in the Senate, there was no opportunity for discussion of its merits.

A Lever On the SenateThe bill was described as protec­

tion for the brewers of the state but was reported, unoffldally, as removing control of the situation from the bands of the Democratic Senate and forcing that body to agree to House plans for beer con­trol.

The bill places penalties ^n "any person, firm or corporation who shall sell oeer, wine or any alcohol­ic content until such time as legis­lation for control of such sales shall be enacted.”

Hold Special Meeting Spea^ng on the .biU, which was

prepared at a special meeting of the Judiciary committee this morn­ing, Majority Leader Raymond E Baldwin said that 'it is qrtremely doubtful If we 3an get the necessi­ty control legislation enacted by Friday. This bill will atop the fiood until legislation is passed. Coimec- ticut brewers have started manu­facturing beer and we must stop the importation of beer from other states until our own brewers are ready."

Minority Leader John Markham uuged passage of the bill, saying ttat “we have waited years and we

(Oontiniied On Page Two)

tbbasu bv bala nob

Washington, April 4.—(AP)— 3^awry receipts April 1 were

110,-775j698.77; balanoe 8487,880^17808. Swto®* duties fiw A ^ 1 were 8711,190.71.


Manager, o f Theater In Greenwich Staged a Fake Hold-Dp; Later C o o le d .

Greenwich, April 4—(AP)—Harry Cohen, 80, o f West Haven, was fined $260 and costs by Judge H. Allen Barton today on a charge of secret­ing, with Intent to defraud, certain monies of the Keith Orpheum Cor­poration of which he was an agent. The sentence was suspended on plea of counsel, until May 1, and Ck>ben Was paroled In custody of his coun­sel, Clifford B, Wilshn, of Bridge­port,

Cohen was manager of the R, K. O, Pickwick Theater,here, and .wfis arrested Septerntfer 12, last, after he had reported to police he had been

(Continued On Page Three) '


Roger Smith In Stamford Loses $560 In Ar Early Morning Stick-Up. ■ /


“ Race Purity” Declared To Be Gaidog Prindpal of the New OrganizatioiL

Berlin, April 4—(AP) -Protest­ant Nazis assembled In a National convention here today celebrate^ tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. ■ ,

"Race purity”' wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or­ganization,' known as' the "German Christian Movemeni.’’

Beginning, today, all persons, de­siring .to.lae^ve.Germiany were re­quired to .obtain permission ot -ne police. Reports of headlong fiigbts of thousands ot Jews into uearby countries, carrying away money a 'd other posscaslQn8».led,t0 .pe,action. A cbns^^abie: aum.of money was repotied- taiten fcom one group. .J », • Te-CMVe Op Boycott' ’ ' Nazr loader have agreed finally

to'gtvd’tip, their-plane ot renewing tbnloi^w' the nation-wide ' .’boycott against .air forms 6t Jewisb comnier- cla3 actlvl. 1- • Reluctance in ■ drop­ping the plan'was admitted bat talk of further , peftnahept. restrictive rneasui^ a^pst'tfie Jews.’ ' . .. The Pr0.fie«iant. N ^ s, concluding

a two-day conplftye today,. were told equality.. for. Jaws,.,was the .prpinlse of a future' world hut was "not to be expected in j:^rmany.^

- ‘ Not’ of- tWofid-'------The Rev. Peter, one'of tbe, prin­

cipal speakers,--said -St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans about the equality of the Jew and the Greek applied to things- spiritual aiui - a world beyond but not to'this world

. (Continued. On Page ThCra) '

DiaaateraBy ASfOClATBD ■!fi


Ootobw 4, 1980-rBritieb Dlrlitible R-lOl e^lodee pyer Ftwee irklle •nroute from Bnglud .to Xnqie! M deed, ‘

Mey 26, 1938—lUllen DIriftble telle creehea In Aretlo on fllgnt to brtb Pole, eight deed>Beptember 4, 1946—U. B« pirlgl-

ble Bbenesdoeb (formfriy ZR-1), wrecked In etorm In Ohio; l4 IgUled.

Deoember 31,1938—French Olrlfi- ble Dlxmtide, pre*nimeUy struck by lightning over Medltcrroocen, 63 killed.

February 31,1933—U. 8. Dirigible Rome, bought by United States from Italy, crashes to earth In flames near Hampton Boade Army Base: 84 killed.

August 34, 1931 -Dirigible ZB-3, bought in England for the United

4ttnt«e,' frame buckles over Humber river: .43 killed.

January 39, 1931—Britlpb Dirigi­ble 11:84, wrecked in gale at How- den, England; no Uvee Tost.

July 31, l9l9^Dlrigihle bums over Otinago: lO lulled.

July 167 1919—Britiah airship NB-11, struck by Ugbtalng over North Sea; 13 kuled.

June 30, 1914—Airship and air­plane eolUded at Vienna; 9 kUled.

Beptember 9, 1918—Zeppelin L-1, destroyed off Heligoland: 16 killed,

October 17, 1918—Zej^lin L-2, exploded over Jobanniitbal aero­drome; 38 killed.

July 2, 1913-Balloon Akron ex- ploded at Atlantic City; 6 killed.

Bealdee tbe Zeppelins L-1 and L-2, Count Zeppelin lost four other great

eaoe-tlme dirigibles In aooidente— e Zeppelins 8 and 8 and Deutechlands 1 and 3. •




Only Fonr of Crew of 76 Are Foand, One of Them Demi; Reicne Tanker Saw Flare In d icat^ That Dinpble Burned; Static Makes Cennnnnicatien With S w e h eels Difficnit; Weather Was o f Worst Type For Hying; AdmiraFa Wife CGnga To Hope Bnt Officiab Despair o f Lives of 72 Missing.


o a ) S ro i!W v ^ 9 llK W ,J liMessage T d b of- Sdeing Many Men Swhnimng After the Airalnp Craihed.

Washington, April 4.—(AP) — Lieut. Commander Heribert V. WUey, only officer known to have survived tbe Akron ersMb, reported to the Navy today that a few mlnutee after midnight, the ship bad suddenly shifted vtolently, descended smd wae "demollehed on impact" in tbe water off the .New Jersey shore.

"In lightning flash saw many men swimming,” bis cryptic ivport said.

“Wreckage drifted rapidly away Diedpllna control car perfect," it ended.

The message, which bad been picked up elsewhere before,being given out at tbe navy, read'textual-ly: . . . . •

WILEY'S MESSAGENew Ydrk, April 4.—(AP) — A

m e^ge signed. "Wiley,"' and stat­ing that tbe dirigible /ykro^ in the center o f'a storm, .c'raisheq about 12:33 a m„ cod^, was given-Out by tbe-Coast Guard at Staten Island today.

The message, which-carried no address, was sent from the cutter Tucker, to'tbe cniiser Portland and intercepted. t y tbe COast ' Guard cutter ChamplEdn, moored at the Coast Guard, base at Staten. Islapd.

^ e Tucker is tbe vessel to which Lieut Commander H. V. Wiley, sec­ond in command^of the Akron; two other surdvors and the body , of a fourth member of the crew 'were transferred from the rescue tanker Phoebus.

The .message, as given out by the Coast Guard, at Stften Island, fol­lows.:

"Sighted. thunder storm, about. 30 (Oobtiaoed On Page Thi^‘)

JMt-o/ Akron’s > Crew

I 'i R - - '

Stamford, April 4.—(AP) — A lone ban<flfstu-k up the night clerk of the Roger Smith Hotel a few minutes b^ore 2 o’clock this morn­ing and took 8560 from the hotel vault. He escaped in a car which was parked In the driveway south of the hotel during the robbery. He is believed to havu had an accom­plice, who drove the car.

The clerk on duty, Frank D1 Tri nlo, was held up about a 3rear ago under similar drc*mstancea at the Roger.Smith hotel in White Plains. He was albpe in the hpiLel lobby when the holdup occurred last, night. He described the bandit, as. about five feet, eight inches tall, wearing a grey cap and grey overcoat The jandit iad a blue polkadot handker­chief tied across bis face; Just bqbw the eyes,' and waa armed, the deik' Informed police.

Pdllce ■ have taken one' men into custody fer^^ast^onlng -aiiid aaid after - several hbqi^’ of frilling this

that tha max gSva boqttot-

Half of A fe iD England- Lives Near Salt Wafer

Boston, April 4. than. a third of the population ot New Englud lives wl’ u.the tang of salt water in its noetriki.'. Half of the population reside witMn walking d.'-tance of the ocean .and'88 per cent Within an hour's drive, psovld- Ing traffic police do not famish an obstruction. , .

This is another way of aasEing 89. fST ,cept of the population Uvea within five miles, 48 per oant'with­in 10 miles and 88. per cent, witiun 10 miles of the deep blue sepL- ' >

fhese.and other related faeta-are among Ihformatfon fumjahed by a map prepared by the E im rfs ^ Planning aiid Aeeeareh Bateau,'Xh0., sponsored by the B oitoti'Iddety'^ Architects and the' aaftnaarliif sodetlea of Bofitoa to rtlMve unem ' pli^neat . ;

'TOe study ' on 'whiifii tht map' la ba j^ ffilVe ievtdenoe tHxt, ^

(A^)—‘ More^tion already there, the tendency la ' further con.:e*;trationtoward further con.:e*;tration along

the coast. It siiggests that the days of New-fikiilaM’s mantlmo glory still influences the residents ot those state', or that the deptendenoe tfie early,aettlera on the aaa rtmaina auhconsdoualy. wl^ their deseeil- dents. „

Vermont with no coastline, fig­ures only negatively,in the reeuits of the study New Hampsh^, with only five mUes bordering, the ooeah, finds room for only 4Ji per osut-of her pcfEulatian within, five mllea < t the'sea. Maine, .\mb the 'Icngvtt coaat line, .aoooipBiOfiatee 8M par M t w«ttln tha *five-mUa aoSK Rhode .lelaad le the nlUeM.-ortber six-stales,,;wlth 68'par oent of iMr

' wtthtt five-nttfe

t o f AWJ....

' Lakeburst, N. J., April 4.—(AP) —Tbe official list of th> crew aboard the Naval dirigible Akron, as given out by tbe NaviaKAlr Btatlon here, fdlows: . ,

Dean, Carl C„ 1009 Monmouth avenue, Lakewood.

Carlson, Arthur E., 118 Boutb Hayss street, Moscow, Idaho.

Barnhart, Benny, 428 Central avenue, Lakeburst

B ^e, Ralph C., River Road, Del- mar.

Deal, Richard E., 807 Fourth street, Lakewood. >. Engler, Ralph F., Box 116, Man-

helm, Pit.Laiokln,. Harold B., 141 Pblladd-

pbla avenue Egg Harbor CHty.AusUi^; wi&ia -G., 2882.. South

aintpn avenqe, Trapton,' ’•. Erwin, -.Moo^, • B,,, 2077 Vinton, MempUSk Tenn*’..

S t i^ Fred -> W., 984 < Constance avenue,. Peekakill, N. Y. . . , . :

Fennes^, Edward, 1226 Eleventh street, Penisacola, Fla. ■ - - • Boewell,'. Henry U. Wacaprague, Va. ................... ...

yiricb, Oliver E., 9401 Alexander avenue, South Gate, Calif.

Huiting, Lewis O. 512 River avenue,. LaJcehitfst

Weeks, John L.', 176 Somerset etreet North Plainfield.

Zinkus, Joseph J., 696 East Elm street, StamfoH, Conn.

(Continued On Page Three)


No More D ir^bles May Be ^ As Reimit of A cd- dont To Ijw Akroo.

Akron, O., April 4.—(A p )— Akron, w|here the t7. 8.'8. Akron was buUt and where now ptepiara- Uoiu are undei;way for tsatinf her 8iater.ihip,,tiie Maopn,.waa atUnn at news of the dirigible dlnster to­day; . —

Dr. lUrl Arnatsln. deaifner and builder of both giant airahipa, Waa Bu. qysreome be d^nqd to ipake a stanment "1 oan .aay notMug tnitU I kpow mqr®'about iV he aai<L hie voice breaking.'

Liegt PomvT..Q. W. Settle, oklat Ot't^e Naval Inafeption ^ c ^ attbe C qq yker. Ziapelih dock wi the Akron. wae.omatruoted and-

on now awaltf bar debvt air ohannale, said' oalt, I t ia tacrihia for w i ^ .if lhaaa re-

MfOon now awaltf bar tb o ;r ' ' te^ tpara aia'true.’*

GaijppMader Alger B. D^eafl, who >«* -MIBBiaad'tba<Maben, aaM the

i o< ;t)M d a tB iM .tk a ^ A I ^ P d fd T h ^ ik ^ b«r ahip ?»•*?* down jn a

BULLETIN 1 By Associated Press

New York—U. 8. 8. Akron, larfMt airship ever flown, de­molished at sea off New Jersey Coast* with probably toes of

', eeveaty-three llvee.Beech Haven, N. J.—Tbe

NavaJ non-dirigible J-8, from Laltskarst Naval Air Jtatlon, in ■MMk oi tha Akron wreckage, (ell Ihto the sea this. ai^fLoon.It carried a eraw% eleven. ^

^Baint ' Nazdira, FrawseL Frenoh IHrigIkle E-9, >a small •hip, was damaged in a forced landing at 8 t Andre des b*"*. Two men were slightly hart

Onlontta, India—One of two airplanee which yesterday Sew over ML Everett oruhad today in a forced iandlBg oaosed by a fuel shortage, incident to a flight over KancbanJhmga, a nearby high peak.

New York, Aprli 4—(AP) — Tbe U. 8. 8. Akron, largest airship in the .world, crashed in flames at sea early today with 76 men aboard. Ten hours later only four ot those men bai been totmd and one of ttiem was dead, making this apparently by far the greatest disaster in tbe wboi. history ot Ughter-than-alr flight, a history which has been spotted by numerous tragedies. ;

Thie Akron was caugbt in violent electrical storm shortly after mldhlgbt 25 miles out trom the —nn dunes of the Jersey coast In the reglofh of Bamegau

Struck by BbRThe coastguard station at Asbury

Park, N. J., reported receiving SUS signals from tbe Akron, but air was tilled with static anc they were not beard eisewberf> The Geriaaan tanker Phoebus saw a flare in the darkness. Presumably tbe Akron was struck by Ughtning and. set afire,' and. so the Navy report^ to Preaidmt Roosevelt The Phoebus picked 'up the tour men found, one of ..whom died.

Among the missing was Admiral William A. Moffett, chief of the Navy’s Bureau ot Aeronautics. Among the rescued was Ueut Com­mander H. V; Wiley,’ executive of­ficer of tbe Akron. The other rescued were enlisted members, ot thO) crew, as was the man whose body was recovered.

The' (poast Guard destroyer Tucker, after abandoning hope of finding further survtvors, started for the Brooklyn Navy Yard with cbe body ot the dead man and tbe sur­vivors. A Wireless call waa sent' ahead to have an ambulance ready for tbe injured.

Oondltlona at Worst The'tragedy occurred in the worst

ot firing weather. Besides the p ^ i ot the electric disturbances, risibil­ity was exceptionally poor and tbe flying celling waa close to sea level.

Oommunloatlpn concerning rescue efforts waa hindered .by continnlng Static.' Third naval district head-‘ quarters In New York reported that all wirelesa rteelvera there "went dead", about tbe time ot the crash end fqnMdflfd out ot commission tar a eqnaklerable period. .' At iAkehursi N. J., boue port ot Uia at Washington, and inottMiiaiittered regions the rclatiTee and {riSQde of the mieatng airmen topad-qpjnat waning ; bop# - that

resouee wov . Typical BKJth'jfa'

aadroktktesii of the Akrunl a w tk«t ot Mrs; Moffett. ,• n h ^ every beilet tkfft AdiflHet

Ueffett la ak. right,” aha jxld afiM tke. eeaeh.

A r

Among Victims

Hesr Admiral W. A. MoffeNi*

abwitaiM at further reeoua npa» Ztaifi .the stormy aaa. ot.liM iMtada Dt Wives and i

take charge of coordinated reeoue- efforte. . .

Over Spedfled WeightRepresentative McCllntic reoXUed

In Washington that the Akron'was 24,000 pounds over tbi weight called for In tbe original specifications but that Admlraj Moffett had written aa article saying this would not affect the ship’s general Mr-worthiness.

Late this momfog the cutter Champlain reported receiving x ' wireless from Commander Wiley saying, "Advisable not to request statement until later." His prerioue messages bad ^ven no rqiason for tbe crash and such Ixifcrmatioo as was gleaned came from rdeosa boats.

About tbe same tim* this messaga came from WUey, Coast Guard headquarters received a wireless rsr porting 'that the. Pboetnu^ which' took aboard tbe four men'roUnd and then turned 'them ;over to tbq, Tucker, bid resumed its Interrupted^ voyage. \' ' ) “

In connection with the crash it wax teimed today that no’ wmtl ervt heard from the Akron at 11:80 last night, whqn she .was dqe to' toake-a regular four hbur report. At the time this caused 'no' anxiety aa it was believed merely that static gad prevehted reception of th e'n port.

Weather observers oo'tiie Jerkey coast, said tbe storm oaune suddW^ but tiiat it bad not been unexjMelied, unsettled conditions for the rhri<>h haring been predicted^. ..

' Gave Up Hope i ^Although famiUea of jtbe xoisd/W

meh refused to give up^hapi thtM was. a greater .tandea^ • in ofRchgt circles to ackttoritsdge that UtUh hope remained. Shoiw.beft^ noon Seerstery of the Navy Swaneoo.ridd there was nothing, to toedoata

Quid be round: 'the Akron’s men would

WASHINGTGN SHOCKED Washington, April 4—(AFj —TUa

proud Akron’s'teaflct fate sent n abode through Weahihgtoh todaK .from President Rooaaiwt to ' tan man in tbe street, laavlhg a eorrovr that waa-aooompaalad by dsnuuidi for inveitigation. ' ' ' „

For hduFa in'Urn SUiinna-' 08 the Navy's ‘ oommuifiolatioiBii fleers had'Set rrinly.lMiilqKRK:mi tinett^ aiika of tnoN tiTthalk' radn thnfi' the thw plekafi 'ik>early mptatng; Bht'Xa-tM ' on, wbat.hops thnin wak

Aidea'cd'tha PreMtfipl orowd to dtaturhi: his akW

repbi^ ™ ~oama

SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (2)



Discontioue Payments To Those On Retired RoD h - definitely Says Letter.

amount ot your premium . . « . . which allows you to continue your present death benefit.

Yours very truly, CHENEY BROTHERS.”


Miss Quimby, Guest of H<mor o f W. C. T. U., Delivers Prise Declamation.

Notices have been sent to 136 io- cal people on Cheney Brothers pen­sion list stating that payments un­der the pension plan are to be dis­continued indefimtely. It is under- •stood that the firm does not intend to retire any employees on pensions for the present, at least. No offi­cial statement was available at the office o f Cheney Brothers today.

The ietter to pensioners stated that the firm regretted the action and that whenever assistance was needed the firm would extend it as far as possible. It also stated that sick and death benefits would . be eontinued

A copy of the letters to pension­ers follows:

“We regret to inform you that the critical condition of business has forced us to suspend for the present

.payment of pensions. A check for your March pension is enclosed. Further payment cannot be made until ordered resumed by the Board o f Directors. We realize the se. • ousnessmf this situation to you and wish you to be asured that it woidd not have been done had it been avoidable.

”We should be glad to discuss this matter with you personally and to offer our assistance in any way that is practical.

“ In order to allow you to continue to carry your death benefit in the benefit association the company will pay to the benefit association the


The freahneM and the new* ness o f our groceries is (me of the charms of our store.

Attractive Values A t Regular

Everyday PricesGranulated Sugar,'10 lb. cloth sack . . . .Sunlight Butter,pound r o l l ............... ....Sunlight Fresh Eggs,dozen . .• • ...............Krasdale Rosebud Whole Beets, j average 30 to a ^ ^

Del'Maiz Niblets, tinFresh Milk, quartSheffield Milk, tall cansPeppermint Patties,1-2 lb. box Vanilla Chocolate,1-2 lb. cake Columbia River Salmon, l-2s flat cans, c%3 f o r ...........................Astor Tea, 1-4 lb. pkg (10c pkg. Steel Wool free with each pkg.)


183 Spruce St.

Mlsfl Betty Quimby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quimby, o f Chfst- nut street, and a senior in Manches­ter High school o f which her father is principal, was the guest of honor at the meeting of the local branch o f the Women’s Clhristian Temper­ance Union this afternoon at the South Methodist church. Miss Quimby gave the declamation, "ShaU America Give Up An Ideal?" by Sen­ator Sheppard, o f Texas, with which she won the grand diamond medai Stmday afternoon in ^a contest sponsored by the Connecticut W. C. T. U, at Pilgrim Congregational church. Fair Haven.

Five other young>women from this state and Massachusetts contested, all o f whom had previously won sil­ver, gold, pearl and diamond medals. Miss Quimby won her silver medal here less than two years ago, her gold medal in Hartford, the pearl in Old Orchard, Maine, the diamond in Plainville and the rrand diamond in Fair I^ven. Her mother is a lead­ing worker in the local branch, and her paternal grandmother has for 20 years been leader o f the Maine W. C. T. U.

Miss <^m by displayed her valua­ble tro lly , which is in the form of a brooch, the diamond lurrounded by 17 pearls, and received the congratu­lations o f the membere present this Uftemoon.



Girl Scouts o f Troop 7 .furnished the entertainment follow ing the business meting o f the Buckland Community Club last night. 'xbe club had donated a sum o f money tu assist the troop in its work, after hearing an outline by Captain Jane Grant. The play was entitled A Royal Girl Scout” and purported to be a dream by Doris (3ole. Scouts taking the different roles were Grace Donahue as the king, Virginia Armstrong, the queen; Eunice Case as the Princess Belinda, Irene La Chance as Edwin, Shirley Crowe, Jack. Others in the troop bad minor parts. The play was warmly applauded by a large gatnerlng of the parents and friends.

of . heavy menus?


(Continned From Page One)

into newspaper offices as to just ■wltot had happened' and the pros­pects. Demands for an Investigation were made even as the ^avy Itself moved to initiate one.

The acddeht also aroused slum­bering opposition to the expenditure o f money for llghter-than-air ves­sels.

Caught Fire'The cruiser Portland, from the

crash 'scene, notified the Navy at 9 a. m., that the Akron caught fire after it fell. It said no survivors and no bodies had been found by the two Coast Guurd planes and several vessels in the search.

The report said that the Ak*<n was in a severe electrical storm be­fore she went down but that Lieut. Commander Wiley, apparently the sole officer who escaped, "gives no reason for crash.”

Wiley, two enlisted men who were rescued, and the body o f R. W. Copeland, who died after he was picked up by the tanker Phoebus, were en route to New York in the Tucker.

The message from the Portland said two Coast Guard planes and the cruiser had "covered most probable areas en route to present position," apparently referring to the area where survivors might be seen or bodies might be picked up.

As the demands arose on Capitol Hill for an investigation. Senator Walsh of Massachusetts, Democrat o f the naval committee, asserted that a “prompt, thorough and direct investigation should be xmdertaken without delay.”

*‘The tragedy that has overtaken the Akron is appalling,” he said. “ I thought the la^ge number o f air­craft catastrophes in the Am w and Navy had led to the exercise o f such care and caution that an accident of this proportion was almost impos­sible.”

Senator Dill (D., W ash.), a for­mer member o f the naval commit­tee, who had consistently opposed appropriations for llghter-than-air craft, calkd. the mishap another "illustration of the awful waste of money o f buUding great gas bags that serve only as sky shows in peace time and are worthless in war,”

“One little airplane would put them out of use in a minute,” be contended.

Calls Money Wasted“We have wasted more money on

them than anything we have done in the Navy.

“I don't see what use they would be in war and they risk the lives ot good men. It is a crime to put the boys in those things and we In Congress are to blame for letting the Navy talk us into it.”. Chairman Vinson, o f the House naval committee, told newspaper­men he would like to see what the navy Department finds before de­ciding wbethK' hi^ committee shall go into the case itself.

In the last Congress, it investi­gated charges o f sabotage on the Akron and reported that the air­ship was all right. /

“I t 's 'a terrible thing to have happen now,” Vinson said. "Nobody knows, apparently, just what caused it. As soon as the court o f inquiry makes its findings we will deter­mine whether our committee should do anything further.”

A t the same time. Representa­tive McCJlintic (D., Okla.), sponsor o f the investigation made by the Naval committee last CtongresS, said he always had felt the airship might have been irreparably dam­aged by its accident at Lakehurst.

McClintic was one o f the repre­sentatives standing on the ground waiting for a trial flight in the air­ship at the time of that accident.

“ When you throw an airship weighing 100 tons against the grbund," McClintic said, "that blow la bound to ^ave an effect on its construction one way or another.”

McClintic recalled that the Akron was 20,000 poimds above specified contract weight and because o f that


Doctors who will be on emer­gency call here tomorrow after­noon are as follows: Dr. Howard Ek>yd, Phone 6016 and Dr. Thomas Weldon, Phone 5740.

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w eii^t had not been able to “carry enough fuel for a safe croes con­tinent trip."

“This is a terrible catastrophe,” McClintic said. “But I lu ^ it WQI cause those building the Macon and thcuM who operate it to be more careful”

President Roosevelt ordered- Col. Henry Latrobe Roosevelt—assist­ant secretary o f the Navy—to ' go to the naval a^ station at Lake- hurst, N. J., today to assume charge o f rescue work ami investi­gation.

■ 'The assistant secretary was ac­companied by his aide. Commander M. C. Tisdale. The trip was by automobile.

Awaited ReportsMeanwhile, the President eagerly

awaited latest reports,Mrs, Roosevelt immediately after

breakfast drove to the home ot Mrs. M offett ;

A t the Capitol, Senates Tram­mell's office later announced the naval committee would co-operate with the Navy to determine the disaster cause.

It was added that pending thin investigation, the com ^ ttee would make no attempt to make an inde­pendent inquiry.

Contrary to previous informa­tion that the Akron was mairing a training flight, the Navy disclosed today that its destination was the First Naval District with head­quarters at Boston.

The flight purpose was to adjust errors in radio compasses along the coast. It had been a rra n g ^ to spend tout days along toe New Eng­land coast working with compass stations.

From toe time it cleared Lake- hurst until toe flrst news o f its destruction caenu from toe tanker Phoebus, toe Navy here received only this message at 7:80 a. m., last night:

“Akron Lakehurst for sea. Ad­miral M offett on board."

The message was simply toe usual routine clearance dispatch.

Under normal conditions, the air­ship was supposed to report its position every four hours to the Navy, but due to stormy conditions and the necessity for toe ship to have uninterrupted and accurate weather reports at all times, toe Navy office here through the An­napolis station did not seek out the ship.

Mach StaticWhile imder usual procedure toe

ship wotild have reported its posi­tion at 11:8U p. m., communications officers merely believed that static .might be interfering with messages or it might be devoting entire attea- tion to receiving weather reports.

Secretary Swanson, speaking in a low voice and strained, said every effort will be made (o recover toe bodies of men who tost their lives and to salvage such ot toe ship as is possible in the fairly shallow water.

Asked by newspapermen about his opinion o f the noighty airships as a result of the disaster, the secre­tary replied that he had “never been as enthusiastic about them" as some o f the Navy had.

Asked about the possibility o f re­placing the Akron, the secretary quietly smiled and said appropria­tions for such work would a mat­ter for Qmgresp.

T t seems to me we need ships more than anything else,” he added as an afterthought.

The secretary disclosed that the new airship Macon after its testa and acceptance by toe Navy would probably be the only airship in the swvice.

The airship Los Angeles which has been out o f service since toe Akron was commissioned is to be sold, Swanson said. The decision to sell the former German ship was the result o f a survey made by a board which recommended its dis­posal.

The secretary did not know what conditions under which toe Los An­geles would be sold or toe price it might bring.

“It is more o f a cqmmerdal than a warship in any event," he said,

MME. DOUMEBDIESParis, April 4.— (A P ) —Mme.

Blanche Doumer, widow of toe late assassinated president, died today.




All persons liable by law to pay Town or Personal Taxes, in the Town o f Manchester, are hereby notified that I will have a rate bill for-the list o f 1932, o f 18 mills on the dollar due and' collectible on April 15th and July 1st, 1988. Per­sonal Tax due April 1, 1933.

Said tax payahie at the Tax Ool- leotor's Oflioe in the Monioipal Ekdldlng firom

April 15 to May 15and from

July 1 to Aug., 1,1933iBClosIve.

Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., except Thursday, April SO, Thursday, A fiti S7, Thursday, May 4» Thunday, May 11 and Monday> May 15. Alse Thursday, duly 6, Thunday, duly 18, nm rsday, duly SO, Thursday, duly f l and Tuesday, August L B oon • a. u . to 0 p. m.

Failure to make first payment In 80 days will cause the udiole tax to become deUnquent, second payment delinquent aftiu; August 1,1988. la - tersst must bs added to aU delln* qusut taxes at 8-4 per etnt per month or fraotton thereof, starting from April 16th, IMS.

g » mm» s . r o w b ,

ABOUT 10WNThe .Women's Baxsflt -assoclatipn

will- hold Its regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock In Odd Fellows HaU. Following toe business the guards will rehearse the competitive drill they are to put on at the state rally here on May 16.

The Ways and Means committee at Dllworto-C!orneU Post, American Legion arid auxiliary will conduct a fC<^ sale tomorrow aftdrnooQ at 2 o’clock on toe main floor o f the J. W. Hale Company’s store. The s^*‘' is for the benefit o f the rehabilita­tion f\m<L Mrs. John Bausola is chairman for toe auxiliary and Michael McDonnell for toe legion. Contributors unable to deliver their gifts o f food to toe store, may have them called for by telephoning Mrs. Fred WoodhouiM, 7953.

Rev. Father Duch, toe new assist­ant pastor at the Polish chmrch in TbompsonviUe was at St. Bridget's church today, and this evening and tomorrow morning at 6 and 7:80 wlU minister to toe Polish people o f toe parish.

A number o f toe local veterans’ sssoclations will be repreeehted at toe National Defense meeting Itoursday evening at 8 o’clock In Foot Guard ball, Hartford. Con­gressman Edward GkMS and ssveral other prominent speakers will have a part In toe program. Colo­nel Hiqrry Perkins ot Hartford is in charge of arrangements.

Peter Sheridan, who was fined $10 on each charge ot Intoxication and breach o f the peace in Police Court yesterday, thought be could raise toe money for his fine if be wasn’t hurried off to jail yesterday, so he was held over. His frlexuL decided, however, that the $26.82 involved wasn’t a good risk in these times and this morning Sheridan went over the road.

The junior Daughters o f Italy will meet in the sewing room at the Bcbool Street Rec at 7:80 o’clock to­morrow night A ll members are urg­ed to attend.

The children’s , chorus o f toe Emanuel Lutheran church will re­hearse at 5:80 o’clock this evening. The G Clef Glee club will rehearse at 7 o’clock and toe church choir wi’J rehearse at 8 o’clock. The choir Is preparing for toe presentation o f "Olivet to Ckdvary” next Sunday night

The Mary Buahnell (jbeney Aindl- iary, Spanish War Veterans, will hold its regifiaT meeting at 8 o’clock tomoiTow evening at toe State Armory.

The Dorcas aodety of Emanuel Lutoeiaa church will meet to- moiTow evening at toe church, in connection with the Lenten service at 7:80. The sermon theme wiU be “Fatoer Forgive.” There will also be special music and refreshments serve-’ by toe following hostesses: Mrs. Rudolph Johnson, Miss Hazel B. Johnson, Mrs. Ernest Johnson and Mrs. Frod Johnson. It is hoped that many wUl attend the service.

The finance committee of toe Memorial Hospital ainiliary has set the date o f Thursday, April 18, for its annual spring rummsige sale.

Members o f the Emblem Club will meet at the Elks Home in Rockville tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 for bridge. There will be prizes and re­freshments. Mrs. Ernest Roy of this town is one o f the hostesses.

Mrs. Jessie Wallace who is di­recting toe Rebekah play, “Tlllle listens In” reports that rehearsals are progressing satisfactorily. One was held last evening and another is scheduled for Thursday evening at 7 o’clock in Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. Sedrick Straughan is general ctatdrman o f toe entertainment which is to be given Monday eve ning, April 17, for toe benefit o f toe Odd Fellows home at Groton.

With the opening o f toe trout Ashing season ten days away, very few angling or combination angling and hunting lilenses have been is­sued by Samuel J. Turkington, town clerk, and toe F. T. Blieh Company, downtown agency. The local brooka are high ae a result o f several weeks o f ' successive rains and snows.

There w ill be a s o c ia l meeting o f toe Felloweraft club at toe Masonic Temple at eight o'clock tonight Im­portant business is to be transacted and every member is requested to attend.


Four -F reight Gars and Ten Trucks FiDed Wit|i Shrubs For Dispatch To Cqstomers.The C. E. WUsou Nureerlee xxuide

_ record yeiterday as fa r as outgo­ing shipments was concerned. They loaded four carioads at toe siding near their stockhouse on Allen Place and in addition sent out tim loads by auto truck. Tbs orders which went to aU parts of toe East and Central states consist^ o f roses, evergreens and ornamental shrubs and trees. Shipments to toe South have prac­tically all been taken care of, and perennial and rock garden plants are beginning to gt out ftom their gardens on W oodM dge street

Mr. Wilson cultivates acres of roses in Afferent outlying sections o f toe t o ^ He has visited toe roee sections o f Texas and CaBfornla and believes that toe soil right here in Manchester is particulariy well adapted to rose culture. B is patent­ed process for sealing toe roots makes it possible for stores an over toe coim t^ to handle the sale o f roses over their counters as the Seal-K rift rose roots do not dry ou t Nins tenths o f the rose business is done in this way, rather than by agents calling at toe homes as in form er years.

The Wilson Nurseries had an ex­tensive exhibit at the recent inter- tuttional flower show In New York, showing the evergreens with a baU of earth encased In burlap, and a new cellophane casing which Mr. Wilson has perfected, but has not yet patented, doing away with the bulky soil-covered roots, when it Is desirable.

The storehouse on Allen Place is a hive o f industry during the peak o f toe spring shipping season. By means o f a derrick two cars at the siding may be loaded at toe same time.



Boston Crook Gets 10 To 30 Years In Tolland Court; Latest Crime Was Forgeiy.

^ (Special to'^nie Herald) RockvlUe. April 4.—David W .

Binkley o f Boaton, 81, was een- tenoed to serve from ten to thirty years to. state’e prison on a charge of being a habitual criminal by Judge .John R. Booth at N 'w Ha- vte to Tolland 0>unty Superior Court, toe April session o f which opened today. Binkley was brought into court for forgery.

While .awaiting trial, Binkley at­tempted tCkgato freedom by break­ing out o f toe Tolland jail but was caught to toe attempt. It wxs chirred that he forged a check tor $43,00 on toe Arm of Bond and Goodwin o f Boston and tried to cash it through James J. Burke to Tolland 'on December 36. 1983.

Binkley hks a icsig'ortmtoni roo- ord, extending from 1917, including three terms to Federal prison., COaude Dailey o f » » t o a w as! sentenced to Cheshire for an In­definite term on charges o f brsak- tog, enUnrtog'and th eft Michael J. F luiy, o f Woroester* Kassn was given six months to Tolland county Jail on a charge o f e u t u t ^ bur- ffkupy* t - -

Pfesoottcharged with eraon ^eadM nolo contmdre and waa sent to Obeahlre RefonBatofir.



Women’s Federation Sponsor ing Unnsnal Attraction For Tomorrow Evening.

"N o Man Admitted” , a toree-act play, will be presented tomorrow evening at the Center church parish hall by a cast o f ten, .under toe aus­pices of the Women’s Federation. Mrs. Henry Lowd is directing toe cast* and toe final rehearsal will be this evening at 8:30 at toe ball.

The play will be a joint attraction tomorrow evening with toe exhibit o f quilts, ancient and modern, by women o f toe church and toeir friends. Mrs. Herbert B. Houses president o f toe federation, luges all who cau do so to have their quilts at the church this evening if possi­ble, as it has been decided to have a shqwtog tomorrow aftenuxm at 3 o’clock and to serv) tea.

The doors will open again at 7:30 and at 8 o’clock the following cast will appear to ‘W o Man A<lniitted” : Miss Emma Strickland and Miss Hazel Rogers as Anne and Cherry, toe Martin sisters; Miss Ruth Porr ter as Susan, toeir housekeeper; Miss Barbara Stoltenfeldt as Olga, their Swedish maid. Miss ESeanor Hobby will play he role o f Toots, the inivalid; Mrs. Sedrick Straughan as the M. D.; Miss Lois Howe, the' poetess; Mrs. Louis Weir as Mrs. Thaddeua Upham, toe grass widow; Miss Clarissa Wood, the detective^ and Miss Beatrice Clulow, toe politi­cian.

All three acts takp place at "Shady Rest” , the Martin home to the country, at toe present time. Walter Joyner will provide music between the acts and refreshments! will be served.


Group Organizes To Woric For More Fitting Pictures For Children On Holidays.

Mrs. Max Bangs o f Pitkin s ^ t was elected president o f the M t- ter Film League o f Manohester, at an organizatira meeting held, last evening at toe Girl Scout head­quarters to toe Cheney building. Mrs. Allan Coe w m elected vice president, Mrs. James H. McVeigh secretary and Mrs. J. E. lailott treasurer. Mrs. C. R. Burr, Mrs. W. T. Smyth and Mrs H. L. Tenney were appointed a committee to in­vestigate pictures. It was voted to hold meetings toe first Monday evening in each month at toe Qiri Scout headquarters.

The league is toe' result o f ef­forts o f toe Manohester Girl Scout Council to secure better fllnis for children o f toe community on Sat- lurday. afternoons and during vaca­tions. Manager Ben Oohen o f the State Theater hes offered toe full­est co-operation' and already has ooxmtermanded an ordsr for one picture which he feels would not meet with toe approval o f toe com­mittee. Many o f toe women’s oi^ gaxilsetlons to town are Interested to the project and promise to.lend it thqir support

HOSPITAL NOTESMrs. Gertrude W zelaw o f 183

North street oml Louis Hspp* o f 86 HIM street were admitted and llrA Reoeoca Bierce ot 5 Rogers Plaoe and Mrs, John HMbrouek tofknt daughter o f Andover were dlsohzrg- ed yesterday.

lUtdiard Alton o f 349 la s t Center street was admitted today.

Stohley Qoada 15, o f 887 OaklaiAd■treet was givoa e meat a$ toAhospitu latt lowlag .-aa. automaMla terday .aftertoea ciaMalii atfoet Goads reoeived htulNo. ea both dioifldera.


Stridc«n On Way To Sister’s and Removed' To Hospital— Was On Popiee Force Hera.Charles B . Mallon, former oiqper-

numerary to the Manchester Pcdlee department died at S t Vtocentia tu ^ ita l to Bridgeport this morning following a week’s illness with pneu­monia and complications. He was a steamfitter by trade aad worked to New York 3 ty . He was oa uls way to the home o f a relative to New Haven when stricken and re­moved to the hospital to Bridgeport

Mr. Mallon was '32 years old and for many years a resident o f this town. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. M aty Mall<m ox Waterhtuy, one eon, Chariee, Jr., o f W aterbu^ and the following brotoere and Bis­ters: Mrs. Mary MeCtouley o f New York City, George M id ^ , Oliver M. Mallon and Frank MaUob of town, Mrs. Katherine Hannon o f New Haven and Mrs. Roee York o f Waterbury. Funeral arrangement are incomplete. '



R o d SolH alwAs D p iilm t O pn New A cce a n lS ^ 2 A n Disebarged.

Bustoeee at the M emhesim TrnetCompany was back to norm il to d ^ after an opening day rush that nearly swanqsed toe em ploye^ Lines were before every whklow all day yesterday as depositors opened new accounts and brought, to cash and~checks that had gathered d ic­ing toe suspensioo period.

In toe reorgatozation o f toe Trust Company it was nscessary to remove 12 employees. Some o f them are being emiuoyed bowevpr, by the state banking department to caitog for toe affairs o f the old hank. Those who are no longer oonneeted with toe Trust Com paiy are: James McKay, Jiunes MeVrigh, C Risad R ichardso^ Frank Miller, Lewis Sipe, George R. Young, lOas Elixa- heto J. Deer, Mlse Rhetba B. Del- more, Miss Gladys M. Rogers, Miss Ruth L Benson, and Miss Ruth E. Gordon, and Thomas RoUason.


(OoBtomed From Page One)

can wait a little longer until toe situation is properly handled.”

Aaks Deflmte Date Representative Dannenberg ask­

ed that toe judiciary committee be asked to set a definite date for en­actment o f legislation making pos­sible toe sale o f beer snd wines.

“Under toe present letup,” he said, “ toe committee may never bring to a report”

Markham to reply stated that to such an event he would attempt to raise a bill on toe floor o f the House.

Baldwin also answered Dannen­berg, Basing that he need have no fears as toe bill would be reported "to due time."

IN THE SENATBHartford, April 4 — (A P ) — The

bills dealing with public utilities were adopted by toe Democratie majority to toe Senate today after toe longest debate to that body to months. ,

With the exception 'of Minority Leader Howard W. Alcorn, who tx - platoed toe unfavorable ' judiciary committee report, no Republicans spoke on either measure. With one Republican Senator absent, both bUto were adopted on strictly party lines 18 to 16.

One measure provides for the ap­pointment o f a commission to study public utilities legislation and re­port recommendations to the 1935 General Assembly. a

The second empowers the pubuc utilities commission to initiate, an investigation to rate schedules. Both were urged by Governor Wil- bmr L. Cht>ss to bis inaugural mes­sage.

Tells Chamber Committee He WiU Do AU In Power To Effect Improvements.The Chamber o f Commerce postal

committee conferred this morning with Postmaster Frank B. Crocker and discussed toe betterment of postal service to Manchester. Mr. Crocker promised to do eversrthtog to bis power to make toe service satisfactory to a& and toe commit­tee pledged itself to assist him in whatever manner possible.

The various complaints reeei'ved at toe Chamber office were dis­cussed. The Chamber committee announced that it thoroughly appre- datee that many, matters are not imder the control of the local post­master, being contrdled by rules from Washington, but the commit­tee feels that townspeople are en­titled to better service and it in­tends to work through toe local postmaster to obtain improved faculties.

It was voted to submit a type­written Ust o f complaints to Post­master Crocker. The most consist­ent complaints -ncluded requests for longer hours o f service at toe stamp and money order windows, longer hours o f lobby service, earlier hours o f placing midi to hoxes at north ' a d jta tlon , and increased effidency medmtog euxd outgotog maU serutfe.


IN THE HOUSE Hartford, April 4.— (A P )— Ap­

pointment o f 200 additional game wEurdens at a salary of $1 a year, was approved to a report received to the House today from the fish and game committee. Under toe pro­visions o f the bill the fish and game commission will be empowered to name sportsmen to act as. game; wardens.

Most of the session o f the House' was taken up with toe consideration o f routine matters, with toe excep­tion o f toe suspnesion o f toe rules to enact an amen'iment to the state prohibition laws, banning toe sale o f light wines and beer until control legislation is passed..

The forfeited rights o f Leon A. Metcalf o f Middletown and John F. Driscoll o f New London, were re­stored.

Under toe bins on toe calendar which were passed were measures pro'vidtog for a new schedule o f salaries for officials o f toe Middle- town City Court; authorising Mid­dletown to provide for city plan­ning; r e g u la te interstate t r a n ^ r - tation o f poor and indigent persons; repealing toe emergency bank legis­lation passed durb^ toe bank hoU- day m ^ n g imtovested trust funds part o f toe liquid assets o f banka; requiring registration o f all plants where three or more persons are employed; including toe teaching ot state and local history In pubUo schools; establishing a Town Court in Trumbull; including toe adjutant generfd o f toe state in toe etxte klr- port commlsslQh and setting toe trout season from April. IS, to July 14, and toe creel lim it at not toore than' lO pounds or more than 15 fish.

Stanley Gozdz Escapes With Bruised Shoulder A fter Crashing Stopping Cur.Stanley Gozdz, 17, o f 287 OaU aai

street, rode his bicycle fUU-tflt IhtU a suddenly stopped nutomobile that he had been following at Main and Strickland streets late yeLterday afternoon and got out ot it with a badly bruised shoulder. It was' rain­ing and Stanley was plugging a lon g,' 'heuul down. ' ‘

The automobile was driven by Carl Tyler of 773 Main street . He says he signaled his intention to stop but toe cyclist wasn't locddng ahead and kept right on peddling. The col­lision resulted, Stanle> getting-ii hard fall and bis wheel b eb ^ wreck­ed.

Robert Mason, driver o f a car just behind, stopped and helped Ifr. Tyler put the boy into the la tte r 's ; automobile. Tyier took the lad to' Memorial hospital and later to his home.



'Tharsday, Aiudl 6Come and treat yoimelf la sob

evening ot modern aed eld' faslif toned dancing by

Neff’s Old Saw MUl G a n sr

WttilBen Irish, ’

The Singinff Prompter.AdmlastoD SSe, Clieoiriag Ite.

JDvery othw MM a Panctog every

Last Tlmea TO]DA¥! MEASPUTlhP* W i t h the Barrymorea.


[ N N E f JPUR liETlI. R.s

a.■s **



SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (3)




Ctirle Cabberly Made Master CouncUlor — High School Teacher Is Speyer.

Carle Cubberiy was installed as master councillor of John Mather Chapter, Crder of DeMolay, at the Masonic Temple last night, suc­ceeding Ehirl Ruddell. Charles Mor-

SQ was the installing officer.ester L. Robinson, Manchester

High school instructor, was the speaker.

Mr. Robinson reminisced on bis native state, Maine, and related anecdotes and personal experiences on hunting and fishing trips there. He also described his experiences as an aeroplane pilot.

It was announced at the meeting that the majority degree will be conferred upon from 80 to 85 mem­bers who have reached :be' age of 21 years and can no longer be ac­tive members of the Chapter The ceremony will be held Monday eve­ning, A.pril 17 and will be )pen to the public. An informal dance will follow.

Other officers Installed last night were; Senior councillor, Austin Krause; Junior councillor, iVllllam Fox; scribe, J, William Stevens; assistant scribe, Robert Wright; senior deacon, Stuart Kennedy; Junior deacon, Marshall F lday; senior steward, Alfred Christian­son; Junior steward, Willard Wal­lace; orator, Ralph Chapman; sen­tinel, Richard Alton; chaplain, Sherwood Brown; marshal, Arthur Brown; standard bearer, John Kynoch; almoner, Howard Brown; preceptors, H a r r y Howland, Osorge Fischer, William Kilpat­rick, Alton Cowles, Herman Mon­tis, Fred Lavey and Wells Tolson,


(CoBtlauad From Page One)

nttss south of Fblladslpbia about two isro four five (f:4B p. m,) and proossdsd on east and northeast oourss. U fh t night, mostly to south. Ground obscured by tog. Ship in good static condition, Ap*

Koximatsly 6,000 pounds. Heat avy. Zn vicinity of Jersey shore

at ten o'clock., Inrroondod by Lightning "Surrounded by ngbtning at

light (presumably Bamegat u gh ti. Night atmosphere not very tur­bulent. Ran east course until about OSiOO (U p. m.) Then crossed to west at 84:00 (midnight). Sighted light on ground and changed course to 180 degrees. Ship began to descend ranfdly from flying alti­tude, 16,000 feet. Dropped ballast. Bfcams entirely surrounded by lightning,

"About eero iisro three eero (18:80 a. m.) ship began to descend rapidly from flying altitude 1,600 feet, dropped ballast forward and regained altitude,

^Three minutes later,'jeemed to be in center of storm. Ship began to shift about violently. Called all hands. Ship commenced to descend. Stem inclined downward,

"Dropped ballast Rudder con­trol carried away. Descent con­tinued to water. Ship demolished upon impact.

"In lightning flash saw many men swimming Wreckage drifted rapidly away, Discipline in controloar perfect.

(Signed) "W ILE Y ,"

ONLY SURVIVORSNow York, April 4.— (A P )— The

three survivors of the Akron disas­ter arrived at the Brooklyn Navy Yard early this afternoon, one having to be removed to the Navy hospital on a stretcher. The others walked ashore from the Coast Guard destroyer Tucker,

Lieut.-Commander Herbert V. Wiley and M, E. Erwin, an enlisted man, walked from the Tucker and climbed to the front seat of one of the thi'*'3 ambiiiances vhich waited arrival of the Tucker.

Richard Deal, another enlisted man and the third survivor, was car­ried ashore on a stretcher and placed in an ambulance. Face scratches were the only visible Injur­ies and Dr. T. J. Smith of the Navy, who made a preliminary ex- aminaticn on the Tucker, said Deal was apparently not "in bad shape,"

Refuse vTo TalkAll three survivors declined to

make any statement ^before com­pleting their official reports. A fter they left the Tucker the body of Robert Copeland, enlisted mem, was brought ashore. Copeland was taken from the sea alive but died shortly after.

Commander J. Whitbeck ot the Tucker at first refused to say emy- thing but later expressed the opin­ion that “ theru is no doubt the Akron aas sunk."

Commander Whitbeck said the Tucker arrived on the scene at day­light, took the survivor,, and Cope­land's body from a rescue ship, and started back as soon as convinced that further search would be fruit­less. He said the sea was very rough at the time and while numer­ous pieces of wreckage were seen no bodies were found in the water.

“These are probably the only sur­vivors," he said, indicating Wiley and the two enlisted men.


(Oonttnned From Page One) '

where “ race purity" was ordained by God., Iron crosses were pinned on many tof the clergymen.

A new ruling in the schools .throughout Germany today banned ,tbe distribution of copies of the Oer- 'map Constitution, the symbol of the .now dead rspuUlc, to graduating students. Hereafter tlMw will bO

^presented a boiAlet eaqimtiiilng the Mgnlibanee o f the restrlotkms tm- p o i ^ oo Germany tn the VsnaUlss


Captain Stanley Osborne who lectured a few weeks ago to the students *f the High school on the beauties and wonders of Australia and New Zealand, spoke to two full assemblies ot Grade 8 pupils in High school hall this forenoon. The first assembly included children from Lincoln, Washington and Na­than Hale schools while at 11 o’clock Barnard school came over to hear about and see pictures on the screen of human and animal life in the Antipodes. In the after­noon be repeated his Illustrated lecture at the Hollister school. Captain Osborne and bis wife were entertained on their previous visit here by the Kiwanis club.

New registrations at the High school this week included Richard D. Burnett from the Cbauncery Harris school ot Hartford and Frances Kenton formerly from a high school in Brooklyn and later a student in the Connecticut Busi­ness College.

Coach Kelley, president ot the Central Connecticut Association of Football Officials, has called a meeting of the association for to­night in Hartford vherc they will meet representatives from the C. C. I. L, to discuss officiating fees for the 1988 season.

Principal Henry B. Cottle of Bristol is chairman of a committee "to investigate Interstate competi­tive activities," The committee consists o', a principal from each state in New England and they are now making a study ot the opinions of various schools regard­ing the continuance of such affairs as the Newport Tournament, The tournament was sanctioned for this year only and ' tbs New En<rlu -d Council will have another meeting before deciding about the approval of the association for such contests in the future. In previous years the Connecticut conference has dis­approved of tourpaments although Bridgeport Central and Naugatuck entered out-of-state tournaments without the permission of the con­ference offlolals.

On account o f the rehearsals for "The Creation" there will be no 'assamblles this week. The assem­bly hall stage has been built out to accommodate the large chorus of over 100 voices which is to bs heard next week. There will be two performances given, one on Mon­day afternoon for the particular benefit of the students In High school and the other on Tuesday evening at which the public is in­vited, All profits from the two concerts will be turned over to the very needy Verplanck Foundation which loans money to students from M, H, 8, who are attending college,


(Continued From Page On<>)

whirling, catapulting mass, thsre was little likelihood that any of the officers and crew could have saved themselves.

" I f it descended in rather lagging fashion, the men would have had a chance to cl.mb the catwalki! to the hatchee at tba top, where they would have a fairly good chance for their lives unless the sea we>‘e very rough. *

Carried Life Raftc?" I t hai been the practice when

the Zeppeline were making cruises over the ocean to equip them with rubber life rafte, capable of suetain- Ing 20 men apiece. Of courst, there is no way of saying whether life rafts were carried In this Instance o*- not,"

Fred W. Harpham, vice president ot the Ooodyear-JSeppelin declared news ot the Akron disastei was "so shocking that I have no comment."

Other officials however, express­ed the opinion tbe fate of the 14,600- 000 Akron might affect the future of the Zeppelin industry. They point­ed out that a substitute for the Me- Nary bill to license airships to car­ry mall is now awaiting Congres­sional action.

Only yesterday, it was announced the Macon would nake its Initial flight next week, weather permu­ting. Today, none would venture an opinion when the flight would be held.

It was recalled that the wife of Admiral William A. Moffett, chief of the Navy’s Bureau of Aeronau­tics had christened the Macon in a colorful ceremony only a few weeks ago. Admiral Moffett was aboard the ill-fated Akron when it crashed.

Both the Akron and the Macon we»’e designed to be the largest, safest and fastest airships in the v'orld. They were'Spearly twice the size of the Graf Zeppelin and nearly three times the size of the Los Angeles, now decommissioned but until the advent of the Akron the Navy's largest lighter-than-air craft.


(Contiiiued From Page One)

ure can be enacted to make beer available by April 17. .As the Legis­lature is definitely wet, the admin­istration ahticipates .qtilck passage of the bill which might occur being due to a possible disagreement re­garding licensing provlsiona.' ■

Sharing interest wltb the repeal vote was the indicated victory of Democratic candidates' for minor state offices. In the face of returns from a little noore than one-iUrd of the state, the Democrats held a lead o f around fifty thousand for all these offices, now held by Re­publicans. V.

The Democratic victory win leave only one Republican state of­fice-holder, the secretary o f stat^ Frank D. Fitagetfild, who su rV li^ the November DemooMtle whUi-


Wages Issued Are For Period Ending March 24 ~ Other Pay StiU Held Up.

Teachers and other employees ot the Manchester public school system received their first pay since March 10 today whicb-leaves only one pay­roll that has been held in abeyance due to the local bank situation.

Today’s payment was for the ten teaching days which ended March 24. I t was met in checks drawn on a new account at the new Manches­ter Trust Company. Checks were previously made oat tor the payro)' o f March 10 but were not distribut­ed pending the re-organization of the old Manchester Trust Company.

No statement was made as to when the March 10 payroll will be released. The next payroll is due ou April < which is this week Friday or the following Monday.


(Continued From Pago One)

Ballard, Henry A „ Route 2, (3or- do Ala.

Radet? I.eonard 0 „ Cllntonvllle, Wls.

Lapbam, Wilbur R„ Toms River, N. J.

Johnson, Rufus B., Ulock street, Lakehurit.

Swldersky, Toney F „ 288 Sobul avenue, Akron, Ohio,

Russell, William A „ Bsachwood. N. J.

Fink, Elmer E., Lakeburst. McClellan, Benjamin C., 618 1-2

R ite# avenue, Aebury Park, N. J.FAbey, Lawrence, E., 84 Waters

Avenue, laurel Hill, Long leland.Duncau, Loiter G„. 107 Belmont

street, Blackwell, okla.Cooper, Fred, Lakebur;<t.Tomee, Gerald L „ Route 2, Mil-

roy, Ind.Rutan, Luolue W „ Lakehurst. Thigpen, Benjamin J„ Oreens-

boro,.N, C.Arthur, Wellingt<.n K „ 14 Park

street, Waltham, Maes.Upke, Donald H„ 610 Elevenfb

Avenue, Wisconsin Rapids W ii.Baughman, Harold R., 1722 Stats

street, Erie, Pa.Jai’idick, Paul A „ 846 I^eslis strsst,

Newark, N, J„ and 280 leabella Avenue, Irvington, N. J.

Rytell, John J„ 6 Million itre^'t, Glens Falls, N , Y.

Crldlin, Stanley L „ 1788 Park street, Parkeribura, Y' Va,

Walck, Lewie T„ Church, Lake- htirit.

Zanettt, Joieph, Route 3, Bailston Lake, N. Y,

Shevlowlti, Joseph 319 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N, Y,

Boelien, Peter, 70 Mein streat. South Toms River.

Graves, Hilbert M „ ‘(03 Reservfdr, Trenton, N. J.

Anderson, Vietdr L„ Chapel atreet, Norwood, Mass.

Querlnhsln, August C„ 7328 Route 2, Kane, Pa,

Magnuson, Frldoif, R,Wind, Nobart, 716 80th street,

Union Hill, N. J.Copeland, Robert W „ Ukeburit. Moreen, Herschal L „ 2110 Shelby

street. New Albany, Ind.Slayton, Douglas C„ 201 Mine

street, Searcy, Ark.Carr, Stewart 8„ 2616 So. Ban­

croft street, Pbiladelpbia.Eichette, Howard P., 8ha ivln. La. Hoover, Paul S„ Bsachwood, N. J. Liles, '‘ Leon D,, 84 Oouldlng

Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y,Ordonez, Mariano, Cavite, Philip-

pines,Angeles, Maximlno, 1981 Manuglt

Tondo, Manilla, Philippines.Shauger, Paul R., River Avenue,

Lakewood, N. J.Haekett, Earl P., Montgomery,

Ala.The list of officers aboard the

Akron aa given out by naval air station officials follows:

* "Guest Officers"Rear Admiral William A. Mof­

fett.Commander Fred T. Berry,

Lakeburst. \Lieut. Joseph Severyns, Lake-

hurst. •Commander Harry B. Cecil,

Washington.Lieut. Robert Sayre, Lakehurst. Lieut. Charles H. Calloway,

Lakehurst.C3ol. A. F. Masury, U. S. A. Re­

serve, New York Qty.Officers In Charge

Commander Frank C. McCord, Lakeburst.

Lieut. Commander Herbert V. Wiley, Lakewood.

L ieut Commander Harold E. MacLellan. Westerly, R . I ,

Lieut. George Caiman. Toms River.

Lieut. Richard Croff, Jr., Lake- wood.

Lieut. Herbert M. Westcoat. Lakehurst.

Lieut. Herman J. Dugan, Lake- burst.

Lieut Charles F. Miller, Tonas River.

Lieut. Morgan Redfleld, Lake- wood.

Lieut. Wilfred Biuhnell, Malone, N. Y.

L ieut Cyrus Clendennlng, Tonas River,

Chief Machinist (Jeorge C. Walsh, Lakewood.

N. Y. Stocks I Local StocksAdams Exp lA ...................... 3 ^A ir Reduc B .................. 86Alaska Jun C ........................ 14^^Allegheny D ............................ “ikAllied Cbem B ................... 76^Am Can P ........................... 6634Am For Pow G ...................... 4Am Rad St S J .................... 6%Am Smelt K .......................... 16^Am Tel and Tel M ................. 88T4Am Tob B N .........................Am Wat Wks Q .................... 11%Anaconda R ........................... 6%Atchison T ................................39%Auburn U ............................... 32%A'viatlon Corn V .................... 7%Balt and O W ...................... 8%Bendix X ............................... 8Beth Steel Y .......... 18 .Borden 2 L 21Can Pac B ................ 7%Case (J. I.) C .......................... 42%Cerro De P D .......................... 8%Chee and Ob E ...................... 26%Chrysler F 9%Col Gse J Coml Solv M

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Cons G a s N ....................... 40%Cons Oil Q ............................. 6%Cont Can R ........................... 42%Com Prod T .......................... 61%Del L and Wn U .................... 18%Drug V .................................. 30%Du Pont W .......Eastman Kodak X Elec and Mum Y .Elec Auto Lite Z Elec P and L 8A Gen El B ..Gen Fode C Gen Mot D Gillette E ..Grigsby Gru Int Harv K Int Nick M . lo t T and T ,Johns Manville Kenneoott R U b igh Val Rd U L lgg and My B V Loew’i W Lorillard X .MoKeeep Tinu Y ' ..................Mont Ward Z Nat Biscuit 4A Nat Cash Reg B Nat Dairy C . . .Nat P and L D N Y Cent ENY NH and H r ....................Nofahda G . i , , ,North Am J Paekard K Penn Rd MPhillips Pete ( ) ....................Pub Serv N J R . . . , . ; .......Radio T , , i , , * , i , * i , , , , , , , ,Rem Rand 4V Rey Tob B WSears Rocb X .......................... 16%Sooony Vao Y ................ 6%South Pao Z ................... ... 18%Bqu P Rio H 6A ................ .. 38%South Ry B ............................ 6■t Brandi C St Gas and El St toil Cal E St Oil N J FTex Corn 0 .............................Timken Roll B J .........Trans Amirioa K Union Carbide M

(Furnished by Pnfaam A Co.-) Central Bow, Hartford, Conn.

1 P. BL Stoida

Bank Stocks

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(Oontlnnsd From Pags One)

bound, gagged and robbed of tho week-end receipts of 11,000 while in ths theater office. He told a story of a man and woman entering anil compelling him to yield the money. Leter police obtained a confession tbat the robbery was false and he had secreted the money in the build­ing.

Asks For Clemency Attorney Wilson asked the court

for clemency for Cohen who has been in Grase hospital since shortly after bis arrest suffering from kid­ney trouble. He explained Cohen seenoingly was not entirely respon­sible for his actions at tbat time due to his impaired physical condi- Uon. Letters were read in praise of Cohen’s previous good character and honesty, and those giving this com­mendation being managers o f sev­eral other theaters, Mayor E. T. Buckingham of Bridgeport, and a physician in New Haven.

Coben pleaded guilty to the charge when arraigned and the case was decided after the recital o f the case and the plea of Attorney Wilson.



2.00■ GOING

Lt. Hartford ........................SidOAJd.DiulZSth St. ...................... I I 1IBA.M.DuoNtw York* ................... ll:aSA.M.

RETURNINGLv. Now York* ............. TdOPALLt. ISStk St ...................... 7(30 PJIA

*Graad Costrai Taratlaal . Bur tiekata la adTaaea, aumbar Uai-

Itod. Good oalr oa troeial coack trala.See "Oavaloade” or "B ig Oi^ge" at

Radio City theaters.


Bid AskedCap N at B and T .. 50C < ^ River ............... 460 —Htfd. Conn, 'f r u s t___ 46 55Htfd, Nat B and T . . . t 20First National ........... _ 130New Britain Trust - . . . 180West Hartford T rust.. — 180

Insurance StocksAetna Casualty 81 34Aetna Life ................ 9 11Aetna Fire ’ .............. 19% 21%Automobile ....... . n % 13%Conn. General ......... 14 16Hartford Fire ........... 26% 28%National F i r e ___ 29% 81%Hartford Steam Boiler 38 41Phoenix Fire ............. 89% 41%Travelers .. . 'r ,......... 206 215

PubUo Utllitiee StocksConn, Elec S e r v ......... 84 88(^nn. Power ............. 82 84Greenwlcb, WAG, pfd. 46 66Hartford Elec ........... 43% 45%Hartford Gae ............. 40

do., pfd .................. 468 N E T C o .............. 86 89

Manafaotnrlng StocksAm Hardware ........... 12 14Am Hosiery ............... 26Arrow H and H, com .. — 7

ClO,| pfd •( •••! ••#, ,* 80

• • • • ! •

Billings and SpencerBristol Brass ............. 6

do,, pfd , , , , , , , , , , , , —Case, Lockwood and B —Collins Co...................... 19Colt’s Firearms Eagle Look . , .Fafnir Bearings .......Fuller Brush, Q aw A .Gray Tel Pay Station,Hart and Cooley .......Hartmann Tob, com ..,

do,, pfd ..................Int Silver ..................

do,, pfd , , , , , , , , , , ,Landere, Frary A G k .New Brit. Mob,, com.

do,, pfd , , , , , , , , , , ,Mann * Bow, G a u A

do,, Claes B ...........North and Ju d d .........Nilee Bern Pond .......Peck Stow and Wilcox Rueiell' M fg Soovill , . ,Stanley Works . , . , , , *Standard Screw ....... — 38

do,, pfd,, guar.......... 100 —Smytbe.M fg Co ....... - 36Taylor and F in n ....... — lOOTorrtngton 22% 24«Underwood M fg Co ,, 11% 18<Union M fg Co ........... — 7U S Envelope, oom ... - 36

do., pfd .................. 46 66Veeder Root .............. 4 7Whitlock Ck)il P ip e ,,. — 6J.B.Wil'ms Co. 210 par — 46

• • t • • I •

l • • l • • • e • • • • l


Bridgeport, April 4 .— ( A ^ — The damage suits of F, Nefion Breed of Ridgefield, administrator of the estate of Rose N. Stewart and William D, Foster of Fairfield, in which aggregate damages of 117,600 are asked, against ths Phll- gas Co., of Derby, was started to­day in the Superior Court, It Is al­leged In the complaint that on May 33, 1983. there was an explosion in the basem*nt of the home 0. W il­liam D. Foiter, resulting in fatal injuries to Rose N. Stewart and a partial wrecking of the building.


Odd Fellows Want Change Made At Center— Also To Make P. O. Parking Roles.

AutomobUe parking and bus stops occupied considerable of the attention of tne Police Commission­ers last evening when they held their April meeting. The bus stop matter bad been brought up by < a delegation. from King David Lodge of Odd Fellows who, beadel by John Wright, asked the commissioners to do away with the stopping place in front of the Main street side of the Odd Fellows building, now used by tbe Connecticut Company busses, i'bey thought a better place would be a few yards to the south, opposite a 'driveway that runs alongside the building.

Tbe parking problem arose from the fact tbat no special regulations have ever been established for the neighborhood of the new Poet Office at the Center.

It was decided that Interested parties might meet with the Com- mlisioner Blssell and Chief of Police Gordon on Friday morning when both matters will be threebed out and decleloni probably reached.

A new type of summer uniform blouse was adopted for the depart­ment. It will be blue serge, with rolling collar and will have four pockets. These blouiei will replace tbe preeent lummen type as fast as the latter are worn out and will be provided from the uniform fund.

Tbe CommleiloDeri held a half hour executive session dealing with department expenditures. It was ■Sid afterward tbat they expected to be able to finish tbe fiscal ] within their appropriation.

K A f . C. A* NotesMrs. C R. Burr, Mrs. Walter

Crockett, Mrs.^JarxMs'M. Siesjrw, of the Women’s Division-of the T l M. G. A., went .:o ‘ Springfield... Mass,, yesterday wbqtre they a t t e n ^ the exhibit of Spom Chinaware made in the Spode factory in England. Mov­ing pictures o f the differeht opera­tions were alsd shown. ’The exhibit is open today and tomorrow. .

Mrs. Mary D. Crockett of the Y. M. C. A., will conduct a social and old-fashioned dance at the Hollister street school at the close of school on Friday afternoon,

Miss Helen Kentzing of the Maggl Company of New York will lecture in tbe "Y " building Tuesday, April 26, at 2 o’cloclf.

The regula* monthly meeting of the D. A. R. wUl be held in the Y. M. C. A. building Thursday. Miss Esther Pitkin, a reade) , will enter­tain.

The lecture that was scheduled for this afternoon to be given by Miss Adelma Grenier, has been postponed for a week. ^

E. J. Slmonds of the local "Y " is' attending a convention being held in New York G ty to ^ y .

Deals In Rekt Estnte aid Ltsiir-- ^sce-418 ot * LfiealBoard 'Of

Everett. T. McKinney of Foster strMt fumounces in todjN)( 8 Issue of T h e Hefalc the opeining -of - a' Man,? Chester office in & e Keith (building on Main street^ Mr. McKlBiiey has b e^ in tbe reid estate busineas for the past two years and 'also con­ducts an office .in. the/Palais build­ing in Hartford. H e is also agent for all lines of insurance.

Mr. McKinney, is a graduate ot Tufts College where be received his B. S. degree in economics; Re is a member o f the local Board of Relief.


Bridgeport, April 4.— (A P ) — Ernest Kiesel, Stamford builder and contractor, and bis wife, Frelda Kiesel, have filed bankruptcy peti­tions in the U. S. Court The aggre­gate amount of their liabiUtiei is jf87&,040,99. There are no assets.

Jack Elsinger, Westport, owner of "The VUUge Stationary Store" Is a petitioner in bankruptcy. His debts are 12,677 and aseeti 11,097.




To Bt Entertaintd At Y. M. C. A.— Mrs. Miry Croekitt In Charg^Program For Day.


Purneab, India, April 4 .~ IA P )— Tbe two Lady Houiton Expedition airplanes which yesterday made bli- tory by flying over Everest, world's bigneit mountain for the first time, took off again today to flv over the nearby Kanebanjunga, which towers almoit a i high.

(K an cban ^ga ii > 26,166 feet high. Everest is 29,141.)

It wae etated today tbat visibil­ity was not entirely latlifaotory yeeterday and that the two planes lost light of each other when they! olroled ever the peak four tlmee.



Tbsy rtlisvt and jw io o ic oisordi just amsdicins wbicb acts apoo tiM CAUSE of your tcoobM siitsBt use orioa punsBiot roUsf. 8oldbysirdcogglftB ,

rtlisvt sod pctvtot ptin and ssaodattd

trs. No narcotics. Not killtr but a diodtm

!nt 'which acts upon tbt

There will bs a reunion of girl who have attended Camp Woodstook at tbe Manoheeter Y. M. C. A., 0 Saturday, There will be repreeenta- tivie from Danieleon, Putnam, Wllli- mantic, Rockville, Manchester, East Hampton, Meriden and New Haven. Mrs. Mary Crockett will be tn charge of the arrangements for tbe gathering as she was dlrsctor of tbs camp last year and has been engag­ed for ths eame position again this summer.

Tbs reunion opsne at 8 o’clock when the vtsltors wlU go to ths School Strsst Rsorsatlbn pool for a swim. Tbs sxsrcisfs from then on will bs hold at tbe Y. M. C. A., last­ing until 8 o’clock. A dinner will be served in the "Y " at 6 o’clock and tbl* will be followed by the Candle lighting eervici. Among those who will be preeent will be M lsi Elisa­beth Proctor of Ayers, Mass., who bad charge of the waterfront at the camp last year and Miss Beryl Proctor who w u in charge two years ago and who is now connected with the Hartford Public High school.

IS gets inSIfsstisn so •soy, Msther MsArIhur. First It was my fries fseSs anS now M's my pis.


Will, hs takas sflsr mo, Sear. But I'va Siuna that whan I uaa O>loss my sasMiHP SjiiaiFt overtax my atamash. Orlaoa Slgoots sulokar, yau knaw. <


'6 j

uo.u.arAT.orr. digests QtadUtAt the Herald Cooking School, Mre. Edna Riggs Crab­

tree uaed and recommended CRISCO, the modem, qnideer- dlgesting shortening.

^ 1.r

MOST AMAZING DENTAL OFFEROne of Hartford's leodlag dentists wU) now moke you .a,

beontlfDi oot of teotti for the low price of glS.00.. Fit oad mate­rial goanuiteod. A ll other work at reduoed prioeo. Cell at once for a free examination.


aUBOBON OBMTUT. ' m a-17|N Fhlaei

MV Mala it , IteftfBrd, Ooaa.

HdWRIIRi CllfrRiIncrtMMtboMK. tacnaSRih iXNMSas

Everywhere you go—at opamopoli- tan l&vana as tn cnir,ovSn homeland — discriminating amokon prefer ' Uiddes. Why?

For one thin£ because of dteir6ne, fregnmt'T iAiUt and t e ________tdbaccoe cardfally aefacted* perfeedy acterand mllmcee-»**tiicfcR8Pfaaicf

■“ ' l l

SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (4)

■ ■At"

■i -r - • '■



4 lm ir4 » B trr , S n n t i t i s


t t •l/.All 8»rMt MaiMiMMci, Coap.

THOMAS PlfRGUBUN ________ Gananu ilaaagT________

Poandad Octotar 1. ItSl • 'Publlahad £vary Bvaning Bxoapt

BunSaxft anS Holldaya. Bntarai! at taaIT*Poal Offlaa at MMChaatar. Conn., aair.RATB8

Saaand Claaa Mail Mattar S0S8OB1PTU'’* “Ona Taar, tty nafl ............ .....ia.00

Par Meath, bjr maJi .............. . . . I AOBiafla ooplaa .............................. I .•>D«> Tarad. eaa jraar ................. It.OO

MICMBER o r t H t i ABBOVlA'h i l ^ PRB88

Ttia Aaaoctatad Pra.i la aaolualvalx cntUlad to the aaa f' r raaubliaatlon of all nawa dlaaa*.obaa eraditad te It o r n o t. otbararfaa cradltad Id tbia oaaar and aJao the *oeal newa pub* Matiaa haraln.

All Hahta of ropul> eatton ot «oaclin dlapaiehaa haraln ara alao ra* aervad.

Puli aarvlea visa, laa.

elfant of N B A far*

Publiahar*a Rapraaantatlaai Tha Juiiua Maihawa Npaolal Afanejf«>Naw Xorb, Ohiaago, tlairelt and Boatpn,


tno.,Tba Haraid Prinimf company, aaiymaa no Snanolal raopeaalblllty to typegrapniaai arrera appaarinc In Advarriiamaata <n *h« Manahaaiar Bvaning HaraiU


PUT AN END TO ITI 'or tboiM wbd tiavf utwUly main

ttinad that the fian t dirtgibte ig a numatroui perveraloD of human in. yrcnuity and effort, Inordina^ly’coit' ly and of bo practical u n for elthrr peace or war, it ia difficult to tbimt of the dreadful trafedy of the AhrpQ without permittipf itidifDa> tioR to iBtrude ioto the horrifled aerrew which every decent pereoa muet feel,

Every nation in the world eave uure hae abandoned the idee of the h ilht dlriftWe, Oenhasy> whieb he# eKMfided niore human life than any o ^ r country in enpcrimeniA> tioB with thaee vaet da#tb trapa, kntwe full well tba bopeleeahNM of furtlier deMlnfi with them, desfita that in her Oraf Zeppella ehe ha# hed a ehlp heemearid with the most amailmr lueh. niiftaad ii done with them, rranoe ie done with th iny It ie only the United ftatoe* whiA for eoiM reaeon aever latlaf faetorily enpUinod hae oonUnued to eptfd the people'f moaey aad hafard M reokleiNily the Hvei of eooree at t)Si§$n and men ia the buiidiaf and upiratioB ot theee etUMBdous mia> tehee.

Like* the •bmaadoab, the Akron Is fone, Nethinf whatever ean be Jose about her. Her people are dcBd, NothiBff caa be deae forthem. But on point of completion ie another dirlflWe. a it«ter ehip, to be named the Macon.

Why ehould the people of thie country coaeeat to a oontlauatioB of thie kletery of dieaeter which, ualeee we are mistaken, hae overtaken svery one of theee aircraft that over was built, eave two? Why let this murder serial go on? Would It not be infinitely better to halt thie last horror in its tracks, sell it for junk or use it to stop a hole somewhere, than to proceed along the old lormula ot a “launching," a few training fiight»~and then, eome clay, this same frightful tragedy over again, and another half hun> cired or hundred fine Uvea wiped out?

Has not the world enough of anguish' without going ao deliberate^ Jy out of our way to manufactureit?

NAME OF CHELMSFORDViscount Chelmsford, former vice­

roy of India, who died suddenly io London on Sunday, bad a diatio- guiebed career and his name was famlUar not only to all BrlUeh peo­ple but throughout the world. To a passing generation, however, the name of Chelmsford is primarily as­sociated with one of those splendidly heroic but enormously blood-waste­ful experiences which British arms have again and again undergone as the result of a serene contempt for the courage and capacity of gn enemy.

The second Baron Chelmsford, father of the man who has jusb passed on, was the general in com­mand of the Britiab forces which invaded Zululand eariy in 1879. Having under him 5,000 whites and some 8,000 natives. Lord Cbeixqaford. in the face of a Zulu army of 40,000 of the fiercest and best disciplined savage fighters is the world, s|riit hia command into three columns, which were to proceed from three different points on the border and converge at the ca^ tal of the Zulu king, Cetawayo.

The Zulus kept out of their way. Chelmsford was with the central column, which Started from Rorke's Drift and which numbered lAOO British soldiers and 2,000 natives. On January 22 this force camped a t Isandhlwana. r Their Chelmsford did some piore qiUtttsg up. He took part of bia littia personal oomnaiid and su ited out ea a rBooneitartng sxpedi'uon tryiag to flad tha sloflva Z ulus;A bout as boos-bb Ub bB ^ Was famMd tba camp, bi charge of a

tacked and eonapletely overwhelBisd by 10,000 of OaUwsyo’s warriora t^witicaUy -every man in the camp was'killed—800 whites and nearly 500 natives. All ths transport was oaptursd by tba Zulus.

Chelmsford managed to get liack to Rorke's Drift without enoouoUr- ing the Zulu army. Later, after still another surprise attack bad taught him bow to fight that kind or a war and after be had been rein­forced by a division sent out from England, be was doing better when he was relieved of bis com m and- bad practically won the war.

Brave, dauntless, but lacking In due appreciaUoD of the courage and resourcefulness of his enemy, Chelmsford was that figure whieb has appeared and reappeared so often iB the history of Britain’s wars with “inferior’’ pe^les.

MR'. F lX n ’S BILL Hartford’s experience with a pro­

fessional Mr. Flxlt in tba matter of an ’’expert’’ inveetigation of its Welfare Department, is becoming illuminating. It should also be use­ful to other oommuoitie#—eome- tbing to fils away for future refer* ence In cases where there might even yat be temptation to oall la some outside agency to aiUnd to matters which, in fact, are the job of wbatever officials the commusi* ties may have eieeted to nm them.

The investigation of the Welfare Departroeht by a Mr. Brown ie now being' inveetigated, primarily with a view te boding out whether Mr. Brown's bill of 197,000 ie a fair one. Yeetentay one of Mr, Brown’s senior eoeountanti, for whose Nrvloee the bofi lAveetiffetor bed billed the city a t the rate of 180 a day for several months, told an aldermanic commit­tee that he eetually was paid ’’not more than 150 a week." Also Iw •Bid that whereas Brown hed charged the city toe five such senior •Mountantf a t the rate ot |80 e ti i each, be aever bad but tbree on ui<; jpb. Further the witaese releuiu how the inveetlfatlpB bed been huried a lesf ta r biyoBd the time aecsNary for eompletlag it.

I t would be iBteraiUag to know, If there were say way ef dadlag out, bow muob money hae beea taken away from aa agfrefate of eome hundrede If act tkoiieapdi ef Amer- loan mMldpalitleff, durlag tha laet ten or h d tfsa yoarf, by just such raldf as thlh> Mayors, ei^rm en •ad eetfotmea who would drive en alr>tlfbt bargain with aay ef their own oitiiene over e hundred tons of ooal or .begrudge the pay of e tmfflo oop have seemed Uekied to death to bring la eome 0rm of pro­fessional ffoiomoni to looh oyer the pleat tad tell them what ought to be dona-and to pey the most out­rageous MU# without question.

I t ha# been one of the most sue- ceisfui and well as one of the most tru im afsat rackets oi a racketeer­ing age. I t is a guess, however, that the Mr. Fixlts have come to ths md of their special era.

l^dalative districts. This is sup­posed to. be the Ideal eet-up fOr the dryi, since In almoat all statee there are mere rural than urban aaeembly districts, and the drys depend on the support of the country areas. But even under this plan yesterday's Michigan reeuKa were so one-sidod as to surprise even the most opti­mistic booster for repeal. When more than eighty of the state’s one hundred dlstricta elected delegates pledged ta vote for ratification that fact became even more significant than the tbree-to-one vote of the eata« state.

There would seem to be, now, no certainty a t all that even such ultra­dry statee as Kansas and North Carolina will. boM out against rati­fication; certainly very little iikeil- hood that so many as thirteen oommoBwealthe will join io ofaetrdet- ing return of control of the liquor traffic to the statee.


MueetteiBe In- segaid te MealUi end Diet will be hmiwiiree by Dr.MeOoy wbe eaa beeddresBid hi ear* of this Pi^er. Bnnleee ■tamped, edfaddreeeed Envelope for Reply.


OVER EVERESTAfter the expendittu’c of an in­

finite amount of tima and a great deal of money on the enterprise, man has looked down from above upon the worid’e tallest mountain peak. Twe plaaee of the Houston expedi- tiett yesterday skimmed nver Mt. Everest, which towers more thao UfiOO feet above sea level, obtain­ing photographe of tba one spot on the face ot this terrestrial sphere where the foot of mao, in all the ages of hie mundane tenancy, has never yet trod.

I t was probably worth all the time, the trouble, the expense—and the perfectly ghaetfy rleke; the last of which coneldereUone the fliere end pbotograpbere have always calmly ignored.


EUROPE’S BOGEYS Whiie'even such dis-hard spokes­

men for the gold etendafd as Hark BuUlvan are confing, one by one, to the view that there is an almost universal demand in this country for relief from the tyranny of the gold ’ U ar, it is worthy of note that tbs financial correspondsnte in Europe of one of the greatest of American daiUes are cabling, with one accord, dire stories of uncertainty an^ fear created in the various capitals there by the possibility of a devaluadoa ot United States currancy.

If Paris Is apprehensive lest this country cut the gold content of the dollar or go on'a bimetallic basis; if London gets gloomy over the delay on this side of the water in lifting the embargo on gold; if, in short, the prospects of an ordered inflatioa in America gives Europe a headache —what does it all mean? Does it mean necessarily anything bad for us? Or does it merely mean some­thing less profitable for Europe?

Is It likely, a t this particular stage of the game, that this u^toh- fulncss over the sanctity of tba dol­lar is for our good—o r for the good of those fellows over there?

We can think up more convinciog ways fOr an American newspaper to campaign against currMcy reform in the United 8 tates''tban by M tiing Its Exuxypean correspondents to loadiiig the cables with hobgoblin stiiff— and even those more convincing ways aren’t good enough.

It won't be long now.

itc" evrit’e UbaraUam I'rogrcsslve Orpope or Uaiiiag Them

' bj- ilOUNKV DUTOHEK NB.\ Hrrvlce Writer

Weeblngtoo, April 5. — The ftooiiveit program has been beat- 1 down nnei and, whet ie mora extraordinary, has partly ef­faced eome ot the old markers that used to diettoguish the progrss- Mvss from oonservetivss.

The m a |tfity behind the prssl- deot's prapmw contain Rspublio- ias, Dsmoorsts and progressives and ia saeb ctse there appears a divlsioo of oplaloo among the pro­gressive members of Congress as wsU as in tbs ranks of the two parties. The phsnomsaon of pro­gressives steadiiig on opposite sides ot important roll calls Is is rather new.

■ No one has yet found the answer to the queetl^^oftea asked beforethe whether Roose-

MlCHiaAN’B VOTE Michigan, the first state to send

the question of the repeal of the Bighteentb Amendment to a refar- endum of its voters, yesterday rolled up a vote so overwhelmingly In favor of ratlflcatien of the repealer as to greatly enoouraga belief that the repsM cannot be.Moefced In the eouatry.

Uattke the eysten adopted In most at the states, Midfigaa’e arraage*aMhts.foi* electing del^ates to a CensUtutlonai oonveattoo provided

inaugural velt would have to give up his pro gressive or bis conservative friends. National emergency legielatlon tends te eblitenne such alignments as the liberal-conservative one wblcb most of us have thought would eventually enter into the two-party system, but the progres­sives have more principles to pre­serve a t' such a time, and that’s one reason why they have been fouhd dlTridfd.

Roosevslt alrsady is regarded here as a “profTsssive’’ president, if it 4s poenble to apply such ter­minology to his work thus far. The oablnst is certainly a liberal group in the main. Liberals and even radteale are oonspiououe in the professional group- wblcb has bs4 so muoh to do with framing the Roosevelt program.

line Up W itt F. D. B.But in CongTMs there is no

unanimity of any group behind him. The oompositlon of the email minority against the banklmr bill demonstrated that f irs t S ^ t o r Qeorge Norris of Nebraska, feeling that the national welfare required giving Roosevelt what be wanted, voted with other progreseives for the bill. LaFoUette of Wisconsin. Costlgan of Colorado and Borah of Idaho voted against i t disliking the grant ot dictatorial powers, fear­ing the concentration of banking power in Wall Street and purtiuV ed as to the fate of many rtate banks. Progressives are still di­vided by the banking issue — as to the futtire of the big banks and the little banka and tha ^sirahility of the government taking over the whole buslnese.

Roosevelt’s idea of putting the proposal to let him cut veterans’ •xpeneea and federal salaries both In the same bill 1 many of them in a pioMe. Nearly all of them in the Senate voted against it after LaFoUette had led a close but fruitless fight to exempt tunpl03ms earning less than $1000 a yaar from the maximum 15 per bent reduction.

Split Over Farm BUIThe emergency program for un­

employment refief has developed stlU another argumcot among t te Ubarals. Most of them favor bond issues for public works and federal grants to states which can’t raise any mora money for relief, but the reforestation camp plan with its doUar-a-day wage brought anotherBIp from m aiy who believe that

e effect would be to drive down wages for labor elsewhere. Yet there are liberals who don’t believe tha t and vtbo think it was a gniid idea even though their old friends iB the labor movament opposed i t

Coming mostly from agrartan states,- pragnestves have usually been as supporting el) edvane* •d programs for farm reUef and now want to vote tor any major legielatlon that eeeaas to have aay

"bttttes.^ ,Hut John Simpson, of t to Farmers’ Union — most

radloal of tho t t m le ^ e fhnnor organiaajtlons — came here to fight the Roosevelt • WeBaM program

aeaalUv *


In diabetes mellitus the body no longer bums up aU of the sugar it digests. This refers not only to sugar foods but also such foods as starches or even protein wblcb may be ebanged by digestion into sugar. You will find that the crus of the whole dieeas'e is sugar and all of the symptoms turn about this one jmlnt like a wheel around a hub. 'fhere cannot be a'discussion about this disease without mentioning sugar. The mam symptoms are the Rnmfig of exoess sugar in tho blood and in the liquid out-put of the kidneys. Even the term mellitus means “honey or sweet" while diabetes means "to flow through." A liberal interpretation is t t e “flowing through of sugar" which is a good explanation as in this disease sugar does actually flow uncontrolled through the body.

While diabetes Is growing more common, it need not be as serious as it used to be, the reason being that we know bow to treat it by meane of the right diet so that the parient may look forward to enjoying a comfortable, busy life. Fortunauly, periodic examinations are now fairly common and bring about the dis­covery of diabetes W o re it has ad­vanced to the later stages. The earlier this disease is found and treated, the better the results.

Two types of diabetes are known, but the one I am going to tell you about today is diabetes mellitus, the more serious disordor, This disease is roost'eonunon in the flfttei, at­tacks more men than women, is most freguent with those living in citlc* and is often found among the Jewish race. Since nine out of ten who become diabetic are over­weight long before the dieeaie ap­pear*, it hae been called a diieaee of feeding and fatness. Xameoavinosd that the ohisf cause of diabetee mellitue is the continued u#s of an exceieivs amount of carbohydrates both in the form of sugar and starch. Such over-ooniumptlon brings on obesity end also throws e •train on the organs of digestion, including the penoreu. When ex­cessive amounts of lugar ere found in the wastes of the kidneys, it ie • sure sign thaV the panereai is un­able to handle the large amounts of carbohydrates which ths patlsnt bee been ueing.Pencreee Needed to Correct Sugar

Metsboliem1 am going to explain to you m

•imply as I oao the part the paa- oreas plays In handling sugar so that you will uodsrstaod bow it is that troubis with t|i# pancreas can osuse diabetes,^ For,a long time no one knew that there is any oon- nsetion between a diseased panersae and diabetes, but we now know that the pancreas is an organ which plays a double role. I t is mads up nr two different kinds of tlsfus. One kind secrets a juioe used in diges­tion and which travels through ducts ioto the duodenum: the other kind of tissue occurs in little islands or groups of ceha which are scat­tered through the organ and furnish

the body with a spedal kind of sub­stance which does not travel out through the duota but le dhreotly ab- ■acted into the blood stream. This ■obetanoe ie inaulin and if baa a tremendous value in the body. Its work ie to enable you to bum up •ugar. A healthy niunan beiag le able to manufacture all the instiJln he needs to bium np a raaeooaWe amount of sugar. With diabetee mellitus theeev little islands disap­pear or atrophy and then not enough inaulin is manufaotuied to handle sugar.

The ssvarlty of the casa depends on how many of the islandsare dam­aged to such a a sxtent that they eon no longsr. carry on th d r work* Often a limited amount of sugar can be handled, but the patieat is unable tt> use tha large amount of sugar and starchy food that be is In the habit of eatmg^and which be likes so well.

(In tomorrow’s artlole I will ex­plain some of the symptoms of diabetes.)


(Spins lahired In Aooldsnt)Question: linrvn O. writes: "A

month ego 1 wee in an automobile wreck and injured my back greatly. 1 am very stooped and my spiBal colmun has a voma which bottere ma vety much. 1 you think it would be a good idea to hnva an x-ray takes. J am i girt of fifteen. Please tell me what to do as I would not like to be stooped."

Answer; 1 would eertnmly edviee you to have not only one n-ray but several x-rayi. made end get the opinion of ooe or two oom^toaf doctors • • to what ia wrong kith your baok. The apiaal ooluam ie too important in a growing person tor any guess-work.

(Sweel Potatooe)QueiUon: "Aunt Mary" wrltos:

"My niooee and nephew are very fond of sweet potatoes, and 1 would liko to know v 1 should Nrvs this vogetahlo to ths oblldren when they oome to visit bm."

Answer: Sweet jpototoee X ptaoe ip the "not so g o ^ ’ olaes, a f t h o ^ when properly prepared by roeetifig or bolilinf instead of s e r ^ g "oei^ dlod y a tf ' faebton with the addltleB of sugar and fat, they may be used as the staroh part of a moal In oombinatloB with the non-starebee, euob as spinach, string beans, ,ae- parague, etc.

(Buttermilk Not Oauee)Question: P. K. writoi: ’1 sm

troubled with phlegm la the throat wblob oaueee me to ooastMtly ex­pectorate. Caa this be o e u ^ ^ or pertly so, by drlakiag bfittermilk just before going to ^ a t mid­night?"

Answer: You uadoubtedly have e oatarrhti eonditioa of the nos« and th roa t Buttermilk probably hM no partioular affect on the oonditleq. The beet plan would be to eead tor

article entitled, A Mucous Cleansing Diet and follow the Ip, etruetioos. Enclose a large, edf eddreesed, itemped envelop.

year to administer. The two lead­ing llbaral weeklies of the country are In opposition as to the bill’a merits, one insisting that 'he pro­cess tax feature is indefensible be- cause it means subsidizing the farmers by burdening the consum­ers with a sales tax p t $800,000,000.

On the banking, economy and farm measures there have been di­visions among both conservatives and progressles as to the desirabil­ity of giving one mao such enorm­ous power as RooseeK demanded.


Washington, 4.—(AP) ^The Connery thlrto-hour work week bill was SMroved unanlaumsly to­day by tba House labor oommittee,

The measure would prohibit the ehlpmeht In Interetate or foreign commerce of the products of labor employed for more than five six hour days a week.

The bill, like the black proposal recently approved by the Sen<ite labor oommittee, would be effective for two years. Chairman Connery of the House committee, eeld it had agreed upon the 2-year restriction to put the legislation in the emer­gency class and to make it conform to the Senate bill.

Another amendment to the bill would make a special exception of the canning and packing of peris-i- able articles where the seasonal cbwaeter of the product and a lack of available labor would make It difficult to comply wilh the short work di^.

Under such circ*mstances the secretary of labor would have authority to exempt tboae produ< 'x ffom the general provisions of the bOl.


and the larger par piayes a tteaang the

The Rev. Qumoy X

Colobrook, April 4.—(AP) —The funeral of Norman F. Thompson, Jr., late president of the William L. Gilbert Clock Company, was helfi tbia .afternoon from the O)lebrook Ccngregationel church.

The factory in Winsted closed parb of the env>

services. Blakely, pastor

of the First Church of Christ Famfingtow, ef f lM a ^ assisted by the Rev. James <3. Robertson, pastor of church h e r e . /

Burial wee In t te Thompson lot la Colebrook eemeCsiir. eriiieb was laid out in 1760 whMi tte re were few Hitlers wiyhtt the town.limits.

'Weeds fadlcetd t te ebdracter of,the soil in which they sorrel

m O F A D M lR iUH m D H I E N E W S

Mr«. Moffett SayS' She Bo fieres Hneliud Is All Right Despite Reports.

Washington, April 4.—(AP) — A message of steadfast eourege was glvsa today by Mrs.* William A. Moffett, wife of the rear admiral niiaeing in the Akron disuter.

"I have avery belief tha t Admiral Moffett ie all right end I shall hear from him." she said in an in tsr view.

"I shall not believe otherwise un, til I have definite word from the N a ^ that he ta really lost

“So many little boats not equipped with radio are on those waters that there* Is every chance thet many of the men may have been, saved.

"The admiral had a way of com­ing out of things satoly and I sxpect to get word from him.

*nniat is my messaga to the press, and that is my message to all the wives, who, like me. are wsUting word from their husbands."

Mrs. Moffett, etandng erect a t tbe bead of the eatraaee stairway in her beautiful MbesaebuHtts ave- nue*home, spoke in a' dear voice with no trace of falterifig.

She wore a ^ray morning gown, simple in lines, suited to the al- aoosC Puritan dmplioity of her coif­fure.

Her dark hair was parted in the middle^ drawn smooUuy along each side of her stroag, attractive face, and. was coiled a t the nape of her neck.

Her maancr vaa contained, ee> rene, except when—with an eutburit ot almoet patrleBe fervor — she expressed Chat fSlth ia "my man.’' that Navy wives have as their ereed.' ~

Over tba amatta huag a large oilportrait of her huabind.■ t


ilUacie. ladH April i.—(AF) — Freed by a Clrguit Court Jury of a ohaiga of attemptiag to assault aa I8-year-old Sunday school teacher, t te Rev. Q. Lemuel Conway today tod iea t^ ha .VMM^fiMeal m •tatemeaf t t a t theMadlami atoMt M. ohuiMi here-

. By PAUL HARRISON New York, April 6. — On the

amrquee of the (3c^ Theator on Forty-eighth street, an illuminated sign proclaims that the current at- tractioa is a comedy called "Three- Cornered Moon.” Also that it was authored by somebody with tbe odd name of Gertrude Tonkonogy.

Inside is to be seen one of the dlxzleit plays that Broadway has guffawed over in a season. I t’s about tbe Rimplegars,' a middle- clau, apparently moon-struck Brooklyn family Which is about six tomps removed from t te booby- natch—and Irretrievably removM from prosperity becatue Mrs. Rim- plegar has turned over all their money to a margin broker. There is a alee young doctor, a family friend, who assumes a sort of benevolent dictatorttip over t te In­competents and sternly puts them to work. He finally marries tte daughter.

But this fe not a dramatic vrltloism. I t’a the story of a B roadw ^ Cinderella earned Gertrude TomkOBOgy.

Oleaster StrikesSbt was a Brooklyn Cinderella a t

first, one of ten children left father- leH live years ago. Gertrude pre­viously bad gene to Wellesley (Col­lege, and later to Barnard, where she antuied herself with a course In pleywtIUng. •

C)no evening a certain yoiing doc­tor made a friendly call and found tte Tonkonogys’ In turmoil, The meat! old stock market, he die- covered, had iwallowed tbe Tonko- nogy fortune in one gulp.

Tbe doctor was both kindly and helpful, Being just out of msdieal Mhool, ho was pretty broke himself, but he bed praotloai Ideas, There­after, verioue 'TonkoBOgye w en t! to work. Gertrude Tonkonogy took' a Noretarial couth and gm a jpb a eteaogrepber. She also fell in love with the doctor; aad that, ot course, was what be bad beea hoping for from the time be first gUmpMd trim little Ucilrude.

(<|alle iacideatany, Tonke- nogy is a Russian name which, literally trsnelated, means "ellm legs/'

Itoeeate dreams of marriage were marred by the reaUiatlon t t e t it probably would bo years before he could build up a praetlec end su>pert a wife. But they .aiade plane. Gertrude was makihg pleiMi oneevening " ‘ ------ ‘ “bathtub.

- f . .while ehe luxuriated in tte With a house full of,

eleven Tonkonogys, Gertrude had discovered that the bathtub woe about the only placf where one would bo alone with one’i plane. This time ehe got a g n a d idea, and liter, wben tte dootor called, she told him she couldn’t go to a show.

"Darllrg,’’ she laid, ~ l’m going to

can get m en1ed."Aad itrw, oa the marquH of the

Oort Theater, tba nsniH ef (3er- trude T u sk o n i^ and her May are up in Ughte. 'rae critics, oRh dry­ing their eyes, polished off eome of ttc ir bert adJeetIVM to describe It.

New far t te fit war ' That’s about all, exoept that there was a wedding down a t City Hall. It was a weddtag typteat of m ^ cu y Hall weddings and a fitttag climax to the TOokonogy saga.

Tbe theatrical p ren agent had done hlmneiff proud. He bad ar­ranged for Gertruds Tookenogy end Or. O iarlH K. FrieAerg to be married a t 1 o'oleok in t te mayor’s rsMotioa room by the mayor blmeslf, Aad ttle would be t te first ceremony that Mayor John P. O’Brien ever had performed.

Everybody was there, and afi a’twltter, a t the a p p ^ te d tima. Press pbotograpbere n t 19 their cameras and tripods. *n— Tonko- nogy, dressed in a blue Mmethtng- oi -otter, sat OB a desk and swung her slim lege and talked to re­porters. No. she’d never tried to write anything before. Yh . tbe pley Hsmed to be a bit, ail r l i b t

No, she didn't axpeot to Imep oa writing. She was a dootor’e wife now or would be, wben tte m » o r oame.

But tbe mayor didn’t oome. Aa hour dragged ~

downon. The xroom naoed

up and down tbe big room, feeling in his pocket for t te riag, yanking a t bis Ue, smootbiag bis hair with a sweatypalm . . . Aa hour and a half. Tm mayor, it was reported, bed gone out to lunch. Members oftbe i ^ y muttered about gsttlng a Judge — somebody — a n j^ y t . , . Two hours, aad still no mayor. Tbs nswspaper men ooulda't remember that even Jimmy Walker ever bad been that late.... Two hours end a quarter. The prsM efent was fn n ti^ t te pbotograpbers restive, tbe bride pa]e..r. Then ta. rushed

ia»Um>iamaAhie ■ '

• y ia t.

felee- She

gtven m r t h e , ot m

'X‘VaUey Forge, Apefl A—(Af^

—JesM W. Wanmr, fd,.f<Mrnw prom- taent tadnstrMliat cif dted Saturday a t hie boms at GentreriUa, near here, " .

Walkar took hie first Job under Andrew Casnegie as a dvU efigtaesi’ fifty years ace.



' 2 2 - 5 0up

Nattonaily kaow a.. ...aatioa- ally faawuel Now aaw; tas- proved models . . . .a w re for srour money. Still tba Mg- gest value to satlafeetory range oil beattaf. Eoeoem- leal to operate, too.

Easy Terms


WATKINS BROTHERS. Inc. Funeral: Directors

esta,b u sh ed ss years

CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST.Robart K. Andgrioo FunarsJ Dlraetor

Pboof i OIBes 5171 fUsidtaes 7494

' • -j

A b s b y 's c r y in f b e n i g h t . . t u y ^ t n

liln e fs . . . a q u ic k c a l l f o r t h t . d e c t e r *

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SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (5)

'V-'' • ‘ •' V • .1-y .




N cbratb M u Is Nominated For Jodgeship — Other Nominations Reported.

Washington, April 4.— (A P )^ fresldent Rooaevtlt today nomi­nated Joeeph W. Woodrougb of Nebraska to be a Judge in the Eighth Federal Circuit Court of Appeal!.

The Prealdent also sent to the Senate the nomination o f Harry M. Chiming of New York to be colleo- tor of custorae at the Port of New York.

Woodrough, a Federal District Jutoe In Nebraaka, was named to the bench by Preeldent Wilson.

He was recommended for the new post by Arthur Mullen, of Omaha, at the time that Mullen recently refused the appointment to fill the vacancy in the Eighth Pistrlct.

Mullen was the floor leader for the Roosevelt forces at the Chica- scm eeneention.^ Seleetloa of DunOng. a Bromc man and intimate Mend of the Bronx Democratio leader, Edward J. Flynn, was viewed at the Capi­tol as illustrating transfer of flnal word in New York City patronage from the hands of Tammany Hall to the Bronx leader.

Flynn with his followers sup­ported Pre^dent Roosevelt in the Chicago convention.



About One Third of 920 Askedt Declared They Would Not Bear Arms Under Any Cir cunitanees.

N ew 'York. AprU 4.— (A P )--A p - wcmlmately a third of 920 students at Columbia who were polled by the CMumbla Spectator would not bear arma under any olrc*mstancee. Only adhered to the philosophy of “ My Country Right or Wrong.”

The Spectator, paciflst in poUcy, conducted the poll by placing guard­ed b ^ o t b<mee in various smools of the university. Each voter had to prove he was a Columbia student and sign bis vote.

The 920 mdio east ballots were di­vided thia way;

12 would fight, under any circum ataneea: 29S would bear arms under no circ*mstances; 484 would bear nnns only in the event o f invasion; U would fight to protect American eltlnens n ^ investment abroad; 24 wotdd bear arma for various special reasons.

Two basketball games wore played in Talcott hall on Friday evening. In the first game the Pioneer Jun­iors defeated the Uncas second team of Wapplng by a acoro of 17-11. The game was full of pep, each team trying to the utmost to win as each team had won one game. J. Fotua scored 11 points, McNulty four points and Stiles two points. These Juniors who suffered defeats in the b e g l^ n g o f the season, are now winning victories. The boys are In splendid shape and bid fair to win among groups of their own class. In the second game the Pioneer Sen­iors defeated the Aetna Life Wild Cats by a score of 88-35. This I :ama was speedy and full of action, he score being tied eight times. The Pioneers were given stiff competl- Ipn all the way. Cleveland scored .1 points, Fred Wood and J. Mon­

aghan each 10 points and T. Lotus seven points for the winners. HartJe scored 28 points and Stlefel eight Mints for the opponents. The eferee for both games was Roger

Spencer.The Christian Endeavor society

held a meeting in the assembly room of the church on Sunday evening. The leader was Miss Miriam Welles.

The Pioneer Boys will hold a meeting on W e d n ^ a y evening at 7;S0 in Talcott baU.

On Sunday morning the children of the Prlmiuy department received attendance recognition from the Sunday sohool superintendent, John G. Talcott, Sr., as follows: Five years, John Beebe and James Dog- ;art; four years and six months, Catherine Meyer; three years and

three months, Rita Nowsch; twb years and three months; Wesley Nowsch; two years, Sherwood Mo- Corriston and Edith Prentice; one year and nine months, Calvin Meyer, fUcbard Nowsch, Robert Nowsch,

John Tobias; one y«»r imd six months, Lucille Beebe, Mary Dog- ,i;art, Lucy Welles; one year and three months, Olarence Koch; one year, George Nov^ch; nine months, Jonald Smith. William Smith, Qer-

hardt Tobias; six montas. Marilyn Welles; three moatbs, Jane Flynn. The Picture Roll for this Quarter was awarded to Donald and william Smith.

Mias Helen Tilllngbast of South Hadley, Mass., attended church serv­ices and visited friends in this com* munlty Sunday.

Miss Ruth U ts of Rockville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James McNally.

Mr. and Mrs. William Monaghan. Edna and Charles Monaghan and Alfred Rivenburg motored to Bos­ton, Mass., on Sanday.



King Removes Luan Pradit Who Had Directed Affairs Since Last Jnne.

TOLLANDMrs. Sarah West spent Friday in

Mersow as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wilcox

Miss Thelma Price, a teacher in the Kent High school is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Price for a ten days vaca­tion.

Mrs. Olive Baker Clark anc daughter. Miss Olive Msy Clark of BelUogbam. Mass., were recent guests o f Tolland friends.

The regular meeting of Tolland Grange will be held In the Federate ed church socliJ rooms this eve ning.

The monthly union Missionary sewing meeUng will be held Tburs- d iy in tta social rooms o f the Fed­erated cburcb.

Communion was observed in the Federated church at the Sunday morning service.

Rev. A. J. Williams of the Hart­ford School of Religious Education who has supplied the Tolland Fed­erated church for three months, preached his last sermon Sunday morning as the regular pastor Is expected to be present next Sun'

idrs. Liezle Pomeroy Litchfield Mrs. Lucius P. Fuller and Mrs Keat Newcomb Burgess and Ray mond Fuller of Stockton, Cal were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steele.* Monday.

Joseph DuFour has moved his family from the Gsrrlck rent on Tolland avenue to bis home recent­ly purchased of John H. Steele^

Mrs. Charles F. Budd who has spent several r/ecks in Hartford is spending this week at the home o:! her daughter, Mrs. Lathrop West and Mr. West at Snlpsio Lake.

Harold Neff has moved hie fam lly from the rent in the house of John H. Rounds to rent in the home of Robert Doyle of Tollanc avtnuc.

Members of the Tolland Ceme tery Association held a meeting In the Town Hall, Tolland, last Satur day afternoon. ,

Charles Hurlbut, Oscar A. Leon ard and Mrs. John H. Steele at' tended the funeral of Elbert Baker held at the B. H. Preston funeral parlors in Rockville lest Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Baker was a native of Tolland but in lat er years was a farmer iq Somers. Conn.

Miss Helen Meaoham returned Monday to her studies at the R e ­sell flsge College in Troy, N. Y-. after a ten days vacation'spent at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Preston Meacbam.

Mrs. WlUUun Sumner Simpson spent the week-end (n New York a t y with Mr, Simpson, whefe he has obtained emploj^ent.

T te B sspy HSlpiti Food Qtth a»et l is t Fridny « f tsrnoon nt A « • boms their

B«mgkok, Slam, April 4.— lA P )—■ A new Siamese government was in power today after King Prajad- hlpok issued a decree quashing what he regarded as a Communist threat.

A Cabinet headed by Phya Mano- pakarana, representing conserva­tive elements, took over control. Armed forces were placed armmd the palace district when the King's order w u announced yesterday, re­moving Luan Ptadlt, who had headed the government aince last June. ,

The king declared the Luan Pradtt group bad convictions "which can not possibly barmonlse with the policy of any nation not wholb^ communistic.” The action was taken after the group presented an eoonomio plan to which the King objected.

Constitutional Monarchy It was this group o f so-called

Young Idealists who set up the Constitutional Monarchy, ending the histdric absolute powers of the king over his subjects, when the Army and Navy rebelled last June 23. Most of the royal family was taken in custody but the King Im­mediately approved the chsmge in government.

His manifesto was issued yester­day from the seaside resore of Huahin. It said “a situation exists which would force any government and any country to take extraor­dinary metumres.”

A possible counter-revolt was considered unlikely, since Luan Pradit is known as a patriot inter­ested only in bringing relief to the farmers and dcvelc^ing health edu­cation and other matters.

ANDOVERMrs. Lewis Whitcomb returned to

her home Wednesday after spending some time with her daughter at Rocky HiU.

The Christian Endeavor Society Sunday evening was under the lead­ership of Carrol Wright. The discus­sion of the subject, “ Sbould we love our enemies” , was very interesting. Mrs. Eugene Platt acted as organi- ist, Malcolm Thompson playing the flute.

Mr. and Mrs. William Armour and Ronald Platt, o f Wapplng, were callers at the heme of Mr. and Mra. A. B. Frink Thursday evening.

Mrs. A. H. Benton entertained two tablei at bridge Friday after­noon.

Mr. Eind Mrs. Arnee Flydal of MEmchester attended the minstrel show in the Andover town bedl Fri­day evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pbllps motor­ed to Hartford and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ballsy Thurs­day night. * ‘

A good crowd attended the min­strel show given by the C, A. C. in the hall Friday evening. It was a splendid entertainment, well varied, amusing and exc^ently played. All took their parts well and the entire cact showed the results o f mu9h study and training. An entbualcstiq audience called for many encores, and nearly all remained to witness. If not take part in, the round and square dancing after the show.

Those pupils o f Mls9 QIady* M. Bradley’s room in the local gram­mar school who showed records of perfect attendance for the month of March were; Anna Misovicb, Jeanette Samuels, Joseph Jtemeseb Clara Savage, Katherine Schorse, Maxwell Hutchinson, Mary Kralo- vich, Mike Mlsovlch, Dorothy La-

O'ndys Plnney, William Kia:...v •v;i, Dorothy Week, Doi. O'Grady, Uusscll Friedrlck, Wilma Savage, Edward Shlnner, WUUs Covell, Edward Jurovaty. Only five pupils In this room have bad psrfect attendance records for the year: Katherine Schorse, Clara Savage Edward Jurovaty, Edward Skinner, and Dorothy Lemairc.

Letters have been received from Mrs. G. Wynne WUIlanre, who re­cently sailed for Europe, annourcing her safe arrival in France.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery Fellows and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keefe were among the number to attend the M. P. A. meeting held in Colchester Saturday evenina.

Miss Eva Tripp ot Glastonbury attended the local Christian En­deavor meeting Sunday evening.

E. H. Frink ot Hartford spent Sunday with hjs parents.

Mrs. Wallace I Woodln, who has been confined to her home for many weeks by llIncsH, was able to take a short motor tide Sunday.

The choir rehearsal will be held Thursday evening at the home of Nathan Gatcbcli. All members are urgefi to be present to rehearse music for Easter.


Thr«e Dteislojis of Connecticut Federnl Courts Are Reyersed By Court of Appeab.

New York, April 4.— (A P)—The V , S, Circuit Court of Appeals today rovsrasd throe decisions ^ven in the Federal courts in Coansetieut in which were unheld contentions of the Gillette Safety Ranor Company that its patents had been infringed in the manufacture and dtstributton of two-edged msor blgdes resem­bling Its own product.> In two of the suits in question,

the Standard Safety Rasor Com' pany, a manufacturer, figured aa de­fendant, and in the third suit the Hawley Hardware Company, which distributed blades made by the d a rk Blade Company, Newark. N. j.i waa defendant.

The Court e l Appeals held that though the blades were similar to the b r e mada by QUlette. the patsnta on that typo, find manufac­tured and patented soore than twenty years ago, had expired.

“The Giletu company oannet he

Sirmitted to extend its patents and elude the blade as aa element of

a combination claim,” the court’s dsdsioa said.

Ruth Raym to louu'J “ the ‘

A n fisd

« • w 4 A - •

the Momlntf Harriet R<dh

l ^ w s p i M W fU trBy Preniim iW

N ni^ T tr k N Q m lB«t«4Simiitr WtllM Aa Aaaiataiit Snerttory of SUU.Washington. April

Prestdeat Roosevelt4. — (AP) — today

ated Sumner Welles, o f Mai7 iand, to ba aartstant secreUiy o f stats and CBaude (3. Bowers, of New York, -o be ambassador to Spain.

The two anpolntmenta further flU- ed oyt the State D<qpartmsnt ataff. which is now-atmoet entirely in Democratic control.

WeUes served during the WUaon administration.

Bowers, a writer, delivered the keynote of the 1928 DenMcraUe coanntkm. He is the fourth to ba chosen for the dlpiomatic corps.

It la understood the PrssMent has under asrieua eonstderatton tha a p pointment ot Warren Delano Rob-

chief ot the protocol dlvtslon in the SUte Department, to be min­ister to Canada.

Francis White, who has been on assistant secretary o f state in charge of Latin American affnlre, appears slated for a high’ diplomatic

KBt and has been mentioned aa am- ssador to Cuba, which has been

oocuifled by Harry F. Guggenheim of New York.

Guggenheim has resigned and now is on his way to Washington.

inson, A substantial sum was rent-

Mi a M mund n . MsHm enter- tatesd the w o o m 's bridge o h * at her hosM Thuieday lee ik if. Thiea tablet were in pity. M rA A M s C Qilhert wee whuer o f first htnons,Mrs. AllMrt w . Htidbif tMcm^ D»> . Urious refieahmenta were esrvwhltMm*

party w l i t a held next week et • home ^ Mie. Qertnrie HongU The a u in ^ |8M w et recNteed la

HEBRONIn spite of the rainy weather

Friday evening the town hall at Hebron green was packed when the minstrel riiow was presented by young people of the Congregational ebur& and sonoe of their friends. Miss Mildred :.lutchinson acted as pianist. End men were Lucius W. Robinson, Roger W, Porter, John Mosny, Andrew’Ives, Charlie Rath- bun and Arthiir Keefe. LsRoy^Kia- ney took the part of interlocutor. The program opened with a riiorus, ‘T m Albany Bound,” followed by "Just a UtUe Street,” Thunder; Tap Dance, Madeline Higgins; “Loulsi- sna Hsyrtde," Farmer Bill; reolta- Uon. T ^ y : "Fit As a Fiddle,” Snow BaU; “Dwkness on the Delta,” Rose Mots; harmonica solo, Peanuts; Tm*Sure o f Everything But You,"

Herbert. Porter;: "A t the Close of s ■ ong. Long Dgy," Clement Wall; Tap Dance, N**>^ l^ulynych; “Darh Town Strutters Wattere;“Just a Little Home for the Old Folks,” Stella Johnson; “Brother, Can You Snare a Dime?" Amly: “Moon Bong,” the Crooners; Tap Dance, Dorothy Joflee; “ Please,”

March by tha town treasurer from Bm state te peyment o f the enu- meratton im it , •.

Mr. OM Mre. Franh F. Itvea o f HadlysM were eaUtre Thuraday at the home o f Mre. T. D. Martha

m dtam Mrs. Della Forter HUs, Urs.^^haixMrig ^ Ktamy, and Mrs. Bderard'^nymoad atteadsd a rehearsal WedMeday sveqiag at tha Mastmta Halt, Cql' Chester, for the o f tha grand ofSoers o f the order ot the Bwtern Star, to take place in the near fu­ture.

Professor Heriiert BariMur Howe o f CohimMa University, New York^ was a caller here Thursday. Pro­fessor Hewe is a descendant of the Hebron family of Barbers and has been looking up his daaecnt

A marrtsiN llnensa wss issued by the town clerk Thursday to William C. Taylor of Bolton OM EUaabelh L. Loomis also o f Bolton.

Muriel and .Fletcher, Ward, 'chil­dren of Mr. and Mrs. lAsUe F. Ward are lU with chicken pom”

Mr. and Mrs. Grlnum L WIU and their oouein, Mias Lois Pendleton of Ckilchsster motored to Mamaroseck. N. Y., Saturday, spending the week end with Mr. Will's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. WIU.

Miss Thstipe Cummings, daughter of Mrs. Mary B. Cummlnga, t^ n t the week end as the guest o f Miss Susan Bell of East Hampton.

Allan L. Carr, reader, preaches from the text, “Thou S h w NotSteal,” Sunday nuMwlag at St. Peter’s Episcopal church. TbsMisses Grace Rathhun and Nancy Kulynych sang an .offertory duet. “Jesus Meek and Gentle.”

The Rav. Walter Vsy, pastor of OUend Oemgrega-


*Qnr I M h v ^ tom fom w k>nstanee Bennett etoPea to Man­

chester m “Uur Betters” following last on tha heele of “Ra^v«Un and tha Smprasa” with tha Barrymores wtirik laava* the State Theater atten tonlsjht’a last showing. ”Qur Bot- t«ra“ it a typical Constance Bsnnatt vehicle that is poalttvely satisfying bar arssy of fans. It ooboanis an Amerkaa girPs buying and marry- i i « aa Esgbsh Duka and being pre­sented at court. Constance Boanatt ia stusaiagly gowned. state management aanounce that all Urn ladles attending the matinee performances on Wednesday and Thursday will be given a rose throuf h the courteay o f the Paris Hin Ptower Shop.

While tha whoia nation is debat-, tag the suhjact o| beer. Buate? Kea- ten and Jimmy Durante have turn­ed their taieats loeee <m the subject. They take over end operate a real brewery in their new Metro-Qold- wya-Mayer ooasedy, “Whatl No

iflF CQwadyAten Pfaynts tiar^ . John Ml Henry Armetta,' K ^ a rd B ro^y, Chariaa DunhMfpad CBariea Qili^n

Dramatisirgi the Ufa of rim werid’s great unsuag hero,'tha dootor who gives hla very life to the serviea of mankind. Fox Film’s “Humanity," a romimUc drama with aq unusual plot, opens at the State Theater on E rifiV ''B oots Mallory, Wampaa Baby Star of 1 8 ^ enacta the leading feminine role. and. with Ralph Mor­gan. fight* for the succeas of. .Aiek- ander Kirkland, who appears as the youthful and w«ywa>d doctor,

Irene Ware, xm intematioaal beauty contest winnqts appears as the divorcee sponsor in the Ule Of tbo young physician- John Franola Dillon directed.

.H4CWN1WY aSU N f OIM Since the iatroduetion of me*

chanieal power and maohinery into farms, an American agrioultuml woricer is able to oare for three times as many acres of crops aa k« oould 76 years ago.

Fw ia, theover aiw lopg<


It if a natural reawretdlia . f i iF-pertence of

MCATCUi WS.AM— i iA. .

New Haven. April 4 v , (ABk.Vr Major Dennis A. IM ietlea fmnwer LV fovenwA who la at Bt. HaghMl'a b e ^ ta i under tmatgmnl tor stomnoh trouble, wan rentried by the b e ^ ta l t e ^ an “ fntriy enm- foriable."

the Hsbren and tional cbuicheA took for the theme of his sermon i^ d gy .Temple." and Mrs. duet. Go."

“Jesus iQ.the Mrs. Mary E. Cummings

Charles Fillmore sang a *0 Love That WlU Not Let Me asa.u.arAT.Qm


Beaufort, 8. C .-«fA PI—4 l«re than 50 deaigna of Indian pottery have been unearthed here by aa expedi­tion headed by d> . Warren K. Moorehead, who bjdMves he uncoyer- ed the site o f an ^tjtent Indian vU«


Here*s a Chance far Yout

F i r e l e s s G a eG e t P r a s t i ^

A eiiia

Mator, mao Mary W IF flft M fiimiar, foittoto of.«eeokM)g

(Sty enjoyedAfter

REPORT IB DENIED Washington, April 4.— (A P)—At­

torney General Cummings said to­day be had heard nothing ot reports that new information uncovered in Washington would permit the re- t t o - of Henry M. Blaokmer, mlselng Teapot Dome oil trial witness from France, without fear of arrest.

The attensy general lald lha Baekmer alie had not aeike to hie attentlee In any way and eo far^as

tha TaapatiOena.IriaL v r -” .. ..

Keep W a tc h fo r the “ P e v e r i* G old”

If yott «i« **rva 4own** or qot ot condtoon,if atogglih bowilB hsva allowad poiaooo«a impufittot to aeenmnlata in fonr gyatami yon am very VablO to ittllnr f m **feroriu** oolds.

Dr.lhi ElbdrUshtint Worm Biyollor

wdl ward eft Qx iceiies am attKha bjreUritrupeoaptlpattiito..-.

Bin. B. W. Stefihia of 3t Kos* botm o Road, DofeboOtoT) H oM .j writoi: ^ "Lt wta rdooioinendoo to mo by a relatiea who had tiaod It for years, and I in turn magi aincerdy recommend it, most ^ an Tof children, Enf uso as g laxativa for adnlta. -

aneeoerisUv used for Ii rssra J. JT^ x ’xj a. lx jai’s


Salaried PeopleFrom

* 1 0 t o * 1 0 0On Their Own tJIgnature

No endorsers or security of any kind required* No em­barrassing Investigation.

Henseliold^ fuev borrow any amoqnt up to lOOO on slx- natoree of hnibnad and wife only.

Re-nayments arrange your qrom taoess. Th oost le a mQkth three and a-nal the unpold isUance;

Come In* Fheg

illustrated; St89.80 Chambers “Vogue” 1938 model, a table top range, that you ean buy while euy. stoek of them lasts, 1119.50.

»These are the famous ranges that cook “with the gas turned off,” with retained heat. Many userfi have re­duced their gas bills 50%. Testa have proveci that a Chambers will cut the ordinary food shrui|(a|iB in cook- injg by 8 1-8%, or tha food bill of a whoif ipbnoi, everyyear, 'inwe rang« our stock ia'gona this

These ran: ia'ga

,$109.75 Semi“Console

es Hated are all lOSff mhdejta; when offer also ends! ■'V.

$79.75A ISO Bxvlxgl When those t g o ^ ato 'toW out you'll never got sueh a ohonoe again toM store. Hss 4 top burners and a

$129.75 Table—Top M odel. . , , $89.75A 840 saving! Has a jNreless oveni.h

- and griddki on tha Quoking top; and 8,lep htif*:; ors. This ogpr withdrawn whop stock, w- iW out, . ^

$159.50 Console Mcidfl ..A 840 toving! tit i a f^iessthat is a separate unit from ___burners and a “TIteriiiowell’' (fireleas ooetcsr*).

$159.50 Table Top M od el......... ^. tA 840 saving!' lUustratod above. Hftn mowfdlf (firalosa esekof.) top grkUto ng# WriN or, fnll sised avsn. Mqrvolous "

oveni. .; .;H 19.50

At the HerskI Cm lng School, Mrs. Hdna Riggs Crab­tree used aiLd recommend CRISCO* the modem, quicker- dlgesOng shortening.


Senmnn Finds This IMIelena C«r^ ReUtvei ConsUpntlon

Hero la an WMolkltad Httot toenMr, Onrrighi

“ I htvq been gQiug to ma f i r the past fourteen years. Bvsry trip, I underwent leverh headaches, ner- vQusneai, and deepkim ei. Triad all rortf o f remedi«i« w d rroitved only tamporarir r«Uef,

<'8o htoring ahoni BslIaggHi AlA- Bsan thought I would got a hsgc, whieh I did. Thai was six months ago, haven't boon wtthrat It at hom*o, snd when I go to sea a hex ^ Kellogg's A ix -Esan Is ahrsys with me.’'-^Qoorto p . D am gh , J9U 82nd Avenue, Oakland, OalHbrnia.

Tests shew Au^BlUN contaUa two things fpr common constipa­tion: “ Bum” to sxereisa the Intia- tinss; vitamin Q to help tone too intestinal tract. Au ,>BI4n tS o auppUfs iron for toa Ueod.

Tbo ''bulk" in A ll-Bsan is mush like that c f lettuce, Insido the body, it forms a soft mass, which gently dears the intestines c f Wastes,

How much pleasanter this Is than taking piDi and drugs— so often harmful. Two tahlsipopnfuis o fAUxI iu h daily wlQ eorract w>st

[tea o f eonattpatlon. Xf not rs-toP'Uav•ved tola way, m youi; doctor,

larva aa a etroal or uaa eiak-_ XV- |rod-and.ffien paak-

our grocer's. Mada. bying. Oft age at your Kriloyf m Battle Oresk.

ANNOUNCEMENTTht Nbith In our aerlaa of Electric Cookery Demonsti’gtions will be held in our

New Demonstration QuartersTHE STORE IN THE


V.. *

Thursday, April 6, at 2 P.Under the Directloii of


B eef P ie w ith Onions: sn d Q u T ots C a b b s g e $ d d d - , A n s e l CSnffer B read

SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (6)

•'j^u-- > ,’ ■ i ' ■ V ’"i*vS'.‘ - -J!.! V ‘-^ . ■ '^ •'•> • .1 ^ ’’i'-.-lL* ? W'-fT rV- • ' > v ‘»: -'ifV ' ' ''‘oTivV


BBCON ww» » t o d a y

JANET HILL bi^eaks her engAge* BMBt to BOLV OABLYLB whan ebe leonu he has been pnylaf atteattone to BETTY K E N D A l^ wealthy eo- dety girl. Janet, 2S, Is seoretory to BRUCE HAMILTON, advertising manager of Every Home MagmalnH. She still loves Rolf.

JEFF GRANT, young englaeer, saves her purse from a holdiqi man and she and Jeff beoome frlsods. When she learns Rolf has eloped with Betty she tells Jeff about her broken engagement and says she can never oare for anyone ahw.

Hamilton leaves the magaslne and secures a Job for Janet as social secretary ^ his sister, MRS. OURf TI8. It Is several days before Janet learns Mrs. Curtis Is Betty KendaH’s motiier.

Rolf and Betty return from their honeymoon. Janet feels she should

f» away but dreumstanoes prevent, he young couple move Into thdr

own apartinont and, after one en> counter, Janet seldom sees Rolf.

She goes to call on the Sllvanl family whom she and Jeff have ald> ed and flnds Jeff there. Later thoy go for a drive.


CHAPTER XXXV. Headlights loomed at tbs turn in

the road and a big ear earns racing toward them. It was flllsd with a noisy, laughing crowd and as they passed the roadster a Jeering laugh shrilled out. Someone orisd raucous* ly, “ Look at ths nseMng party!"

Almost In ths same instant ths ear was gone but ths spell of ths night had been broken. Janet moved away. She said, “ It’s been ages since I've seen you, Jeff. What have you been doing?"

“Oh, the usual things. Fellow In the office took me home with him last wssk'snd. He’s got a llttlo place out about 20 miles, drives In every day. Say—It’s great, tool He and hls wife live out there

all the year* round. They’ve got two Idds—both boys. There’s a stream not so far away and youought to see those swim!”

little devns

Even greasy pots and pans borne clean in a jiffy

*TWB tlwtjrs knowo how woodetfol 1 Rinso is on wuhdiy— bow it gets

dotfass 4 or S shtdes whitet without scrabbiog or boiling. But I neret dretined it made dishwashing so much easier, tool Why, with Rinso, dishwashing seems almost no work at all Grease floats right off. Even gteasy pots end pans come bright as new. Ibis way is to easy on my hands."

Why don’t war change to Rinso and easier dithwasmngl You'll like Rinso’s gentle, aeamy suds. Cup for cup, Rinso gives twice as much suds as lightwei^^ puflfed-up soaps—wit in hmrdatumttr. Get the BIG package — use it for the wash, dishes,/^ *U dtaning.


“You like the country,' don’t you ?’ ’

.’ ’I certainly dol Nelson'a gat a tennii court and when we weren't playing or iwlmmlng we sat around on a big porch swapping yams. The kids have a dog, too. Not much for looks, but smart Just the same. Ob, 1 liked It out there! You 1 did. r think a fellow would be pretty lucky if be could have a home like that— ’’

’ ’Look!’’ . Janet stopped him. ’’Firs'lllesI’ ’

Tiny lights flashing here and there in' the darkness glowed for an (nr atant and then disappeared.

“That’s what they are," Jeff agreed.

“ I love to watch tbam," Janet told him. “Thsrs's something almost like magic about them. Look— there are some more!"

“ You wouldn’t think the: were BO wonderful If you could see one of them In daylight.”

"No, I suppose not." There wns a pause and then Janet said, “ 1 think you’re r i^ t about It, Jeff. A home in tbs country—like you de* Ncribed—would be wonderful. 1 think rd like it better than Mrs. Curtis’ big house. I mean If 1 could have her nouse for my own instead of Just working there. It’s beauti* ful and everything Is expensive but I don’t think anyone’s ever been very happy there."

“How about you?" Jeff asked quickly. "Aren’t you happy?"

Janet looked away toward the necklace of lights flung over the city. "I wasnU thinking about my­self," she sMd. “It doesn’t make much difference where I am, 1gUSBB."

Suddenly she wanted to conflde tn Jeff. He had helped her through hard times before. She wanted to pour out to someone all the worries, the struggle and suffering that bad been stored up In her heart for so long. Jeff was a real friend' and would understand.

She turned toward him. “1 don't kno^ whether you knew or not," she said slowly. "Rolf’s back. You re­member I told you about him?"

"Yes, I remember.""It’s all turned out In such a queer

way," the girl hurried on. "You see Betty—the girl he married—is Mrs. Curtis’ daughter. I ’d never have gone there to work if I ’d known that I only found it out a few weeks ago. While Betty and Rolf were away. Then I’d thought I’d leave before they got back but they came unexpecteAy."

“Have you—seen him?"“Oh, yes. Several times. Betty

comes to the house almost every day but Rolf Isn’t there very often. Do you think I should go away anyhow, Jeff?"

"Why, 1 don’t know.” The young man’s voice soimded rather uncom­fortable. “That’s entirely up to you, seems to me. If you want to, stay. And if you don’t—why don't!"

“It isn’t as simple as that," Janet assured him with a sigh. *T’d have to have another Job and there don’t seem to be any. I’ve read the want ad colunuis and one day I went to an agency. There don’t seem to be any jobs anywhere for secretaries or stenographers. And Mrs, Curtis has been awfully nice. She raised my salary a few weeks ago."

"Then it seems to me that’s set­tled," Jeff said. "I ’d stay,"

‘Tt doesn’t seem to make much difference," Janet went on thought­fully. “ I ’d feel the way I do no mat­ter where I was. 1 mean—’’

"I know whst you mean!” Jeff broke in harshly. “You can’t for­get the fellow, can you? Still crazy about him. You t ^ to tell yourself you’re not but Just the same it’s true. Oh, yes, I know all about that!"

“Why, Jeff!" She/was amazed at hls vehemence—and then all

at once she understood. “You mean —you’ve felt the same way? You mean there’s a girl you’re in love with and she cares more for some­one else?"

She could not see hls face In the darkness. “ Something like that," Jeff told her.

For a moment there was silence between them. Then Janet put a hand on the young man's arm. “I’m sorry, Jeff," she said softly. "1 wish 1 could help. 1 suppose there Isn’t any w ay?"

“No,’’ he said. “1 guess not."Neither spoke. Then after a time

Janet said, “Do you want to tell me about it, Jeff?"

“Nothing to tell," he said. "There was a girl but she fell for another fellow and—well, that’s all there is to It."

“You’re braver about it than 1 am," Janet told him. "1 wish 1 could be like you. Ob, Jeff!" she went on bitterly, “why do things have to be the Way they are? Why can't the right people fall in love and stay in love? It never'seems to be that way in real life! At least hardly ever!’’

"That’s too deep a question for me," Jeff said. “ I’ve wondered about it myself somstlmes."

After a time Janet rsmsmbsred I that it was growing late. Through­out the drive back to Mrs. Curtis home she thought about what Jett had told her. Who was this girl who had treated him so badly? Dolores Calahan ? Someon/ he had known before coming to Lancaster‘I But a young .man despiy In love with one girl would not nave shown such Interest in ssisctlng a gift for another. It must N Omores.

He bad never mentioned her, never spoken of her sines the day Janet had met them together. That seem­ed aignlflcant. Young men often mention girls who are casual ac-a ualntances. It Is the one /*nabrlned

eeply in the heart about whom they are reticent.

“How could she do It?"'Janet ask­ed herself. Why, any girl In the world.should be proud of Jeff’s love! Proud of Jeff, nlmselt, too. Ha bad wit, attractiveness and he was loyal, dependable and understanding.

^ d here he was breaking bts heart because Dolores pruerred someone else. Janet’s own opinion of ths girl was not bls^ but since Jeff loved Dolor.'^s, Janet wanted him to win her. Jeff was too flne to be cheated in that way.


6■ * * 1 '*■

* i V * » > 4




Manchester Branch& D T E R / ' i

863 M ain S t

PHONE 7100Renew Your PresentWardrobe For Easter«

A t This Very Special Offer

Garments Dry C loned For The Price o f

Bring: In t n y tw o g a n n e n ts y o u ch oose f o r o u r w ell-

k n ow n Q U A L IT Y D r y Q ea h in g . P A Y O N L Y O U R

R E G U L A R C H A R G E F O R O N E .

Janet felt there was a new bond of understanding between them when she told him good night. She said with a sudden rush of feeling, "Oh, Jeff, you’we been such a good friend! You helped me Just by listening to­night. Maybe we can help each other. If there’s ever any way—if there’s anything 1 can do for you you’ll tell me, won’t you?"

"I’ll tell you. Thanks, Janet."She slipped her hand into hls,

pressed it and then disappeared into the house.

Several times during the next few days Janet thought of that conver­sation. But there were other things to occupy her m'nd. Mrs. Curtis decided suddenly to go to the lake. Dr. Roberts thought the change would be good for her and it was settled that she was to leave the fol­lowing week. It was amazing what a burst of activity this decision call­ed forth. There was shopping and packing to do, reservations to be made at the hotel where Mrs. Curtis always stayed. All of the servants except Bertha were to leave for their respective vacations. Janet would go with Mrs. Curtis.

Silver Bay. so Mrs. Curtis as­sured her, was a very quiet resort. Some of the fanolUes h ^ cottages. Some of them stayed at the Lake Shore or the Bayylew hotels but the same families come back each sea­son.

In spite of the fact that SUver Bay was so quiet, Mrs. Curtis or­dered three new chiffon dresses, a new dinner gown cmd several wash silks for mornings. She bought three new hats and four pairs ot shoes and there were ever so many smaller Items for her wardrobe.

Janet bought herself a white frock, a very simple dress suitable for summer evenings. It was long­er than her street dresses, with tiny sleeves and a low, rouflding neok. She put the dress on Sunday evening and came down stairs.

D\isk had begun to fall but there were no lights burning. No one was in sight Janet walked through the hall and Into the library. Bus­ter, seeing her, Jumped down from a chair and came toward her, purr-

ranet picked up the ch t stroked his head absent-mindedly. She was thinking of a night a year ago when she and Rolf Carlyle had gone to an amusem*nt park and extrava­gantly ridden three tlmea on a roller­coaster. It was such « gay evening! ’They had laughed and had such a good time. She thought of the glri she had been a year ago. Such a different girt than she was today! Rolf bad changed too.

’Thinking of Rolf, Janet turned. She had to think of him, for there he was.

(To Be Oontinoed)

WINN IS RE-ELECTEDChicago, April 4.— (AP) —Ool.

Matt Winn today was -reelected president o f the American Tuif Association, overthrowing all oppo- sltlo:; at a stockholders’ meettag.

The association controls the Wsshlngton Park and Lincoln Fields race tracks in Chicago and the Churchill Downs and Latohla in Kentucky. ,

A schism within the ranks of the stockholders was threatened two weeks ago when one faction ex­pressed dlasatlsfaetlon with Winn’s management o f the aawdation’s affairs and threatonsd to deposs Urn at thair annual meeting.

Ool. Winn’s supportsrs oUnchsd votizgr power 1^ purchasing SS,- M 6 shares o f aasodatloo stock held as ooIUtsral in the bank of Kentucky and Louisville.

■■■!■■ .......... Ml M’rhannos bettlss aro not all pack­

ed la tbs saas way, and milk will act kasp to alLbsWis tks

Now Team WorkTo Cut Down Your Poundage■\,vn

8y M O AUER‘ * -I

When it domes to persistant re­ducing, nothhii Stiosls the use of a rasdioms ><

Get somqbody to do a llttls work­out with ydk each day for awhile. You’ll both pifQflt by the strenuous regime It huts w u through.

flit on tDS> floor,* leaning back Hllghtly, feet apart. 'The object of | this medicine ball exercise la to rs- calve ths ball when rolled to you, In a slightly rsolining position, to > swing tbs ball over your head as | you receive It, touch the floor with it, swing up again still holding it and toss it to your little helper.

You have no idea how Invigorat­ing this exercise is. It stirs slug­gish oiroulstlon, catches the Imsgl-


By Oliva Roberts Barton


"Jerry, stop that hammering now and go and get washed up for sup­per.”

"I just have six .more nails to put In, Mom.' It’ll, only take me a min­ute.”

His mother, only half heard. She was mixing dp butter and sugar for “dip" for the pudding, and was try­ing to remember how much hot water the reiflpe caU0d_(pr.

In-a few mmuies.hbe taught sight of her son. red in the face from try­ing to pul] out^a crooked nail that had wobbled as the hammer hit It.

“Jerry JoImBon, didn’t I tell' you to stop that i i l f ah hour ago ? You march right Into this kitchen now. It’s getting and you can’t half sec out there In the dark anyway. Come on." j

Up the Stairs—-and Down..Terry put down the hammer re­

luctantly. He got up and took a last look at the unfinished pen he was making to winter.hls rabbits. Then he came In and closed the door.

"Go upstairs and get washed right away. -Daddy will be home in a minute now. Everything’s ready."

Jerry stamped up the back stairs. He stood at the top a few seconds listening to the clatter of pans be­low'. Then ha...,^ptoed - down the front stoirq 'through the halland cased.the-'aQlit dCqr open.

He Inchejl-flt ’iiWit- 'slowly, then fairly lexpe^-^dtje^-thh steps and around ' On the backp/>rch agalp ,ha; Hhe a burg­lar, keeping a. .Wary eye on the kitchen doqr,.'! W' •

Tongue oiit he lugged the ciun- bersome pen down tp the yard and back to the garage.’ He slid the big door—very 'softly—open and shut again, and turaed on the light.

Flnished.'at LastHauling hammer and nails out of

hl.s pocket, h i began to pound. The

nation, introduces a bit of team work that gives seat to any exer­cise and In addition actually works out all ot your tnmk and arm mus- olss and calls on vour l?~ musolss bsoauss you must keep your heels to ths floor, to have the sxsrolse perfect.

Taks It easy. Have your oo-sxsr- ciser roll the ball easily to you. Lift It over your bead easily, lalse your arms quietly, stretching them to their utmost, fall back easily. Have a small pillow ready to braoe your shoulders. If you feel ths need of It

'The big pull comes, ot course, on the uptake. Getting the ball back over your head and throwing it to yout helper is what gives you tht i/cst part ot the exercise. Do It foi live minutes. You’ll find your blood and muscles singing a spring song

last nail was Just sinking Into placu when he heard two voices calling angrily. Hls father and mother to­gether this time, on the back porch.

He gazed at the completed pen with a look that Wellington must have bad after Waterloo. Finished! Ready for use! Nibble and Wiggle would have a real house to sleep In tonight.

The garage door slid open. “You young im! What do you mean by sneaking out here and disobeying your mother? Come here." His father gave Jerry a rough shake and catapulted him porchward. "Now get!”

"Jerry Johnson, I 'didn’t think you would be such a—such a—Hon­estly, Jerry, what am I going to do with you? You simply break my heart sometimes."

"Aw, Mom, I ’m sorry but don't you see—I Just had to finish that pen today." *

A Fault or Vlrtde?"I think I’ll tell your father to

whip you. Or smash that pen Just to teach you a lesson.

"Does It mean so much— that pen?" she asked more gently.

"Yes’m. I’ll take a lickin’ or anything. But, Mom, don’t please break It up."

Jerry got more lecturing at the table. I wonder if hls parents realized what material they had in a boy who would risk punishment to complete a good task he had set himself to.

It Is this stick-to-it-tve-ncss that outstanding people are made of — and determination to do a Job. Not that he shouldn’t have obeyed, but aren’t there times when one out­weighs the other in Importance? At least it Is something to think about.

Tuesday, April 4.

P. M. ^4:00—Tito Quizar, Mexican Tenor. 4:10—Curtis Institute of Murie

Program.0:00—The Vikings, Male Quartet. 0:10—The Melodeers.0:20— Sponsored Program,0:30—Bklppy,0:40—Mabdi’s Magic Circle.6:00—Reis and Dunn, comedy duo. 6:10— Elizabeth BartheH, songs. 6:80—John Oowan, baritone; A!

White, piaqlst.6:40—Chandu the Magician.7:00— Myrt and Marge.7:10—The Golden Bird.7:80—Keller, Sargent and Roes,

comedy team,7:40— "lOgh Blood Pressure;" Dr.

Copeland.7:00—0. Albert Pearson, bass;

Helen Tuttle, pianist.8:00—Easy Adbs.8:10—M a^s of a Voles.8:80—The Dictators. '8:40—Abe Lyman’e Orchestra;

Hollywood Newsboy.6:00—Leonard Hayton’a Orcheetra. 6:10— "Threads of Happiness:’ ’

Tommy McLaughlin, baritone: David Roaa, Andre Kostelanetz’s Orchestra.

6:80—12,000 in Gold Contest.6:80—California Mslodiea. 10:00-Five-SU r Theater.10:30—Edwin C. Hill.10:40—Charlee Carlile, tenor.11 ;00—Columbia Symphony Or-

cheitra.11:80—Ted Lewis’ Orchestra.

Daily Health Service

Mints on How to Keep Wall fey by World Famed Authority


Note—All preanuns te hep sad Sasle a«(r; coast te coast (s tp s) dtsitasUoa Proamms subjsot te ehants. P. M.

(Bit Yhe dsseeialed Prs«s> NflC-W lAP NflTW ORK

■AilC—Issti wsai (key) vest wtle wier wtaa weeb rtl wilt wfbr wre wnr wben woes wtsn ww) west: MIdwentwmeq wcfl ksd wee-who wow wdsf NORTHWatT A CANADIAN - wtmj wtba kstp wsbc wdsp kfyr eksw ofef aOUTH — wrvs wpit wwno wls wjaz wfla-wsuB wlod wstn wme web wkpl wjdx womb kvoo wicy wfas wbsu kpro wool ktM ktbsMOUNTAIN-kos kdyi kglr kshi COAST—kgo kfl kgw komo khq kpo kfsd KUr lifu Cent. Bast.4i00— SrflO—Msledle Theusbts, Orsh. 4:4S— 6i4S—askstsiy Hawklns->sast 6:00— SiOD-Mms. rroness Aids—to e StSO—Hymn tine—also eoast •i4S— Si4S—Hardlna aTstsrs - baalo;Sokatary Hswklna—mtdwasi rpt S:00— 7:00—Lopoa Orohss.-Halsv oat su e - 7i1S-Ray Knisht, Hls Bkateh SiSO— 7ilO-aenss by Jimmy Msiton St4S— 7:46—Ths Cofobsraa, Bkateh 7:00— S:00—Bandorson and Crumit 7:10— S:io—Wayna King’s Orehsstra S:0O> S:0O—tan barnla and ths LadaS :I0— l :| ^ id Wynn A band—c te e

:0O—10:00—The Danea Hour—c te o 10:00—11:00—aeuthernaTres* Quartet

ale; Qoldbarg 0—repeat for coast 11:10—iSiti^Sam Robbins* Orehastra—

east: Ban Rarnta—coast repeatCflfl-WABO NITWORK

■ASIC-laet: wabe (key) wleo wade woko woao waab wnao wgr wkbw warewhk okok vdro weau wTp wits wean wfbl wapd wjsv; Midwest: wobm wgn wfbm kmbo woco kmos wowo

wgr wkbwwTp wJaa ast: wbbn

_______ ________ i wowoBAST AND CANADIAN - wpg Whp wlbw whao wibs wfaa wore ofrb okac DIXIB — wgat wsfa wbre>wqam wdod wnox kira wras wise wdiu wtoo krid wrr ktrb ktaa waco Itoma wdbo wodz wbt wdaa whig whas wtar wdbj wwvawin bp wala MIDWBST- whomwtaq wkbh kfab wint wrnao wkbn wfi

. wabt wcab wmbd w sn ksej wlbw kfh

MOUNTAIN—kvor^klB koh ksl PACIFIC COAST - khj koln kgb kfro kol kfpy kvi Cant. Bast.4:30— 6:10—Skippy. Skateh—anet only 4:4V- 0:45—Qao. Hall Oroh.—also cat 6:00— 6:6IL-Rali and Dunn—also eat 6:16— 0:16—Batty Barthall—also eat:

The Oavll Bird—mldweat only 6:10— 0:10—Jack Dampaay Qym—eaat0:40- only

FISH FOR WHITE HOUSEWashington, April 4.— (A P )—Mrs.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, deepl3’ in­terested in the foods and recipes native to each section of the coun­try, is looking forward - to the ar­rival of a Maine salmon, together with a recipe of the Main.: way for cooking the fish.

’The White House has been In­formed the salmon Is on its way, and the plan is to put it on the menu at the earliest possible meal after its arrival.

It was the first salmon o f the season caught at Bangor.

Evening Herald PatternBy HELEN WILLIAMS

Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern

Jumper frocks and Spring!It’s such a delightful vogue, so

sophisticated and smart.And practical— well I guess!This simple Jumper of navy and

white checked tweedy-cotton has a white batiste guimpe.

You can give daughter’s wardrobe lovely variety at a anosOl extra out­lay by having two or possibly three guimpea.' One could bo pale blue pique and another crisp ^Uow or­gandie.

Linen, tub silks and rayons are nice mediums for this model.

Style No. 2027 is designed t r sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years.

Size 8 years will require 1 7-8yards of 32 or 36-inch material for dress, and 1 1-8 yards 30-incb ma­terial for blouse wltn short sleeves.


Affect the Cheet and Inflame Bron- ohlal Tubee, Interfering With Paseage of Alri EUmlnatlon of Cause First Treatment.


Obviously, any serious infection In the windpipe or In the voice box will produce a cough. Any interfer­ence with the vocal cords or any growth which prevents their prop­er opening and closing may be Che cause of a constant coughing. Pressure on the windpipe will cause a cough, as sometimes occurs due to enlargement of the lymph glands surrounding the windpipe.

The mere serious t3rpes of cough­ing itavolve colds . which k W spread down Into the chest and produced inflammation of the bron­chial tubes. The physician, by the use of bis stethoscope can tell that there is interference with the pas­sage of air through these tubes. Asthmatic constriction of the bron­chial tubes may also produce wheezing and coughing.

The other forms of cough that are especially serious are those In­volving actual changes in toe lung tissues such as those due ’ n tuberculosla or flbrous changes in toe lungs, and also inflammations of toe membranes lining toe chest cavity known as toe pleura Such inflammations are called pleurisy In addition to these coughs which can be traced to toe tissues con­cerned, the physician Is concerned with toe condition called whoop­ing cough, and with toe develop­ment of ulcere In various parte of toe throat.

Finally, toe child who has had whooping cough may develop toe habit of coughing, and even though it la well, continue to whoop and cough for months, perhaps because it has learned that toe cough makes it a center o f interest. However, such a dlagnoala is made only with toe greatest of difficulty and should never be made unless with certainty that every- poss1bl» anatomincal source o f toe cough has been studied and eliminated.

This Is toe important step to be taken In the treatment of any cough: namely, to eliminate or treat toe cause as far as possible After this la done it Is possible to quiet coughing by toe use of seda­tive preparations which a physi­cian can prescribe. There are vari­ous drugs Which tend to loosen a cough and others which tend to lower toe threshold of stimulation so as to permit healing without coughing.

S:00-- 7:0^Byrt and Mars* — Mit;Mllllsaa anitf Mulllisn— P " ------

S:i6— 7:1S—Buck “MllllSan antf Mulirsan— nldweatRoeara In 1433 — aMt: Paul Tramama Oroh.—DWa

tad Hasten Standard T ta fj

t s s s j j ' . i r s a u ' f i r a a a r rCent. Bast. -

It A Ress 'ineOrb.

S:I0 —7:30—KelleTf aargMt “ len—wjet; TreDixie; CsSi46- :Ha-Beeiie .

twaon the Boohes.. (too- SriN^Baay Aea6-bi

Kalvlii—Olxioi aenaeml' 16— 6:16—Meaii VeiM—

tweet-woet-beaioi JehR

___________ . ntth^-weet/:16— 6:l6— Meaii veTee— besle: The

Pour Nortomon — midwaet; Key- beerd lmproaalen»-weat

/dO— S:I0— Kate amlth, tonga — oa- • tel ole; The Diotetora OrelMA— Dlxlo '

7 :4 ^ 6:46— Lyman Oreh.— bssle; Die- tstera Oren.— DIzIo; Joy's Oreh.— west

S:00— 0K)O—Jane Promsn—eat to oat S:16— 1:16— Tommy MoLsu^lln— cec S:30— 1:10—^ llf . Molodloo—alar set 6:00— lOdiO— tills Ward’s tRow— ba-

■lo: Jaok ■eui’ Ceneort Or,—mldw: Kanaaa City Proaante—waitS:16—10:16—Ban Pellaok Oroh.—ntdw- -- - - .io ■ - .......................Kanaaa Cl6 -1 6 :1 6 -1 ....______ ___ ____

I:t0-10:60-idwln C. Hlll-etl te eat 6:4^10:46—Charlaa Oarllla, Taner —

aaat] Myrt A Marat—waat rtpaet 10:00—11:00-iBarlew iymphony—e te e 10:30—11:30—Dane# Orehaatra—e te e I1rt)0—lt:0(^Joe Haymes Oreh.—e to e 11:30—11:30—Balaeeo Orehaatra—e te a I3i00— 1:00—Danea Hour—wabe only

NSC WJZ NITWORKBA6IC — Beet: wja (key) wba-wbag wbel wham kdka wear wjr wlw wayr wmal; Mldwaat: woky kyw kfkz wanr wla kwk kwer koll wran wmao kao NORTHWBBT A CANADIAN - wtml wiba kato wabo wday kfyr okgw exo( aOUTH - wrva vptf wwee wla wjaz wfla-waun wlod warn wmo wall wapi wjds wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbnp kproM ^ftTA l'^ -koa kdyl ksir kshI PAOIPIC COAST — KRo Kfl k|w kem** khn kpo kffd k:ar Cant Bait.4:10— 0:10—Diek Oarine—aaat only 4:30— 3:30—Tha Blnglns Lady—aaat 4:40— 6:46—Orphan Annia—aaat only 6:00- OiOO-Maud A Cousin Bill. Bklt 6:16— 6:16 — Joe Purat’a Orehaatre— I—midw repeat

Themsa — eastaut: Olek raring- 16— 6:40 — Lewall Thomas only: Orphan Snnia—mldwaat rptv i i6# a NPtBpnan 6>rb•too— 7:00—Amea 'n* Andy'-aaat only

•:15— 7:16—Radio In Bdueptlen—to e 0:46— 7:46—Oottvua R. Cohen Btery 7:06» S:00—The Crime Cluot Myetory 7:30— liSO—Advanturea In Health 7:46— 4t46—Tht Southern ainsere 8:0(6- 9:00—Muale Memoriae A Peat 8:30— 0:30—Willard Roblaon Orehoa. 9:(X^10t0l>—Tha Tuna Dataotiva 0:16—10:16—Vie A Bade. Cemady 0:30—10:30—Mary Staala. Contralto 0:46—10:46—Prof. Jock. Cemedy Act

10:00—11:00 — Marimba Band — aaat: Amea *n' Andy—repeat for waat 10:16—Itil^H eart aonga, Oetat—ba* lie: Cohan Story—waat rapeni

10:3(^11 ISO—Danea Hite—alae eoaat 10:46-11:40—Haalth Advanturaa—c rpt 11:00—IS.’OO—Duka Blllnaten’a Band 11:30—18:30—Mark Pleher'a Orehaatra

WBZ-WBZASprlngflelc* — Boaton

Tuesday, April 4.

P. M.4:40— Piano Etchings.4:45—Agricultural Markets.5:00—Sunshine Discoverers' Club. 5:15— Dick Daring.5:30— Singing Lady.5:45—Little Orphan Annie.6:00—Booth Tarklngton’a "Maud

and Cousin Bill." i 6:15—Joe Furst and his Village

Bam Orchestra.6:30—Sports Review.6:36— Time, weather, temperature. 6:43—Famous Sayings.6:45—Lowell Thomas.7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy.7:15— National Advisory (Council

on Radio In Education.7:45—Octavus Roy Cohen Murder

Mystery.8:00—Eno Crime Clues.8:80—Adventures in Health — Dr.

Herman Bundesen.8:48—Wilson Singers.9:00—Household Musical Memories 9:30—Drama from Real Life.9:38—Willard Robison and hts

Deep River Orchestra.10:00—HeralJ Headliners.10:80—DeMarco Girls.10:48— News.11:00—Time, weather, temperature 11:08— Sports Review.11:18— Cascades Orchestra.11:80— Phantom Gypsy.12:00— Ellington and his Cfotton

Club Orchestra.12:30 a. m.—Time.

Try one dote **Dt. Plan*! RINEX Prescription.’ ’ Fee) better in H hoar. A mpdem p h jr i lc l ia ' i proTcn <«t,ras/ trettmeot—s (a d ic n d far nfreren from NooW CoMs. Catorrfe, SatSiiia. Safe, eel habU.lem io|. Quick lellef.

laalat aa "D r . Ratra BINBZ yraaaitotlw” la tha Ucbtiaal ad flaaa batHa. Nolbl ■■ alaa Ilka It. Saaaat m a t ■tltaitt *• •Utaka.

taetslog,arlieesia| iie p illc k lB t a y tt ,ra a a la g naae.acMni kaa4 dtsrnpipep raturnt. Braaikiat a aasp, astaral. Cenatalent caaiulei—awtilaw wits < :rlak at d iia r—no tana. Quick relief or atoney back: Kac- aantndad by all drugglata 61.00. Or you can got t {.rfloaa teal, poitpald, by tending iw .<npt ka ■ tines Laboraiorict Co.,Cltaeland,Obio.P E E L B E T T E R T O D A Y — S L E E P T O > IG H T ONE DOSS OP “ R I N EX ” W IL L PRQA'B I T !

A mild, eoollna, so, thint, frasranl Jelly sppllad dhtaaS to noatrila. Rallaeaa a matt-

H A S A lR IL IE F X V w l? 'ones. Makaa mambrana laaa lanaitiTaki laat, dual, amoka, cold. ato. Idaal wlt„ __ _



St. John, N. B., April 4.— (A P)— Prof. Auguste Piccard’s balloon gon­dola, In which he ascended Into the stratosphere over Switzerland, reached St. John today In toe hold of toe Steamer Beaverford for trans­shipment to Cl.lcago. There It will be exhibited at the World's Fair.

Don’t take calomel!


Now banish constipation;

bad breath, feel like a


P revent W ak in g Sleep U ndisturbed

It’s easy. Make this 28c test. Drive toe impurities and excess acids from the bladder which cause the irritation that wakes you up. Get a 28c box of BUKETS toe bladder physic, from any drug store. After four days test if uot satisfled go hack and gpt your 28c. They work on the bladder similar to castor nil on too bowels. You are bound to feel better "after this cleansing and you get your legular sleep. J. H. Quinn u,. Co. say, "BUKETS is a best seller.” —Advt.

REDUCEAs Much as 1 Lb. a Da>’OR NO COST!No pills or tablets, no starvatioa>

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All you need do is drink a cup of delightful Dain Tea (made from ten especially selected'herbs) with your meals instead ot toe tea or coffee you arc now drinking.

In taste, Daln Tea is like a flne Orange Pekoe. You can drink It hot or cold with sugar, cream, lem­on or orange. Yet toe simple' drinking of this remarkable tea with satisfying eating should cause you to lose from 3 to 6 pounds of ugly, unhealthy fat a week.

Dain Tea not only enables you to lose weight but sdso makes you look and feel years younger. It Is toe. safe, sane, sensible, economical way to delightful slenderness.

Mrs. Frisch lost thirty pounds from one package. Mrs. Strain rd- duced four pounds toe first week. Mrs. Marks who was so dumpy that size 42 dresses were tight on her^an now gets into a size 34 model.

FREE TRIALRight now—before you forget —

mail a letter or- postcard for free trial of Dain Tea. Your request for free trial brings trial supply by rw- turn mall and full ll.Off treatment which 3TOU may try under our 10

•day refund guarantee. Tiy Dalgi Tea at our risk. DAIN TEIA COi, 857-00 N. EUTAW ST., BAL’n - MORE, MD.


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That tired, frowsy feeling in toe j morning, that "dark-brown" taste in toe mouth—if you would banish toem and win back buoyant healto, don’t expect relief from salts, min­eral oU, or CEmdy and chewing-gum laxatives.

For such remedies only move toe bowels. While cbancee are, you’re one of he toousandh s u ffe r ^ from sluggish liver which does not yield sufficient bile—causing pimples,blemishes, headache, bad breath smd a general run-down feeling.

What jrou need is aometoing which acts toorougbly but harmleiw:. the liver. And in Dr. Hldwards Ol Tablets you will And that “some­thing," which itimulatas the bile flow. ”

A successful substitute for oalo- mel, toeae famous tablets are com­pounded o f pure vegetable ingredi- enta, and have been praised for ytars by millions.

ily upon Wve

J o get and keep tha bUs flowlaf frsa^—oorraeting coostipatlcm, akin tfoubleB, and wm and-(d«idgr“ fa your drunlat,lor'

constipation, bank that “ flna- o f yoiirtb—ffo to



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SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (7)

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Athletic Association Formed Trade SchoolsGuards Expect To Halt Rhymers Tomorrow NightHartford Team Opens Cam­

paign For Semi-Pro Hon­ors Tomght Against Phan­toms; Soldiers and M.H.S. To Play In East Hartford Friday.

The Rhymers basketball quintet o f Hartford Is undertaking: an ambitious schedule In Its attempt to capture the unofficial cage cbam* plonsblp of Central Connecticut, starting tonight with an encounter with the Phantoms o f New Britain, wlimers of the city title jin the Hard­ware City. Tomorrow ihe Rhymers faw' the National Guards, town champs, at the State Armory in the flrat game of a series.

Rhymers In Form Should the Rhymers defeat both

the Phantoms and the Guards in the aeries they would have an imques- tioned claim to being the best semi- pro team In this section of the state. However, the Gusurds u e de­termined to humble the Rhymers In straight games. The Hartford team has been playing steadily during the last month, while the Guards have nut been in uniform except for the town series two weeks ago and practice sessions are being held for tomorrow’s game. A1 BogglsJ will referee the main attraction, start­ing about 9 o’clock. The Guard Re­serves will play in the preliminary.

The Guards will again go to. the basketball wars Friday night against the All-Burnsides fit Blast Hartford at S t Mary’s hall. Man­chester High also returns to play East Hartford High in the prelimi­nary, t the program being staged for the benefit o f Blast Hartford High’s athletic fund.

Stangle With Circus The AU-Bumsides, beaten in two

Bont^ts with the Guards this sea­son, have added George Stangle, captain of Dartmouth’s basketball team ; to their lineup. Stangle was one o f the outstanding players, in the Eastern Intercollegeiate League and should strengthen the shoothug cir­cus lineup considerably. The Bum- sides, haven’t played since the Blast Hartford series won by the S t

.M ary's but believe their sharpshoot­ing ability will prove too much for the soldiers in this game.

M i m N U ’SH IE FOR A WATERQOAKEThree Western Crews Pre­

pare For First Collegiate Rowing Regatta.


Baseball Briefs


Kansas City, April 4 — (A P) — Guy Bush, who started for the Cubs in tlm 1932 world series, probably will pitch the National League open­er against St. Louis.

The “Mississippi Mudcat’’ has been showing good form during the late Spring exhibltlou games and may get his last tune-up against the W hite Sox Saturday. A three game series against the Kansas City Blues o f the American Association will open here tomorrow.

Long Beach, April 4.—If churning water and milling crowds go< to­ward causing upheavals, this Paci­fic coast city is due for a Water- quake April 15. Three western crews will cross oars in Olympic Marine Stadium here on that itay in Southern California’s first col­legiate rowing regatta. In addition .to placing the southwest on the rowing map. the big triangular af­fair will-mark the debut o f the first Southern California crew in his­tory.

The regatta will find the 1938 edition o f the University o f Cali­fornia’s crew seeking to defend the high record o f its world cham­pionship predecessors—the unde­feated Olympic eights o f 1928 and 1932—against the University of Washington’s experienced oarsmen and the fiedgUngs o f the University o f California at Los Angeles.

Bhcperlence, tradition u d prac­tice facilities make it appear as if California and Washington will be but repeating their dual competi­tion o f the week before—a three- mile race over the Otdcland estuary —only at the shorter 2,000-meter Olympic distance. Los Angeles’ Bruins easily might be considered as having little chance to defeat their experienced rivals, but the Uclans are of a mind to make a real three-way race o f the affair.

In addition to bringing collegi­ate rowing to Southern Califor­nia, the race will mark the debut o f Major Goodsell as a crew coach. Goodsell, form er world’s professional single sculls champion, sold the idea of a crew to U. C. L. A. last winter, then fathered the plan of holding the 1933 Intercol- .ieglate regatta at Long Beach when Poughkeepsie canceled the annual classic. He is an Australian- born American citizen.

Goodsell teaches the same grabe- ^ fu l, long stroke that won the title

for him eight years ago. While most coaches put the punch into the “ catch,’’ Goodsell places the ac­cent on the finish o f the strokdI’As a result, the affair will be watched with Interest, inasmuch as Coach Ebrlght o f California is an expo­nent o f the hard “ catch,’’ and Washington uses the long pull of the British.

BU Paso, Tex., April 4— (A P) — Unless Ted Lyons shows a big im­provement in one of the two games against the Cubs ii. the week-end series, some other pitcher may hurl the opener for the White Sox at Cleveland.

Lyons started against the Pitts­burg Pirates in the first o f a four- game travelling series at Tucson, A iiz., yesterday and was belted for nine hits in six innings. In the sixth, the -Pirates cracked out six hits for six runs and won the game, 9 to 6. The clubs meet here again today.

Nashville, April 4— (A P) — Bkbe Ruth’s war club has been stra igely quiet on the New York Yanks' spring exhibition tour but the big fellow isn’t worrying.

"1 never seem to be able to do much home run hitting in the spring” he said, “and 1 try just as bard as during the season. But I'd start belting them just as soon as the regular season opens.”

Jersey City, April 4 — (A P) — Manager Marty McManus of the Boston Red Sox announced .today that IMdie Connolly, Sox catcher purchased from Brooklyn, has been released outright to the Jersey City club.

Chattanooga, April 4 — (A P) —The Detroit Tigers met the Chat­tanooga club here today,' coming fresh from Knoxville where they in­dulged in a batting spree yesterday that gave them ten runs in two Innings and a 1'4 to 11 victory over Knoxville.


(By Associated Press)New York—Jijp Browning, 230,

Verona, Mo., threw - Nick Lutze, 203, C^alifomia, 63:04.

Portland, Me.—Gus Sonnenberg, 208, Boston, won two falls out o f three from George Zarynoff, 206, Ukrainia.

York, Pa.—Boris Demetroff, 206, .. Boston, threw Hans Schroeder, 206,

48:20.Kansas CRy—Jim Londos, 200,

Jfew York, threw Dutch Hefner, 286, Oierman, Tex„ 26i30.

CsDBden N. J^ -B nde > Dusde, Dmahs, w oim la.stn lglit fsH i fromDick D ivlscduii,

Looking forward to the prospect of meeting crews which have the background o f champions and hoi>- Ing to lift intercollegiates from Poughkeepsie, Cjoodsell has driven hla Bruins with Simon Legree tac­tics during the last few months. The°boys, In turn, have shown a capacity for hard work which gives abundant promise for the future.

Being green, the Bruins get more work than is given to more experi­enced crews. High speeds from six to 20 miles dally is only part of Goodsell’s back-breaking program The seriousness with which U. C. L. A. is tackling racing is demon­strated, too. by the fact that the rowing course is just 35 miles from the campus.

Last Night s Fights

By ASSOCIATED PRESS(^ ca g o —Izzy Gastana, Spain,

knocked out Joe Dektor, Bufiblo, (1 ). Bobl^ OIHara, Atlanta, out­pointed 3uckey O’Shea, Chicago, 6 .

Buffalo—Lou Scozza, Buffalo, outpointed Maxle Rosenbloom, New York, (10). (Rosenbloom’s lightheavyweight title not at stake).

Nashville, Tenn.—Tommy Free­man, Hot Springs, Ark., outpointed Freddie Eller, Louisville, (10); Frankie Palmo, Cincinnati, out­pointed Dan Searcy, Nashville, (8 ).

Holyoke, Mass.—Don (Red)Barry. Washington, outoointed (Un known) Winston, Haraord, (10); Frankie Carlton, Jersey City, N. J., outpointed Eddie Mays, Hartford, (8 ); Joe Bernal, Boston,, outpointed Sailor McKenna, New York, (8 ).

Pittsburgh—Jackie Wilson, Pitts­burg, outpointed Tommy Paul, Buf< falo, (M )); Alabama Kid, Dover, O. stopped Carl Montebano, Pitts­burgh, (7 ),

Philadelphia—Eddie Cool, Phila- delpbia, outpointed Johnny Jadli Philadelphia, (10); Billy Ketcbel. Millville, N. J., and Johnny New York, drew, (10).

Oklahoma City—Joe Rice, Fort Worth, stopped Big Bob Williams,

Okla.. (7 ).Terre Haute, Ind.—Sammy “Kid’

Slaughter, Terre Haute, stopped Jack MeVey, New York, (7 ); « id Marshall, Evansville, Ind., knocked out EHdit Greb, Los Angeles, (3 ); Bud Cread, Lima, O., stepped Joe Jeffers, Areola, 111., ,(2).

MSxle Rosenbloom, /Ugl|t-lieavy< weight boxing champion moot active o f the currenCpuglUstio crop, fought 86 times d t n ^ the- p a k year. But he dldn’Lhave a eent fn the hank to she# fo r )ita a ^ ^ e s . Ha's idso the m ost ^rottfle im ^ - er. .


TRACK ENTIIDSIASHEfiminatioa of Sport Has

Aroused Interest of Stn- dents At Wasinnfton & Jefferson.

Washington, April 4,— (A P )—All theories notwithstanding, practice is proving that the games o f the an­cient Greeks cannot be successfully eliminated from the college sports roster at Washington and Jefferson.

A recent ruling o f the W. A J. ath­letic coEmcll struck track and field activities from the list o f vsuslty endeavor. The chief reason was that o f flagging student interest and in­ability to make ends meet flnandsd-

Makes a DilferAnoe.Now Manager Pete Henry spies a

remarkable reaction, causM, possi­bly, by the well-known ratio be­tween non-avsrtlabiUty and desirabil­ity.

For the last few years, he ex­plains, track coaches have had to comb the Held for candidates and coax out o f apathetic hiding the spirit and hard work necessary to make a presentable showing.

Now it’s different. The imder- grads, themselves, have come for­ward and asked permission to form a varsity track and fleld team.

He Had a Hunch.Keeping an ace up his sleeve.

Manager Henry had not cancelled the flve-match schedule that was prepared tentatively for the 1938 season before the coimcil made its ruling.

Now he believes all the contests can be held. Financial obstacles are melting, for the lone home match requires no guarantee for the visit­ing team, and students are offering their cars to make expense for trav­el unnecessary.


Players To Have (Jnrge of .Ryder Cap Group In Eng­lish Tonmey.

Chicago, April 4— (A P) — Cap­tain W alter Hagen and Horton Smith will do all the managing for America's 1933 Ryder Cup team when it invades England for the intymational matches next Jime.

It has been customary to send a non-playing manager ot the profes- sional golfers’ association with the team but because ot economic con­ditions, no official will accompany the squad this year. Hagen will captain the team aqd Smith will act as secretary and treasurer. Albert R. Oates, business administrator of the P. O. A., doesn’t plan to go.

Barring a long overtime match in the United States Open in Chicago, June 8-10, the team will sail on the Aqultania at midnight, June 14. Upon arrival in Bmgland the^players will immediately gv to Southport for practice.

“Everything is set for the matches” . Gates said. “Each player will be given 81,000 in cash for the trip and the money is in the bank.”


In the Charter Oak Doubles last night Petke and Canada took three games from A. Cervini and Sulrte and also three from L. Cervini and Giorgbttl. Sherman and Dickson took two out o f three from (]lhanda smd Walker.

The Standing• W. L.F. Cervlni-Schubert........... 16 5A . Wilkie-Howard ...............16 6Allen-Kebart ...................... 18 8D ickson-Shem ^ .................14 10Fortln-A. Anderson .............12 9Chanda-Walker iiPlitt-Fahey ....................... . . 1 8 11Petke-Cianade 11Detro-Cordera .......................lO 11Giorgetti-L. Cervini .......... 9 12A ., Knofla-Wennergren . . . 8 18Coleman-Gado .................... 6 12Borowskl-Brennan ............ 6 15A. Cervinl-Suhie .............. 6 18

TAKES fflS CUTPepper Martin Dulle Razor on Toufh Beard of

Jerome *T* Dean, Cardinal Hnrler

— ' ♦

Petite .......................... 94Canade .........................112

206A . C erv in i.................... 88Suhie ...........................108


192 193 190

Petke ...........................116C anade.......................... 99

215L. C!ervlni ...................109Giorgetti .....................102

2U 221 179

Alo n g with his seir-esteem. Jerome “ Ditsy” Dean, St. Louis Cardinals’ hurler, has supreme faith in his fellow men. Above

he is shown sftpr delivering himself into the hands ot Pepper Martin, world aeries hero ot 1931. Pepper is saving Dean a tew nickels by cutting oft his beard.

May Organize Semi-Pro BasebaO Team In Town

Sherm an.............. , . . . 8 6Dloklon .............. .. 85

- ■ • 171Chanda 85.W«lker. . . . . . . . . . . . .106 ;



Interest Grows In Movement To Form Lengn^ Local Hen To Attend Mootmg Hmrsday Night ^ t Teams To Be Selected For CireniL

The possibility o f a baseball team to represent Mantiiester in the semi-pro league now being formed In this section o f the state, to be known as the Cmnecticut Associa­tion, loom brighter than ever as an amtive Interest la being adeen by locad men. Frank Busch, director o f the Recreation Centers; John G. Pentlamd and Tommy Sipples will attend an organisation meeting to be held in the H ^ o r d Y. M. C. A. Thursday night at 8 o’clock.

14 ^ w n s Interested Any person in town who is inter­

ested in the formation o f a team is welcome to attend this meeting. A. G. Kamm of Hsurtford is the leader in the movement for a semi-pro cir­cuit that will consist o f eight teams playing a schedule o f from 42 to 49 games. ,

Fourteen towns have- shown inter­est in the proposed league by having representatives at meetings. It is planned to select the eight teams from these towns, taking natural rivalry, the location ot tbe towns and tbe amount of cooperation evi­denced into consideration. In order to make tbe running o f tbe league as economical as possible, the teams will be organized in towns that arc situated close together.

Sipples Leader Here Sipples, well known as a baseball

player o f unusual ability, is taking great Interest in a local team. If sufficient backing can be obtained it is planned to have a senior team as member o f tbe league and posslbuy a local league o f four teams, from which players can be drafted into the senior nine. All players will be placed under contract, whether finan­cial remuneration is Involved or not, and It is pointed out that players o f exceptional ability may have a chance o f advancing Into profes­sional baseball. ‘

It Is expected that the league will get underway early In May and w ill play until late in September. Games will be played on Saturday, Sunday and holidays and twilight games will be played where feasible. Should a local team be organized, M t Nebo will be used as the home fleld.


The ESast Side A . C. would like to arrange baseball games with any junior teams > in town averag­ing around 16-27 years o f age. We will ploy on opponents fleld or our own. Arrange games for week-ends or after supper. For games get in touch with the p laym or phone 7248.

Following is the lineup: Haber- em , p; Vince, c; Siamonds, lb ; De- yorlo, 2b; BroaowsU, 8b; O’Leary, as; Leone, If; LaCoss, c f; M uldoi^

East Side A. C.Manager, Tom Raimondo.


^ PiratM A . C w ia bold their -Moond baseball praotles* at tba Gbartsr Oak strM t field SaturflsiF aftsmoQO from 8 to 4 o’clock. Every member o f the team la ask-* sd to r^NMi.


A C E S^A SE B A L LCindimad Red» Oven Day

Off After Pelting Lefty For Seven Ifits; Has Re­markable Record.

1^ PAUL BHOKBLSON (Associated Press Sports W riter) Chicago. April 4.— (A P )— Big

news from Tampa, Fla., spring training grounds o f the Cincinnati Reds:

“Manager Donie Bush was so tickled with the feat o f hla Reds In slamming Lefty Grove for jeven hits and four earned runs ydsterday that he gave the squad its flrat vacation o f the spring training season to­day."

It would be just too bad if Ameri­can League hitters had to wait until they accomplished such a pierform- ance against tba southpaw slants of the Athletic pitching aoe. F ig­ures show that Lefty, unquestion­ably one o f tbe greatest pitchers in baseball, baa averaged 2J0 earned runs per gfome in eight years o f toss­ing in the junior circu it

No wonder Donie gave the Reds a day off!

Pitching immortals like Walter Johnson, Cy Young and Grover Alexander have strode with a flour­ish across basebaU’s horizon, but if you ask American League batters, who have been trying to solve Grove’s delivery for eight years, they will stack him up against any o f them.

Winning Average .707.Since Lefty, rangy, fast and

smart, came to the A ’s from Balti­more in 1925, he has compiled a dizsy record for modem day base- 1 i w i t h Its borne runs and lively ball, winning 171 games and losing 71 for a winning average oi .707.

His earned run average per game is 2.90, and during the past six sea­sons he has won 20 or more games every year. In 1931, be established an American League record for southpaw pitchers with 31 victories and four defeats.

If you don't think Mr. Grove is some baseball pitcher, take a look at bis major league record: ^

Gamea pitched .................. 357Oomplete ga a iea ................ 160Innings p itoh ^ s e e e • ■ • 2,126Hite ...................................... 1JM2Bases on balls . . . , .......... 657Strike oats .........................1,414H it batsm en .......... 24W ild pItolMS ................... 36W o n ................. 171L o s t ............ ......................... 71Twenty^flve o f Grove’s defeats

came during his first two seasons, so that J u s ^ the past six years be has won 148, lost 46.

Gemsa Only Rival Ths only southpaw la the gams

today who appears to have any chance o f equaUing Grove’s remark­able record la Senw Lefty Gomes, tbs Yinksss* youthful ace.

In hia flv ii h vofu ll ssasonz la th* Mg show, Oomea has piled up 46 vlotorlss against 16 lasses, a fhr bat- tsr martt than Grovs oompilad hia

taro yaars wlUi tho A ’s. Only will ksU, hoaFtVtr, wbsther ths

iHsirvss to with. ovar tha lo o f r^n.


Defeat Borten, 1-0, For Na­tional Leagse Tide After Six Overtane Period^ Phy 164 Minotet.

New York, April 4.— (A P ) — Winners o f the longest hockey game on record, tbe Toronto Maple Leafs sped toward New York today and tbe opening clash o f tbe Stan­ley Cup flnala against the New York Rangers here txmigbL W ith them came little Ken Dorsty, whose shot at 1:50 a. m. this morning gave the leafs a 1-0 decision over the Boston Bruins after 164 nolnutes, 46 sec­onds of play.

Through three regulation periods o f 20 nunutes each and five over­time sessions o f the same length, the two teams battled In the fifth anv final game o f the series be- twem the National League’s two first place winners but it was until four minutes and 46 seconds after tbe start of tbs sixth overtime period that Doraty picked up a pass from Andy Blari and shot home the goal that ended the record struggle.

An told the teams fought thtougb 104 minutes 46 eeconda o f overtime, breaking by a wide margin the pre­vious league record o f 68 minutes 52 second* set by the Montreal Canadiena and Rangers In tbe 1930 playoffs. Springfield and Boston set the minor league record at 100 minutes overtime last ymx,

Toronto’s great victory gave the Leafs the National League cham- alonship but it left them In doubt­ful p h ^ ca l condition for tbe claab with the speedy Rangers tonight Immediately after D u t y ’s game- winning ahot the Leafs dashed for a special train for New York and they hardly will be at their best tor tha flrat game o f the Stanley Cup finals.

Tbe Rangers, at any rate, were pronounced favorites not only be­cause o f Toronto’s gruelling series with Boston but because ot their own splendid showing against the Montreal Canadians and Detroit Red Wings. - Tbe Blue Shirts whipped the Cansdisns in their two- game total goal third place aerlea by eight goals to five, and turned back tbe senaatiODal Red Wings in the Stanley Cup eeml-flnals by Mx goals to three.

They have had two full days of rest since beating Detroit on Sun­day night and are certain to be in much better shape than the Leafs. Toronto, however it may fare in the opening game, will have the a d v a n c e o f playipg all the rest of the cup flnala on their home Ice. A fter tonight’s fray, Madison Square Garden wUl be taken over by tbe circus and the four last games o f the series — if that many ^re needed — will bo played in To­ronto.

Although it took the leafs nearly 165 minutes to score against Boston last night, they held the edge In o f­fensive play all evening. Only Tiny Thompson’s brilliant play in the Boston nets kept Toronto from scor­ing on a number o f occasions. A fter the fifth overtime session bad failed to break the deadlock, Presl- dent Frank Colder siiggested tbe game be decided by tbe toss o f a coin. Boston was agreeable but Toronto, after some deliberation, voted to play tbe duel to the finish. They were rewarded by Doraty’s goal less than five minutes later.

The probable lineups o f tonight's game:Bangert TorontoAltkenhead. G ................ G ChabotE. Seibert R D .................... RD. DayJohnson, LD ................ LD* CSancyBoucher, C ........................................C, BaileyW. (took, R W .................RW. CottonP. Cook. L W .................. LW. Sands

Ranger spares: Somers. Brennan. A. Seibert, Murdock, Keeling. Os- mundson, Pettinger. Dillon. Heller.

Toronto spares: Homer, Levinsky. Primeau. Conacher. Jackson. Thoms, Blair, Grade, Doraty.

Baseball Scores



Sdiool Named Vice Prea- deot of Bodj; Adopt Ath­letic Code To TlfditoD Rolec Se?en Sciiook Are Certain Membera.


An organization to be known as the Connecticut Trade School Asso­ciation o f Athletic Directors and Coaches was created last Saturday to further interest in the sports pro­grams o f vocational schools through­out tbe state, the first action o f tho body being to elect officers and adopt an Interscholastic athletic code,

E. G. Martino of Hartford Trade School was elected president o f tbe Association and Walter E. Schober o f Manchester Trade was vice-president Harry Beach of Meriden Trade was named as secre­tary and John Jay o f WOUmantlc was made treasurer. Tho athletic code was adopted to furnish stricter regulation o f sporta activities o f tbe trade schools o f the etete.

Organized CompetlttonThrough the creation oi this As­

sociation it is hoped to Mace athletic pfograms on a more stable u d to stimulate interest Among students through organized competition for championships and trophies in re­spective sports,’ The athletic code was drawn up by a committee con­sisting of Mr. Soheber as chairman, Harry Beach o f Meriden and August Von Hagen o f Middletown.

Nine o f the eleven state trade schools were represented at tbe meeting held Saturday. Two mem­bers o f the eligibility rules commit­tee o f the Counectlcut Interscholas- tic Ckmference were also present, Henry Oottle o f Bristol High, and Jo­seph Kennedy o f Waterbury High. They outUned the methods to follow In the formation o f an Association and also spoke on general eUglblUty rules.

Conference MemboithlpThe possibUity o f the Trade

Schools obtaining memberehip in the Connecticut Intersehmastio Conference was dlsctissed and it waa decided that Hartford Trade should make formal appUcatloi) for mem­bership in the cioDferenct in order to discover the stand o f Conference officlais on the admittance o f Trade Schools. Should Hartford Trade be accepted as a member It is likely that other Trade Schools will also seek admittance. It is pointed out that the vocational schools are g n ^ - ually being accepted as opponents in sport* by schools and that it womd be easier to arrange games with High schools if the Trade schools are on equal fo o t i^ .

Seven schools have a lrea ^ signi­fied their intentiw o f becoming members o f the Association, namely, Bridgeport, Hartford. Manchester, Meriden, New Britain, Torrlngton, and Danbury. Middletown and WU- Umantto are undecided and Putnam and Stamford have axmounoed that they are not Interested at present. Boardman Trade o f New IDtvea, a city school, also plans to sei^ mem­bership In the Association.

Create Two CassesTwo o f the greatest difficulties in

the promotion ot si>orts In ^ d e schools have been the difference in the size o t 'th e schools, enrollment ranging from 180 to 700, and in tbe cHstance between schools.

Tbe first problem Is being handled by dividing tbe schoola into two claseea on tbe basis o f enroUmtot. Ths first class-rfor schools with enroUment exceeding 200—will to- elude Bridgeport, Hartford, New Britain, Meriden and_ Manchester. The reiQpinder of the schools make up the second class Tbe local school, with an enroUment of just over 200, sUpped into the , upper class against tne larger schools.

Ettmlnztes Arxument The second problem cannot be met

unless more schoola enter the Asso­ciation. or until such time a* tbe

By AaSOCIAtBD PRESS S iCincinnati (N ) 6, Atlanta (SA) 8.New York (N ) 10, Memphis (SA)

Philadelphia (N ) 9. PhUadelphla (A). 6.

^ tsb u rg b (N ) 9, CHitcago (A ) 6.Bostem (A ) 6, Jeraev City (IL) 0.Cleveland (A ) 16, New Orleans

(SA) 0.Detroit. (A ) 14, Knoxville (SA)

11.St. Louis (N ) 18. Meridian 8.Washington (A ) 15, Chatanooga

(SA) 9.Rochester (IL ) 10. Columbus

(AA) 9.Indianapolis (AA) 14. Dallas

(TL) 2.Today’s Schedule

Boston (A ) vs. Newark (It,) at Newark.

New York (A ) ve. NoahvUle (CA) at Nashvflle.

St. Louis (A ) 8. Atlanta (SA) at Atlanta.

D etrat (A ) vs. Oiattanooga (SA) at Chattanooga.

Washington (A ) vs. Knoxville (SA) at KnoxvUle.

Chloago (A ) s. Pittsburgh (N ) at E) P ^ .

New York (N ) s. Birmingham (SA) at Btnnlnchiun.

P h U a d ^ ^ M N ) vs. Prineoton Ublvorslty at Princeton.

Brooldyi (N ) vs. Boston (N ) at fUchmono.

S t LdMs . iVI) vs.’J9M sbera"-at-

competition between the targe and small schools fair and equal by a pointage system that is now being worked out by Mr. Beach. By this method the smaUer schools wlli have as good a chance tu win the championship of tbe league aa the larger schools. ^In past years, sev­eral schools have claimed state championships in tbe various branches o f sport and with ths for­mation o f this Association all cham- Irtonship claims wUl be settled with­out argument.

It is stipulatsd^that in order to be donsidered in competition for the tropbv that it ia expected wUl be asrarosd, a school must play a.niin- imum of six gamea against lU to trade schools. This wiu apply to bassbaU, which q)ort wfll be tho first to be nm under the rules o f the Aaooolatlon.

Baaehall BlataFrank Crosdey, basebaU coach at

tho local Trade Bohool, has oom- plotod hla aohadullo for ths ssason, starting with a gsBM agataat Wiad<sor Looks on A ^ 20 at M i Neb6

Sold, whloh wtU os ths homd Said for M Traders. Tbs sobsiiMs ooBMsta

of sixtsen gamss. Tbsr fin t aopdon wttl bs oallsd lata ’ or early neat srssk.

,The sohedule la as follow s:,April 86—Windsor U w la. bars. A ^ 26—BprlaiftaKl lYad*, away. Mhy 8 -llt to h s a lit Btttu bars.

M ay 10—Windsor Locks, away.May 18—Baflrid Higb. away.May 16—Springfield Trade, here.May 22—Manchester High; here.May 24—Torrlngton Trade, away.May 81—Hartford Trade, here. •June 7—Meriden Trade, away.June 9—Torrlngton Trade, here.June 14—Meriden Trade, here.June 21—New Britain Trade, here.June 28—New Britain Trade,

asray.June 30—Bridgeport Trade, Bare.

Intencbolretic CodeThe Interscholastic Athletic Code

as adoptsd by tbe Assodation ia as foUows:

Preamble: Tbe Interscholastic Athletic Code o f Ethics is formulated for the regulation o f aU athletic contests betweej schools adopting It Ih e use o f an athlete in such a con­test signifies that the responsible officials believe that the spirit as well as the letter o f the code is satisfied.

Article 1. The contestant must be, an enrolled student onformlng to tbe requirements ot his course, but no student shall be eliidble if bis course requires an average o f less than twenty hours per w e ^ of trade school instruction.

Article 2. He must have been o member o f the school for at least six weeks Immediately preceding the time o f pla]rtng imless entering by promotion at a regular promotion time such as September or Febru­ary.

Article 8. His progresa. scholas­tic attainment, and attendance must be satisfactory to tbe Director ol the School.

Article 4. He shall not have reached his twentieth birthday.

Article 5. He shall not play wltb outolds organised teams in the same branch o f athletics, It the opinion ot the Director of tbe School or o f tbe coach, he is injuring his health ot his value to the team.

Article 6. He must not play with any other secondary school team during the season In the same branim ot athletics. Inteipretation: The “season" Is the period between the flrat and scheduled game.

Article T. He must not have rep­resented secondary aohools more than four years except that a cou- testant who has not reached hia nineteenth birthday may represent the school long as he.ia ellglwe un­der an other rules:

Interpretation: I f a contestant has participated in one or more plays In one or more Interscholastic gamss during the school year ho has represented the school for that year.

To have represented tbe sohool ha must have played on the flrat team or onpmlzod second team.

Araele 8. He ahall be an ama­teur. one who baa never used and is not now using his knowledge ot athletics or his athletic skill in that sport for gain, and who has al­ways contested under hla own name. The school offidals shall take reas- onaMe preoautione to see that this Is enforced but the team and schod officials shall not bo held responsible or bo penalised for a vlokulon o f which they were not aware.

Article 9. An instructor from each .school must be present to supervise these conteste.

Artlgle 10. In event o f s team violating any ot these rules, the team not involved will be considered the winner o f the game or { amea m

rhlch tbe violation occurred, .iould there be any protests the

Board of Arbitration o f the Oon- nectibut 'Drade School Assodation of Athletic Directors and Oxsebss shall act on the dlaima presented and their dedsions shall be final.

A rtide 11. Noching in this oode eball be interpreted to prevent more etringent niles being appjied to hU own team by the D ila tor of a sebool or the coach.

V E im N S A R E M a ON C O U IB U NINEUons To Depend On Hitting

Power, Steady Defense and Pitching.

Now York, April 4.— (AP)— Columbia has been going to the basebaii wars for m ore’ thad half a century and baa yet to return to Momlngside Heights with a cham­pionship. The light blue and ^hite witc seven victoriee end three de­feats was barely nosed out fpe the intercollegiate league title Ity Yale last year. ' „

Presenting an almostVaolid foont et veterans, the L ion s.ere depend­ing this ycM on the filghsl pdtrer ia their bats,*a steedy>'tfioui^':ide- fenae afield and the bgHfont pltd i- lag ot Ciaptain Ray WBite.

Harvard a deolslon t ^ sfiter - tile league will not make 'tiie patii o (Columbia any softer; tiMCrimson inserted 84 hours bdfore one Yale game and 84 besmL th* other, the Uons hot only wntft play 12 ehamploddilp lamas ts tiM brief period from ApcQ to May lY, but oloo must moot their strougiiit rivals—Yale, Haiyard oad to siz angunHaaiits baforajhs a of AtotiTlha Uoas lD toiS>ll the proopaet of two*moSnmMn A p f o l r ^

St Dartmouth at

SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (8)

y , . / ^■•J7' ' *’ " . ' ’ ‘ . • ^ ■ ^^‘ " ;•;- ■• - -' V- ■- . f' '. • *,’'-• ■ += _ * ': ; • * ■ • ‘ •■ *• '


AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4L930 DOPGE MODEL D. A. Sedan, 1931 W illys sport roadster, 1929 Chevrolet 1 1-z ton panel truck, 1927-Bulck coupe.-Terms, trades. Cole Motors, 6463.

FOR SALE—MODEL A FORD touring car, cheap. Call 127 Cooper HUl street.

INSURANCE 18GENERAL Insurance Agency— For prompt and accurate service in­sure your house, automobile and private property with Evorett Mc­Kinney, 95 Foster street. Dial 5230.



LOCAL AND LONG UlSTANCA moving, general trucking, Uvery service. Our affiliation ^ th United Vans Service means lower rates on furniture moving to distant points. Large modem truciu, experienced men, prompt service, aUl goods in­sured while in transit are features offered at no extra expense to youi Dally trips to New 7ork, oaggage delivered direct to steamship piera For further information cal) 8U63. 886U. 8864. Perrett & Gienney. Inc.


SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the* accommodation ol their targe L)e- Luxe bus for lodge, party or team tripe at special rates Pbone 3063, 8860, 8864.

Want Ad Information

, Manchester ‘ Evening Herald


Count six average worde to a line. Initials, nunbere and abbreviatlone eaob count as a word and compound words as two worda Minimum cost is pries of tbrss lines.Lins rates per day for transient**** ■Csetlvs Marsh IT, »h*X,vCash Charge 6 Consecutive Days ..I T ote • ote I Conseoutlve Daye • ote 11 ote1 Day ............... . . . . . . I U ote II ote

All ordere for irregular insertions will be charged at tbs one time rata.

■psoial rates for long term every day advertising given upon request.

Ads ordered for three or six days

UPHOLSTERING— WE URGE you to consult us about ui^olstery. See our beautiful showing of fabrics. We promise the best at lowest prices. Manchester Upholstering Co. George J. Holmes, decorative upholsterer, 244 Main street. Dial 3615.

UPHOLSTERING — UPHOLSTER- ed furniture rebuilt like new by skiUb'. craftsmen. Hundreds of covering samples. Elstimates fur­nished without obligation. Pbone 5171. Watkins Brothers.



week. The Hotel Sheridan. Tel. 3678.

CLEAN, COMFORTABLE rooms, with or without tnard. Reasonable rates, centrally looted . The Chats- worth House, 801 Main street, op­posite Montgomery Ward.


FOR RENT—3 ROOM apartments, at 36 Maple street, also 4 room tenement, 42 Maple street. Tele­phone 6517.

FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, with all improvements, and garage. Inquire 168 Hilliard street or tele­phone 6034. •

120 WEST CENTER STR E E fTe rooms, 1st floor, modem, large cor­ner lot, garage, an attractive rent at a reasonable price. Inquire The Lenox Realty Company, 18 Asylum street, Hartford. Telephone 2-6816.

FOR RENT—LILLEY ST. -•-Near Center, modem flve rooms, flrst floor, steam beat, garage. Inquire 21 Elro street. CaU 6661.

MEASURE IIP TO the cccemIod, in a made to measure suit or over-

?>at, <16.60 up. Wm. Grlmason, ailor, 10 North Falrfleld street.

Pbone for appointment.


and steppod boforo tbo third or fifth day will bo obargod only for tbo ac­tual number of timao th# ad appoar- ad. charging at tba rata aarnod. but no allowanoo or rafunda oan ba mada on six tlma ada atoppad after tba***** **Tll ferblda'') Ulaplay linaa act

'Tba Barald will net ba raaponatbla for nera than ona Ineorraet inaartioa of any advartlaamant ordered for more than ona tlma.

Tba inadvertent omtaalon of Inoor* raot publfeatlen of advarttnjng will ba raotiflad only by (wnoallatlon of the otaarg# mada for tba aarvloa 'andarad.

All advartlaamanta muat oonform In etyla, oopy and typography wlt h ragulatlona anforoad by the publiah* are and they raaarva the right to adit, ravlaa or raJaet any copy eon* ■idarad objaetlonablq. , , ^

CLOSINO KOURV^laailflad ada to ba publiahad aama day muat bo ra* eolvad by IS o'clock noon; laturdaya 10:30 a. m.


Ada are aooaptod over the talaphona at tba CKARGIS RATO given above aa a eonvantanoa to advartlaara, but tbo CASH RATES will ba aooaptad aa FULL PAYMENT It paid at tba bull* naaa ofiloa on or bafora the aavanth day following tba flrat Inaartion of each ad otharwlaa the CHARGE RATE will bo oollaotad. No raaponal* billty for orrora In tolapbonad ada will ba aaaumed and tliafr cannot bo guaranteed.


Jlrttaa ........................... . AEngagomanta ..............................Marrin^aa DeathsCard of Thanks In Memorlam Lott and Found Announeamants Personals

AnfomoblleaAutomobiles for Sale Automobiles for Ezetaarga . . . . *Auto Accesaorlea—Tires


learning. Details free. Hartforo Academy of Halrdreealng 693 Main etreet, Hartford.



Auto Repairing—Fainting.........Auto Schoola ......................... 7-AAutoa—Ship by Truck

-For Hire89


AutoGarages—Service—StorageMotorcycles—Bicycles ........Wanted Autos—Motorcycles Biuiness and Professional Services

Business Services Offered ......... 13Household Services O ffered........13-A

. Building—Contracting ............... 14Florists—Nurseries ..................... 15Funeral D irectors................ 16Heattn?—Plumbing—Roofing .c« 17Insurance ..................................... 18Millinery—Dressmaking ............. 19Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . 20Painting—Papering ................... 21Professional Services................ 22Repairing ....................... 23Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning . . . 24Toilet Goods and Service ........... 25Wanted—Buslnees Service.......... 26

EdncationalCourses and Classes ................... 27Private Instruction .................... 28Dancing ........................... .28-AMusical—Dramatic . . . . . i . . . . . . . . 29Wanted—Instruction ................ 30

FlaaaclalBonds—Stocks—Mortgages ......... 31Business Opportunities ............... 32Money to Loan .............................. 33

Help aad SitnatioasHelp Wanted—Female .............. 35Help Wanted—Male .................. 36Help Wanted—Male or Female . . 37Agents Wanted ............................ 37-ASituations Wanted—Fem ale........ 38Situations Wanted—^Male........... 39Employment A gencies................. 40Live Stock—Pet»—PoaIt^—VeUcIeaDogs—Birds—Pets ....................... 4iLlvj Stock—Vehicles ................... 42Poultry and Supplies ................. 43Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44

For Sale—MiseellaaeoasArticles for S a le ............................ 45Boats and Accessories ........ 46Building Materials .................. 47Diamonds—Watches-^ewelry . . 48Electrical Appliances—Radio . . . 49Fuel and Feed ....................... ....4 9 -AGarden — Farm—Dairy Products 60Household Goods ........................ b1Machinery and T o o ls ......... ........ 62Musical Instruments..................... 5sOffice and Store Equipment . . . . 64Specials at the Stores ................. s tWearing Apparel—F u r s ............. 57Wanted—To Buy ........................ 68

Raoma—Board—^Hotels—ReBorts Restaaraata

Rooms Without Board ............... 69Boardera W anted..........................B9-ACountry Board—R e so r t l............. 60Hotels—Rostanrants ...............Wanted—Ropms—B o a rd ..........

Real Batata For Rent Apartments, Flats, Tenements Buslnesa Locations for Rent


Houses for Rent Ill 66Suburban for Rent Sommer Homes for RentWanted to R ent............. . ...........

Real Betate For Balo Apartment Building for Sale . . .Bnslaass Property for Sale........Farms aod Land for S ale ..........HonsM for W e ...........Lots for Sals ............ ............Basort Property for Sale

for Sale...... .................ftor H w iaage.........

Wanted—Real Estate

> a a • • a a666768

- ) . . ' -.r • ■ cr ^

TiMi. Rn- r w ' U. aPM oS!* ■A/TAKB this gobbler strut in

your Hl-Ho puzzling to­day. Cut out the seven puzzle pieces below and rearrange them to form his silhouette.

Hope working over the cradia didn't make you aleepy.' Any­how, here la the way it is formed with s the > seven ■ pasile


FOR RENT—6 ROOM bouae and garage, 49 Summer atreet Tele­phone 8731.

FOR RENT—8 ROOM Apartment, £dl impruvementa, heat furniabed Lilley atreet, 8 mlnutea from poat office. Tel. 4768,

4 AND 5 ROOMS, ENAMEL plumb log, 8 Walnut, near Pine atreaL Bat gain <16.00; alao brand new 4 rooma <20.00. Inquire Tailor atore.

FOR RENT—< ROOM FLAT, flrat floor, 18 Knox atraaL Inquire 20 Knox atreet, upatairi. Tal. 7281.

FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all Improvemanta. Apply 96 Foater atreet, talapbooe 6280 or 4646.

WANTED—YOUNG LADY to laaro •boa buaihaaa, ona with' aalai ax> parlanca prafarrad. Writa Box X, in eara o f Harald.


work Mancbeatar territory, calling on builneas concama only. Old aa- tabliibed, nationally advertiaed line of buaineaa Deceaaitiaw. Only local man conaldered. Permanent con< nactlon. Mercbanta Industrlea, Inc., Market street, Newark, N. J.

SITUATIONS WANTED— __________ FEMALE 38WAt^TED—NURSING, by tba day, hour, or week, graduate nurse. Reasonable rates. Telephone 6696.


YOUNG MAN WOULD Uke work on Dairy Farm, experienced in dry himd milking. Call Geo. Larson, North Coventry or write R. D. 1, Rockville.

FUEL AND FEED 49 ASEASONED HARD WOOD, stove aise, furnace chunks or fireplace lengths <7 cord or »4 load. Uray blrcb <6 cord. Cbas. Heckler, tele> phone RospdaJe 18-13.

WANTED TO BUY 58V'ANTED TO BUY BROODER .House about 8x10. Telephone 4781, 6 to 7 evenings.

ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59FOR ivENT—Light Housekeeping rooms, furnished, steam, gaa and sink; also 3 room furnished apart­ment, private bath, rent reasonable. 109 Foster street—Grube.

FOR RENT-r4 ROOM tenemant, 6 Ridgewood itreet; garage, inquire L. Lentl, 178 Parker atreet. Phone 6628.

3 OK 2 ROOM 8U1TB In new John ' bOP Block, facing Main itreet. very deal: able, modam in»rovemantw. 1 hona 8726 or Janitor 7686.

FOR RENT—'ITIHEB, five and su room tanamants, with all modam improvemanta. Inqulrt at 14) Blast Center straat or taiapbona f864.

FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLA'< With garage, 17 Walker itreeu inquire W Man.iing, 16 Walker itreet

HOUSES FOR RENT 656 ROOM HOUSE partly furnished, sleeping porch, garden, garage and greenhouse, 26 Greenbill itreet Call 6718.

FOR RENT—A MODERN flve room single bouse with garage. Bowers atreet, hot water heat, rent reason able. Inquire 13 Chestnut street Phone 6876.

FOR RENT—MODERN single house on Locust atreet. Call 3010 after 6 p. m.


cottage, modem conveniences, dou­ble garage, fruit, shade trees, large lot. Telephone 7607.


Team and Individual Prizes To Be Awarded At Hose Com pany No. 1 Party.



The annual bowling banquet of Hose and Ladder Company No. 1, S. M. F. D. will be held Saturday night In the'hose house at Pine street and Hartford road. A speighatti supper will be served at 6:30. It will be prepared by Chef Stewart Cordner and served by members o f the fiom- mittee. About 40 firemen are ex­pected to be present.

The committee, headed by Albert Robinson as chairman, also includes George Hirnt as secretary emd treu - urer, Robert Metcedf, Fred Hansen and Raymond Bidwell. This com­mittee conducted the successful bowling season which extended from the first of November last to the 23rd o f March. Four teams took part and they finished in the fqUow- ing order: No. 2 captained by Joseph Bebrend, first; No. 3 cap­tained by Fred Hansen, second;4, captained by Arthur t ahinaiH third; and No. 1 ,'captained by WU-> liam Mpntie, foturth.:

Prizes will be awarded after the banquet to the holders o f the sea­son’s records which are as follows: High individual average, Joseph Bebrend, 103.26; individual high sin­gle, Raymond BldweU, 144; individ­ual high three dtring, A1 Behrend, 368; high team single, No. 1, 660; high team three string. No. 1, 1.812.

The winning team was m ade' up o f Captain Behrend, Henry Frelhelt, Fred Behrend, Kenneth Smith, Wil­liam McCormack and George H im t. In addition to the supper and pre­sentation o f prizes there will be a pr(«ram of entertaim n«it whieb will probably Indude some . motion picture scenet o f hunting and fish­ing.

• ----- - - .


New YOik, A prll.4 .— (A P )—The Standard Oil Co. o f New Yovk, af* feotlve .^tomomw, will advance tjM tank t and aervice statum prfcea o f cent, a

Over 30 Plaiees Said To Be Ready— Fear Too Many Ap­plications For Licenses.The fact that Rockville is to have

beer on Friday, April 7th is now a certainty as several large bipments o f beer She expected to arrive In Rockville at midnight Thursday eve­ning for sale on Friday morning. Th[e fact that the regulations gov­erning the sale o f beer have not been passed upon by the General As­sembly seems to be a disturbing fac­tor but it is not expected that it will prohibit the sale o f beer as originally planned. Several brewery salesmen have been active in Rock­ville and it has been authentically stated that over thirty places will offer beer for sale by Saturday of this w^ek.

The Rockville House was repre­sented at the meeting of the Hotel Men o f Connecticut, held at Hotel Bond, Hartford, Hartfoid, this morn­ing at 10 o’clock to formulate plans for appearance before the judiciary committee in the General Aesembly this afternoon at 2 o ’clock. A check up of convictions for violatiun of the liquor laws in Rockville was secured yesterday by a promlneut citizen who worked with an out o f town investigator. It Is understood that this information will be used in de­termining to whom licenses will be given by the state liquor commie- lion.

Many Rockville people are strong­ly opposed to the old "Saluon Days” when Rockville had 21 ealoone for its population of leaa than 8,000. To­day there is a poislbUlty of 80 and even 40 ’’taverns” , if all parties in- terssted in seourlng a license carry out their present plans and are not turned down by the liquor commie* lion.

Strong argundenta are to be offer- i(J Ifainst, granting too many per- mite within the same area aa in the former saloon days. A t least three and poielbly four taverns are now plauied for Market street, ad­joining Main atreet, In the center of the city. Preient plans o f property owners call for ilx and even seven ’’taverns” in the. center o f th e ‘city.

MHaneee Concert'and RecitalTbo concert and recital to be pre­

sented in the auditorium a the George Sykei Memorial School to­night Is to be one o f the big social events of the eeaion with every In­dication to believe that the atten­dance will be extremely large. Sponsored by a group of Rockville loriety women, headed by Mrs. Thomas F. Garvan, Miss Milanese has consented to return to Rockville foi the evening and display her talent to the residents o f her native town.

Miss Milanese is now a resident of Boston where she has been taking up solo and concert training. During the concert Miss Milanese will be as- slsted by Henri Michaud, one of Boston’s most talented baritones, who in addltipo to rendering several pleasing duets with Miss Milanese, h6us consented to rendeti a number of solos. Mrs. Zula- Doane Sanders, teacher and soloist, form erly of Manchester, will be the accompanist for the evening. Many Manchester residents are to attend the concert due to the fact that Mrs. Sanders is assisting.

Plan Annual Banquet TomorrowThe tumual banquet of the Friend­

ly Class o f the Umon Congregation­al Church will be planned on Wed­nesday evening in the church social rooms. One' eff the most elaborate spreads of the year is planned lor this occasion to be held e u ly in May. A fea,ture o f the meeting to­morrow evening will be the pres­entation o f a sketch entitled “The Dear Departed” and a pantomime entitled. “And the Lamp Went Out.” These sketches will be presented by a group of young people from the church assisted by Mrs. Mary Gre- gus and Miss Gertrude Fuller will present a musical number. A ll mem­bers have been invited to attend.

Mrs. Gertrude Kingston, presi­dent, will preside at the meeting and announce her coihmittees for *'*'e gnhual banquet to be h^d on Wed­nesday evening. May 8.

Attend Field Day MeetRockville is being represented

this afternoon at the Tolland Coimty Forest Field Day which la being held at the Nye-Holman Forest in West WUllngton. The event is being spohaored by ^ Tolland Coimty Farm Bureau with Coimty Agent Ernest E: Tucker of R ockville. in chgrge. Residents of the thirteen towxis o f Tolland County are com­peting in the different events.

Aeoepts Joint PastorateRev. R. W. WsUker, pastor o f the

First African Baptist church of Rockville, prom lnoit among the colored cre^ . Is to assist the Cal­vary Baptist Church at Wlliiman' tic. He has accepted a joint pastor ate and will give time to beta churches. He will succeed Rev. 'C . P. Powell, who for several y«. *8 was pastor ot") the Calvary Baptist church at WilUmantic and who re­cently'resigned to accept a call to the Baptist church located in Suf- lleld. >.

The ■ State ' Baptist Conference, with headquarters ih Hartford, hah baM -aetlv< In arranging the detaiia for this eoroperatlve pastorate. Un­der the plan now under conaideni^ tipn. -Rev. Walker would alternate, g lv l^ a week at <me church said the foOowlnf week at the. other church. Thla would materially reduce the

>th dnirraee. .

Rockville this morning with Judge John Rufus Booth of New Haven on the bench. In addition to the civil and short calendar session, a crim­inal session was held. State’s Attor­ney Michael D. O’Connell o f Si ford Springs, presented seven crim­inal cases. A jury panel was also drawn for the first time in several yetus. Indications are that this spring term wlU' be the long' -t term in the past'decade as several long jury trials a,re anticipated as well as two crlmhmi trials.

Bookvine BriefsJudge John Rufus Booth of New

Haven arrived in. Rockville last 'e niTig and made his abode at the Rockville House preparatory to the opening'of the Spring Term of the Tolland County Superior Court this morning at wliicb he presided.

Marriage intentions have be<in filed at' the town clerk’s office by George C. Apel, aged 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A j^ and Miss Doris M. H. Gersteniauer, aged 18, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Gers- tenlauer.

Tbe American L ^ o n Auxiliary held a benefit card party last eve­ning at the home o f Mrs. Bertha Phillips of 71 Davis avenue. Tbe proceeds were donated to tbe re­habilitation fund.

Tbe Ellington Fire Department will hold a social and dance at tbe Ellington Town Hall on Batur night for tbe benefit of the depart- menL Music will be furnished by tbe Berkshire Revelers. Both modem emd old-fashioned dances wiU be held. ^

Rockville Democrats attended the meeting of tbe Tolland County Democratic Association held last evening at Hebron. • President John S. Jackson of this city presided.

"The Family Night” of tbe Mothers Club scheduled to be ob­served at the Union Congfegationai church on Friday evening, April 21, has been postponeu until April 28.

An investigation is underway con­cerning the accident which occurred at tbe intersection of Ward and Union streets about 6:30 o ’clock, Sunday evening, when an automo­bile driven iw Paul Stookser, aged 22 years, of EUUogton, collided with tbe rear of a oar driven by George W. Batz, aged 20, of Rockvl.)e. Both care were traveling in the same direction. Batz bad ilowed up his car on approsusblng tbe inter­section but Stookser failed to apply hie brakefi quickly enough and col­lided with tbe Batz car. Both machlnee were slightly damaged.

Tbe regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held to­night at 7:80 o ’clock with F irit Selectman Francis J. Prichard pre­siding.

Tbe Vernon Town School Commit­tee will bold their April meeting on Wednesday evening at their rooms in the old high school building.

Dr. S. Harcouct Peppard, director of tbe Bureau of Mental Hygiene, of the Ckinnectlcut State Department of Health, delivered an interesting discourse at the moeting of the Longview Purent-Teachers Asso­ciation last evening at the Long­view School. He spoke on the topic “ Some Reasons for Our Bebav:

Frederick H. Holtt cashier o f the Rockville National Bang, \.ho re­cently broke his collar bone in a fall, is able to be about again without having bis sumi in a sling.

Sam Kossolefsky baa leased the land at the rear o f the RockvJle Hotel in anticipation o f opening flower shop. 'The land is adjacent to the dry-cleaning plant of Harry Allen and near the Rockville Gar­age.

Alderman Kerwin Little, chair­man o f tbe Public Works Committee of the Commem Council o f the d ty of Rockville, has csilled a special meeting o f the representatives of the b6isebali clubs o f the city to be held on Friday evening in the Com­mon Council-'Chambers. The moot­ing is called for the purpose o f ar­ranging a schedule for tbe use o f Henry Park for tbe coming baseball season. The Clerks A . C. baseball team has plans underway for Home games on Sunday.

Representatives *Sherwood C. Cummings and Henry Schmidt of Rockville, who represent the com­munity in the General Assembly, livered an interesting talk before the Vernon Parent-Teachers Asso-* elation last evening at the Dobson- vlUe School House. They told of the work underway in the legislature and the routine of a measure.


COLUMBIAA cast o f 28 took the' Columbia

Athletic Association Minstrel Show to Andover Friday eveplng, the per­formance being enthusiastically re­ceived by em audience which com­pletely filled, the Andover Town hall. The program was^as follow s:

Reveille. John ' Rising; Medley, Chorus; “When Mother Played the Organ,” Herman Spencer; “Pink Elephants,” Rowland Cobb; "Dark­ness on the Delta,” Ethel Macht; “Please,” Vernon Northrop; Banjo Specialty, Fred Hadad; Finale, Chorus, "Underneath the 'Harlem! Moon.” Jokes on different Andover people were interspersed between the musical numbers.

The second part was as follows: Pony Ballet, Miughret Badge,

Ahlene Badge, I()a Newberry, Ethel Macht; Jewish Sketch, Herman Spencer; “My Darling,” Edith Isham; Tumbling Act, Mr. Melllnger, William Macht, LaVergne Williams. Gustave Emerich; “Tiger Rag,” Buddy Brooke; -Sketch, “There’s One Bom Every Minute,” Ruth Com­stock and Alice Hunt; Tenor Solo, “In the Garden o f Tomorrow,” Jas­per - Woodward; Sqiuure Dance, Prompter, George Dutton; Clog Dance, Rowland Cobb; Grand Finale,

Fit As a Fiddle,” the Entire Cast.Instrumental music for accom­

panying tbe singing was provided by Mrs. Elsie Collins at the piano; Miss Flora Wheeler, violin; Buddy Brooks, saxophone, and Frame Pierret, drums. The chqrus consisted of Ahlene and Margaret Badge, Ethel Macht, Ida Newberry, Doris Leger, Ruth Comstock, Edith Isham, Gladys Lowman, Vernon Northrop, Everett Cole, Spencer Macht, Fred­erick Macht, LeVergne Williams, Jasper Woodward, Fred Hadad, Her- iban Spencer, wltti Rev. A. W. Melllnger aa interlocutor, and Wil­liam W olff, Rowland Cobb, Clayton Hunt and Gustave Emerich, end men.

Hebron Sunday afternoon to^the re­hearsed for the music o f . the Tri- County Chorus to be given in Colum­bia on Sundky evenii^, April 30. The next rehean-ed will be in Colum­bia on April 23. ~

There wlU be a meeting o f the Ladies’ Aid society in the chapel on Thursday aftom oon, beginning at 1:30. siach member is asked to bring her sewing tools, also cup, plate emd spoon for refreshments. The hostesses will be Mrs. Bessie Tiythall, Mrs. Elsie Collins, and Mrs. Vera Lyman...

Perfect attendance for Pine Street school for March is as follows: Mar­tin Cohen,,Fred Pleas, Lewis Hink- son, Eklward Pless, Morris Rosen­berg,'Laurens Holbrook, John Miko- law, Theodore. Pless, Mike Slrak, Benjamin Pless, Bronistav Pless, Gertrude Holbrook, Mary Slrak, Mary Zuryk, Nettie Rosenberg, Blanche Tashlik, Sylvia Taabllk, Ruth Tashlik, Sarah Epstein, Ruth Epstein, Wilhelmina Holbrook.

Perfect attendance at Hop River Village for March is: •' Leon Tatro, Lena Strickland, Louise Strickland, Emma Strickland. A t *he Old Hop River District: Thomas Chowanec, Maurice Slater, Robert Mattbleu, Edward Dzlnan, John Rising, John Romanik, Herbert McMahon, ' Watrous, Evelyn Miles, Charlotte Robinson, Marion McMahon, Dorothy Chowanec..


Streams Have Been EQgli Thk Spring and State LaasedI Waters Well stocked.


Boston, April 4— (A P )—Federal Judge James A . Lowell today con­firmed. the sale of tbe Flak Rubber Company to tbe sb-called Fisk Re­organization committee be6uled by

.Orrin Q. Wood o f Boston, for <3,- 080,(XX). The company went into the hanrtii o f a receiver in 1929, and Its property was sold at auction in Chi­copee yesterday.

Tbe annual meeting^of the Colum­bia Burying Ground Association was held Saturday evening at tbe Town ball. Tbe reports of the various offi­cers were read and accepted and the following officers were elected: President, Edward P. Lyman; vice- president, William M. W olff; secre­tary and treasurer, Clayton B. Hunt; finance committee, Henry B. Hiitcblns, William U . W olff, Henry Isham.

C2iptain Malcolm Stannard o f tbe Merchant Marine, who has been spending considerable time In Colum­bia lately, sailed early last Thurs­day morning on the “Scantic States” of the Scandla-Amerlcan Line, bound for Copenhagen and other ports. Re expects to be -gone about three months.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Holmes mo­tored to New London Sunday after­noon to pay a call at tbe home of Mr. Holmes’ brother, F. H. Holmes, it being the 60th anniversary o f the marriage o f Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Holmes.

Mr. and Mrs.- George Cbamplin and Mra.> Jennie Hunt motored to W aterford Sunday afternoon to call on Mrs. Hunt’s and Mrs. Champlln’s brother, Alfred Holbrook.

Perfect attendance at tbe Center school for March is as follows: Eu­gene Lescoe, Jr., Mary Szegda, Lucy Derosla, Virgiula Colllna, Fanny Belle Hurlbutt, Carol Lyinan, Jan­ice Clarke, Sophie Szegda, Jane Ly­man, Shliley Trythall, Ruth Lescoe, Violet Smith.

The spring frogs were heard for the first time on the Green Saturday evening and Sunday evening tbe chorus was considerably louder.

A hike which the boys o f Vernon Nortbrop’s class had planned for Saturday was called off on account o f the bad weather.

Town taxes are now due and tbe tax collector, Frank Squler, was at tbe Town all day Saturday to receive them. Inasmuch as a month’s grace is allowed before in­terest is added there was no great rush to pay them Saturday;

Mrs. B e ^ e Trythall 'was called to WilUmantic Satur'lay fiaomlng, her sister, Mrs. Etta Taylor, having fallen downstairs and dislocated and broken her arm. Mrs. Ikylor is a frequent visitor to Columbia and is well known here.

A t the morning service o f the Ioc6d cburch the speaker w as' Rev. Charles Johnson o f South Coventry, in exchange with tbe Columbia pas tor. His subject was "The Power That We Can Get By Locking U p­ward In Life” and his text tbe flrst verse o f the 101st Psalm, “1 will lift up mine eyes unto the bills from whence cometh my help.” Heraan Spencer sang a a tenor solo, “The Old Rugged <3ross.’

Miss Flora Wheeler, was the lead­er o f the C .. E . meeting Sunday evening. . The subject was “Can and Should We Love All Men. E ven Our Enemies

Singers from . Columbia went to

Everybody is cordlidly invited to attend tbe Prize Dance to be given Thursday. night, April 6 at Cheerio Ballroom, Rockville, now under tbe management of Neffs Old Sawxuui Gang. A good time is assured all who attend with every other one a square, so that tbe old aa well as the young can take part in the eve­ning’s entertainment

Music is by that popular. Neff’s Old Sawmill Gang and their 8 piece orchestra. Ben Irish, the singing prompter, will cidl the squares in a real old-faabioned way.


New Haven, April 4— (A P ) — In preparation for observance of Powder House Day later In the month, tbe Second Company, Qove.*- nor’s Foot Guard last sight laid out its program and named its commit­tees.

During the meeting Private James Hermance received a medal for fifty years scrvlca In the unit.. The West Haveu armory which haa been under construefion for more than a yeai will be dedlcected April 22 and the Guard will turn out for the accompanying military par­ade.

In the opinion - o f Walter- E.< Luettgens, local fish 6uid game warden, tbe trout fishing season ought to be better than usual in Connecticut when'' It opens a week from Saturday. He gives aa his re«Mon tbe fact that tbe brooks have been high this spring.

While hlgb brooks make fishing a bit more difficult for the sports- num, such a condition iS better for the fish. Warden Luettgens be­lieves. Low and wanner water makes the trout sluggisb smd lazy while cold deep water tends to make them lively, he states.

. Mr. Luettgens also points to tbe fact that the state-leased streams have been beavlly stocked from time to time. Last season wasn’t particularly fruitful, be admits, but this only tends to add to tbe numbe' o f trout available to an­glers this season

During his experience aa a ward- i^en Mr. Luettgens has found that

there are msmy people who go fishing minus much knowledge of the "tricks of the game.” This, he says, accounts for many o : the “bad luck” stories which crop up each season. He cited tbe Pleewant Valley pond as an example. Some, declare this pond poor flabing be­cause much of tbe bottom is weedy. Yet one man caugbt 48 bass tbere last year among which were some weighing around four pounds.’ Thirty-inch pickerel have also been taken from this pond.

For Sale1 Hartford Outboard Mo­

tor $40.2 33x5 Auto Tubes $1.50

each.1 Franklin Touring Car

$20.112x14 ft. Tent $8.1 Large Double Door Safe

$30.2 lots, Colonial Gardens..

To Settle an EstateAll the above items are priced

exceedingly low for quick sale.Telephone 3089 “ -

Or apply to Lester Hohenthal 467 Center St.

AUCTION--3 Lots of Household FurnitureA t Foley’S Storage Warehouse, FumeU Place,. South Mancheater, Conn., Thursday, April 6, 1988 at 1:80 p. m. (Bain or Shine.),

The three lots consist of various bouMhold furnishings, din­ing furniture, bedroom furniture, kitchen e^ p m en t, dishes, plo- tnres, stands, combination bookcase and desk, lamps, books. In­cluding a set ot 9 Chambers Encyclopedias, chairs and itMters, etc. Lawn mower, garden tooU, wheelbarrows, etc. O iest ot fine carpenter toids.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTICE—This is good, clean fnmttnre re­cently moved to the warehonse for the purpose o< sale.

ROBERT 6f. REID A SON, Auctioneers.201 Main St., Manchester, Conn. Phone. 81$8

m m

axtotoM of both


Section 3339, Chapter 189, General Statutes o f the State o f Connecticiit, Revision o f 1930, REQUIRE THAT A IX . DOGS MUST BE LIC3SNSED ON OR BEFORE MAY 1st, 1933. Neglect or refusal to license your dog on or before that date wiU cost you an additional dollar as well as making you liable to arrest ^

I Registration fees are as follows: Male or Spayed Female, <2.00; fem ale <10iJi6; Kennel, (not more than ten tags) <36.00.

' Uhder the law you must give the’ dog'a nitne.bistead e f aise.

. Veterinary Certificate ReQUi for SpayM Female Npt Previo.u Xic^ed.

) Office hours during the mouth .of April w ill be-as'^H ow s’; Dally except katurdays and Sunds]^ 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.' axcept Tht^aday, April 20, aad Tburaday, April 27 when the hoora t4U1 be from • a. m. to 9 p. m. Saturdaya 9 a. m; to axoept Saturdaya AptU 22 and 29, when the hours wRl ba,from ’9:a.. m.

; t o 4 p .m . ^ .V... ^SAJOJEL J. TURXINOTQN, ----------------


C 1i.uaMT.osk

(READ Th e STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE)The midget elephants were-

strong, and pushed, the ooooanut along until the Midget Man cried, "W hoa! Youive pushed it far enough.” Then, while . the ’ Tinlea gath­

ered' ’round, the elephants fli^^ed on . the ground.; ‘^ e y fr e . -tiled out,” shoutei .SMUty. *1 “I can hear them pant'and puff.” -

“Don’t worry,” .anawefed Duacy. “They think work like that la Just mere play. In ju<t idibnt k.ffilnute th e ^ be on their feet agaAn.''

“Why, I can g e t thaip .op, r ig h t now. I t you dqn’t m lnd.'ra^ahow you . how to meika thetn do - aoiM little tricks. They’re nowand then.” '

The Midget' Man ,tksn .Iskouted, “ Hey! W e.bays aoma o t l^ fdana todi^. We’re sfolng! t o ; < it the .coooaaut, ao there la w ort'io .d o .

*neaae let the Slapbaata-:alone efid;do'OIBL


that I cant break that great ‘ Mg' shell. Who’s gtfing to lend a Land?” . .

“1 will,” said Coppy. “Get a rook. We’ll give the coooanut: a aoekt Look out, now, ever^tc^l W « don’tvknow where btta T^-tsnd.'*

They foohd‘A ’ rock aii^ BANG It went! Stuir^l Just thelastrength was apssit, thff^'jooeoemit split opeil. -"Now *te«aas co u ty ^ e d . ■ ^

The 'TltiysMtelliap mad because, oC-, were glad to, white food - tkSil inside.

" i r hsive <»e. ' “S Tr funi** 1 kesrs' started' trees. . ■ ^

“<3ome. 0%- o f ydii,” aald: h u a ^ , f

SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (9)

-ft. •VJ.■'i

- . . t


SENSE AND NONSENSE A d ty !• merely • town tlmt hu^Buoday: “Oemmea u ’ ladlee of de

• .jjrow a to o ...............................b l f to be neighborly.

The man who has no enemies •must be food—>but no one knows ^what for.

• ' •' Every sensible man knows bis I ' faults and Is doing his best to cor-1

rcct them. '

Noah Webster compiled bis fam- ‘ous book long before the advent of radio. Consequently, it was a pos­itive inspiration when he defined CROONING: "To make a continu­ous hollow sound, as cattle in pain; to lament or wail with low monot­onous sounds."

Doctor— Did you follow my ad­vice and drink hot water one hour before breakfast?

PaUent— Well, I did the b«>t 1 could, doctor, but I just couldn’t keep it up for more than twenty minutes.

congregation, die < noted divine am one of de greatest men in Nor’f Car’llna today. He knows de un­knowable, be kin do de undoable, an' he can unscrew de unscrutable.”

Farmer (to son)—Josh, I wish, if you don’t mind, you'd eat off to yourself instead of with the board­ers?

Son— Isn’t my society goodenough for the boarders?

Farmer— Your society is fine. But your appetite sets a terrible exam­ple.

"A man is but a worm, he comes along, wiggles about a bit, then some chicken gets him."

Shopwalker— She complains that you didn’t show her common civility.

Shop Girl— I showed everything in my department, sir.

SCRAM BLED REMARKS — If it Is in style, women w’iU wear almost any kind of a costume, just so itdoesn’t show their age...........A girlIsn’t necessarily timid because shejumps at a proposal____It was amarried man who decided to enlist the nation’s women in the task of finding jobs for men... ..The man who thinks he cannot be fooled al­ready is.......After all, the annoyingthing about swell-head is the small­ness of the success that caused it. . . . . T o tell a funny story, tell the point and omit the s t o r y . . . Even if you don’t get anywhere its a sat­isfaction to know you did your best. ....H ea lth should be prized above everything because it is the essence of happiness.

-V To My Dearest Enemy:I hear that you are sick in bed ,And that a truck has cracked your f, headAnd that you have a “touch of flu’’

' 'And both your eyes are black and blue.

Such news is very good to hear I hope you’ll be in bed a year!

A visiting world famous paper manufacturer passed through New York and was showered with long

. strips of paper. A wonderful time is expected next week when a re­nowned rock merchant travels the same route.

Said the negro preacher, wo learn from the Lexington, North Carolina, Dispatch, regarding the white preacher from Winston-Salem, who bad consented to occupy the colored brother’s,pulpit on the following

'Its just as well that some of us business, men are not required to take high school examinations in arithmetic.

Native— How do you like the new ?

visitor— Oh! Is that a street? I thought that they wero putting in an irrigation system.

The difference between a states­man and a politician is that a states­man wants to do something for his country while a politician wrants his country to do something for him.

Question.In Washington, the mighty men

will cure oiu: ills and ails. But how C AN we have a sales-tax when we haven’t any sales?

Garden pests soon will be putting in their appearance— leaning over the back fence to remind you that you didn’t seem to have very good luck with the tomatoes last year.

FLAPPER FAN N Y SAY&________ .ni«.u.fcVAT.esr._________

CNM c^<\oyrf»gKVi

The amateur gardener oan al­ways be sure of raising a crop of blisters.

W R I G L I Y * S


NOW EVEN BETTERliiiliiiiifeliiiiiHiltjijiilj












»Af: V i, ' ,,a ‘ ;■» ,*





t h a t

LEAD^TOi. 600 0N M B



ToonerviUe Folks

T h e p r i v b t o . m a k e p a p b u y a ; n c W c a r ,

A ^

By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING H O U SE- By Gene Ahem

ts rmuiM rot, itti)


P IS 6 0 N S L o o s e -T H E M V O U W A TC U TVA' R E :S U L T S r






SCORCHY SMITH A Plunge for Life


By John Terry



T irn r



By WiUiama

/ ^ t i VITCH . VUN ISS HE?j^ 1 iiiT


DuiCK- QuiCvY, «T \ P F V -. y o T "THCT O TH lR GLOVE

ON) diOr ICK , B crO A R TM' O t LAOV H lT t H E S

HiNd A 6 LR 1 P , VSJE

HE caMT Tea OSR UOVAU family







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^ E H - Q u i c k , s r iF F Y l s h e 'l l "TH INIVY h e 'sWsiocw eo o u t .

N/A\S, B u T SHE'LL G iv e \-

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"T h e " s a k a o m a m ”

Careful, Sam!Y o u BeT l tUILL^ ^^NlOOj,TftlS COLOR MJOM't ' --------' WASHOUT, cotUL tT?

iOVH, W AOA^t,lT4 AS Y t t t H V j^ -A H -M E B B E t 'O © ^TCER, f a s t a s t h e c o l o r OM l o o k a t SOtOtfGtlMG- ELS>E \

Fbos m m t o i


Soup* C H EEK S'

- lu ta

A Baby Makes a Difference in the Home


SEVENTY- Evening Hearld...tbe triumph of tbe Nationallet revolution led by. Chancellor Adolf Hitler. , "Race purity”&#039; wae declared to be tbe guiding principle of tbe new. or ganization, - [PDF Document] (10)

/:iu r /


n jh w .

It ’s Worth Your While To Read



S p e d la lsM EN’S SHIRTSAn odd lot o f men’s white broadctoth shirts, £ *{%collars attached f o r ....... * •..................0 9 C«

M EN’S H ALF HOsem*n’s half hose, in rayon mixtures for, 1 ( t

W OM EN’S HOSIERYFull fashioned silk hosiery, service weight, y| Cf ^ in all colors f o r ...............................• •.......... 4 0 C

W ASHABLE CREPEA ll silk, washable rough crepe will not shrink, roughness will not iron out, regular 89c C O for, y a rd ............................. ........................... 0 9 C

COTTON PAJAM ASNew lot o f cotton pajamas,in new models f o r .......................................... 0 9 C

SILK SLIPSA lot o f pure silk slips, not all styles andsizes f o r ...................................... ............. 0 9 C

BOYS’ PAJAM ASIn flannelette and broadcloth, sizes 4 to 18, e ^ a

regular 79c, all sales final, (2 for f l ) each 0 4 C

R AYO N UNDERW EARWomen’s bloomers, panties, and vests, in o j broken sizes, values to 85c f o r ........................O 1 C

JUIOD^WNMrs. C. R. Burr of M ala strsst Is

la Z^urhaai today, aasistlaf with tbs onaaiaatloa of a Chudsa olub la that plaoa, bar fonasr boais, Sbs Is aa satbuslastio msmbar of tbs Maaebsstsr Oardsa club.

Tbs Am araatb sA d a g dub wlU msst tOBiorrow aftsm oea at 2 o’doek with Mrs. Florsncs Horton of Robsrt Road.

Tbs Missionary sodstlss of tbs North Mstbodlst church will msst tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock with Mrs. C. I. Balcb of North strsst.

Tbs Ladlss Aid sodsty of the South Mstbodlst church will msst tomorrow aftsmoon at 2:80.

Chapman Court, Ordsr of Am a­ranth, will cslsbrats Its dsvsnth birthday Friday svsnlng at the Masonic Temple, In connection with its regular meeting. The standing entertainment committee will be in charge of the program and the past matrons and patrons under the di­rection of Miss OUV^ Chapman will serve refreshments. A large tiunout of the members Is hoped for.

The Women's League of the Sec­ond Congregational church will hold Its regular meeting tomorrow after­noon at 2 o’clock.

Dr. Ira V. Hlsco*ck who is coming up from Yale University this eve­ning to lecture on public health nursing at Watkins Brothers, audi­torium, will be the guest of Colonel and Mrs. W illiam C. Cheney of Park street The meeting will be open to the general public.

Delta Chapter No. 51, Royal Arch Masons, will bold its meeting and election of offleers to­morrow evening at 7:80 at th . Ma­sonic Temple.

Mrs. M ary Catalano of 816 Cen­ter street has received word of the death of her brother, Louis Blanchl, a native of C o s e ^ Italy.

0 t M ary's Girls Friendly sodety at Its meeting last evening m a ^ plans for a O. P . S. branch party, Monday evening, April 17, In the parish bouse. Mrs. Howard Briggs beads the following committee: Miss Blargaret Stratton, Miss Vio­let Madden, Miss M aty Law, Miss Bvdyn Carlson, Miss Evelyn Stev­enson, Miss Helen Hyde. The chair­man of the Senior club has called a meeting of this group for tomor­row evening at 6:45 in the parish botise. The G. F. S. 'meeting next week will be omitted.

Firemen of Hose companies 1 and 2 of the M. F. D. w ill run the usual Tuesday evening setback to­night at the flrelunise. Main at Hil­liard street. A ll men players will be made welcome.

BowmauMTOiisniBuc ombpO re l f li i Reaiooi For Tows

Owniog Light Phal, fore Nordi M G roop .

c± PINEHURST!Svs/EErPor«roes

S c ””3 lbs. 25c


Boneless Juicy

Pot Roast

" ^ 5 7 cSuet free.

Po tato es

The finest native


2 5 0 ' * ' “


lbs. Lean Lamb for stewing

3 5 c

StuffedOUves i O c69o Quarts Stuffed C tO U ves . . O I C

Stuffed s ) A OUves

• 89o pints


LambTongue12 oz. Jar

about 12 tongues

2 3 c

E -Z Freeze

Ice Cream Powder

lO c


Fruit Cake Mix


Land o' Lakes


2 2 i c " ^


Buy 2 packages of Wheaties forAnd, while they last, we wlU give you a 85c Sldppy Bowl free.


Sherwood O. Bowers, Sejeotman and President of the, Taxpayers' League, waa the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Manches­ter Improvement Association at the Y.: M . C. a . last-m ght H is sub­ject was ”MunlcipaUy Owned UtUl- ties.”

"W hy Should Manchester own and operate their own utUlties?” ques­tioned Selectman Bowers^ ’’Because prlvato-owned utiUUes.have become monop<^es. PubUc utUitles should operate fer the benefit of the con­sumers, and not for the smaUer group of stockholders,” be answered. “When the pubUc utiUties of this state have been given free rein in all their dealings, they forget the people,” asserted the speaker. "The consumer should be cmuldered even aa much as the stockholders.”

■ Eam jngsSelectman Bowers spoke o f the

earnings of the various public utili­ties companies in this state aqd stated timt ownership of electric and gas plants bad been very profit­able over a period of years s lx ^ 1890. The s p ^ ^ dlsclMMd the net income of the Manchester Electrtc Company of this town, quoting their earnings for the year 1927 when the system wasuoined by Che­ney Brothers at 871,000. In i s ^ , Mr. Bowers said, the net earnings of the company increased over 50 per cent to 8126,000 under the guid­ing hand of President Samuel Fer­guson. The earnings for succeeding years, be stated were as tollows: 1929, 8182,000; 1980, 8117,000, and 1981, 8185,000. Figures for 1982 were not available, be said, but it was understood, be said, that the earnings had dropped due to reduc­tions In industrial and power con­sumption.

The speaker made a prediction during his addrws to the- ^ e c t that the shortsightedness of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Connecticut relative to the esta^ llshment of lower rates for electric light companies-to ease the condi­tions of ^ people would react In the municipalities establishing mu­nicipal plants in the future. One ot the advantages to this and other towns operating town-owned plants for the generation of electricity, be said, was to eliminate the “odious” area charge.

DesorlbeB PlaatsDescriptions of several muniqipatr

ly-owned p ^ e r plaats.w ere g iv ^ 1^ M r. Bowers, in each case the speaker quoting from the annual ,statement of the company so owned and operated. In each case the report showed excellent rates and in several cases the revenue from small^ and large plantar provided revenue to carry on municipal im­provements and in the case of sev­eral small plants, the revenue paid all town bills, eliminating the neces­sity for laying taxes.

Outstanding aihong the municipal


siBeiili Of lewyif. Fm quick service eesM b , write, er pbsiac

Personal FinanceCo.Boom 2, State Theater Bofiffing.

785 Main S t, Manchester. Phone 8480.

Tfco ORlr eharso 1. three aod eoe- ■■If percent per month unpaid ■monnt o f loan. ^

^ants which were quoted wsro Pasadena, C al.,' Norwich, Ooim., Jaiqastewn, N . Y., and Hudson, Maas. Tha municipal plant in Jamsatown, N . T., has been opera^

since 1891 and in « recent year a net Income above op eratic costs of 8199|000 was mads, be said. Tbs Paaadsna Municipal Sbcttle plant was an excellent sxamifis accordiog to the report, providing funds for extensive municipal improvements during the recent .economic state, leaving a balance in the treasury of the municipal company In excess of a million dollars.

Several advantages not now enjoy­ed by the town a s ' a whole* would


Horace B. Cheney Citei Fact That Low Price Period FoDowa Every War.

vantfwss would be the elimination of the 10 per cent kilowatt hour commercial rate for atores and build­ings. Street lignting costs, would be leduced apprmdmately one h*ir un­der municipal ownership and all of the profit in excess ^ operating costa would stay in the town.

The efforts of the citizens seeking to better tbenuclves in matters of this kind, he asserted, womd be hard under the present set up of politics in the state.

“Every time you vote for a Re­publican 'machine’ candidate, you are voting to continue the present state of affairs,” Mr. Bowers said. '*Ihe utilities situation in the state of Connecticut will never be satis­factory imtil the chairmanship of the Republican State Committee is divorced from the presidency of the Connecticut lig h t and Power Com­pany.”

Elect OfficersJoel Nichols was re-elected presi­

dent of the Association and the fol­lowing slate of officers of the asso­ciation wore elected for the ensuing year: John L. Jenney, vice-presi­dent; Karl A . Keller, secretary; M at­thew Merz, treasurer; executive committee, Edward Brosnan, Dante Pagani. Alvin L. Brown, Michael Coughlin, John Owers, Charles Burr, W , Robertson, William Foulds, Jr., a ^ James Foley.

The association voted to send a delegate to the hearing Wednesday afternoon in the Hall of the House, Hartford, before the Motor Vehicle Committee investigating the use of the highways of this state by those in the business of transporting property for hire by motor vehicles. The president was also authorized to petition the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to paint the outside of the Manchester depot.

While much has been said about 'the plight of the farm ers during the present period of low prices, Horace B. Cheney today turned to charts to prove that the textile industry has been harder hit than.the farmers. The charts are the result of a very thorough and detailed study by the National'Industrial Board which is considered to be the leading statis­tical organization in the United States. They show that the cost cf living today is almost as low as it was in 1914.

“The fanners are not any worse off than some other elements in the community,’’ declared Mr. Cheney. “The charts show that the rubber industry is the worst and textile is second,” be added.

The charts which extend as far back as 1914 and are as recent as the end of 1932 reveal that one dol­lar will buy 5.19 times as mucb silk today as it would in 1923. Similar figures on other products are as lol- lows: Cotton 4.71, rubber 8.77, wheat 2.10, wool 2.73, hogs 2.04, com 2.39 and cattle 1.29.'

Mr. Cheney stated that similar drops in prices followed the w ar of 1812 and the a v il W ar the same as the present situation resulting from the World W ar boom. A general redistribution of property is taking place today as it did after the other



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Wednesday, April 5 Center Church Parish Hall

Women's Federation. Exhibit and Tea, 8 P . 25c. ExhlMt, Play, Betreshmeate,

7:80 P . M., 25c.

LOWEST PRICESever offered on tte new


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7S«This special Is for men and women and children.

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HALES s e l f -s e r v e ;G P □ C E n Y


Come On ChUdren-It*s Here! It's FREE!

A beautiful, serviceable bettle-waro cereal bowl with Sklppy {Skinner's picture embossed on the bottom. It ’s free with every two packages of

f ■BSt


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Wheaties2 pkgs. 2 3 cRegular size packages. OiUy

a limited supply will be avail­able— so get yours Wednesday! Choice of two colors.

CO UNTRY b o l l

BUTTER 2 lbs. 39cFresh supply of roll butter for table or cooking use.


0kULlFLOWER each 12eLarge heads. Finn, fresh stock.

And TheH e a l t h m a r k e t• L

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Seed PotatoesEastern States Feeds, Seeds

and Eoiiiinrs.Tobacra aind Fertiliser

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Frank V . WilliamsD H I T W T .


HADDOCK lb.4eA large shipment for Wednesday. W e sell a large qnaa-

ttty weeUyi— It's fresh!





f o Vp l lb.


% 7 .

W e b id Some Real Hunting For These

But We’re Mighty Proud

of These Values for Tomorrow

Sale ! Floral Trimmed

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1 0 c e a c h

Make up your own get■here are outstanding values! ilorful floral trim on an ivqry

, dy. Square plates. Pieces toclude: .

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•Sanoera! ^Cereal Dishesl

0 6, 7 and 9-inch p istes!.

Bakers and nappie sets 29c. Platters 29c. (Reamers and sugars 79c set.



Prints10c yard

1200 yards . on sale tomorrow morning! Ebcceptionally fine qual­ity at a price , you cannot afford to pass up. Small and large pat­terns. Gay, summery colors. 36- inebes wide.

Hale's Prtots— ^Msln Floor, left.

Something New! Jdly

Lunch QothsPlaids!, Checks! Pastels!

S9c eachThe very latest in lunch

IclothsI Fringed plaid and gingham checked cloths. A lso pastels with darker borders. 54x54 inches. Fast to sun and tub. Napkins 5c each.Hale's Linens—Main Floor, left.

Boudoir Lamps


(2 for $1)Dainty lamps with ivory,green and rose bases. Com­plete with sil­houette deco­rated parch­ment shades. W ith cord.

, Special— 59c. Main Floor,




Now you can be neat and tidy aroimd the kitch­en! Printed Hoo­verettes w i t h white binding trim. Small, me­dium and large. Color-fast.

Main Floor, center

Gay Printed

■ ' F o r ' '■ •

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it a-price! W hat pa-! W hat a silly you’d

be to. miss them! Printed trousers w ^ plain tops. Col- o r^ h ^ Children’s 8 to 14, women’s 16 and 17. One and two-pljBce models.

Hale's Pajamas—. MSln floor, tear.

ARUeis, in-soft pastels. Fine USle. .S ises - q prs.8toio:.:\ O OUCHandkerchiefs, bordered and printed hankies. 'Each 8#Men^- HsndkerohlefS, linen. Alin^Wovenl bordered - 1 Ao o t t e ^ ' i . . l UC

Mste Flomr

Tots* Aprons, covexsiU'~ pnnta^' aprons for tots,2 to 6 ..................25o Clesnaer, Qevelan<i

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.